The Grounds
The Grounds is the largest of Tier 2 zones containing half of all the rares. Access to and from the House of Thule is on the west and the Well is to the south. In addition to the drops from rares trash can drop any of the All/All visible items:
- Thulian Linked Helm
- Thulian Linked Armguards
- Thulian Linked Bracer
- Thulian Linked Wristguard
- Thulian Linked Gauntlets
- Thulian Linked Breastplate
- Thulian Linked Legplates
- Thulian Linked Boots

Rare Mobs
- Agraena
PH is "a forlorn bone golem". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Grave Retribution - short duration buff, increase haste and AE melee.
- Bony Blast - frontal 35.5k AE.
Drops - Agraena's Cracked Femur, Grinning Skull Buckler, Agraena's Pristine Femur - Andrevas
PH is "an obediant servant". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Silent Amnesia - single target silence/amnesia.
- Self Denial - single target dispel.
Drops - Pearl of the Courtyard, Glyphed Barrier, Fantastic Gem of the Garden - Angry Wasp
PH is "a truculent wasp". Hits for up to 9000, has AE rampage, and casts:
- Stinger of Fear - single target 6 sec fear.
Drops - Striped Belt of the Wasp Drone, Band of Honeycomb, Waspwing Cleaver, Striped Belt of the Wasp Commander - Arenrhaed
PH is "a forlorn bone golem". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Golem Rage - short duration buff, increase haste, 10k hot, and raise max HP 100k.
- Furious Swipe - PBAE 30k dd with flux.
Drops - Decomposing Golem Brain, Bone Facade of Unbridled Rage, Wrathborn Natureblade, Intact Golem Brain - Beget Cube
PH is "a mad mulch cube". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Cubic Mimicry - Changes into the tank's form and gains 1k ds.
Drops - Gardener's Amice, Scaled Fist, Pristine Amice of the Garden Keepers - Biunahde
PH is "a bitter treant". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Coating of Sap - Self buff adding a defensive proc slow and 8k dot.
- Autumn Winds - PBAE 20k dd and spell interrupt.
Drops - Crystallized Fallen Leaf, Treant Refuse, Pristine Bangle of Autumn - Chaotic Heap
PH is "a petulant heapa petulant heap". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Heap Carnage - PBAE 26k dd and 5k dot.
Drops - Grimy Cropper's Cloak, Slimy Dragon Emblazoned Shield, Chaotic Cloak of the Garden Heap - Compost Cube
PH is "a mad mulch cube". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
Drops - Cord of Woven Compost, Phantasmic Morningstar, Bound Cord of Garden Refuse - Croakem
PH is "a wicked thornfrog". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Blinding Secretions - PBAE 20k dd.
- Mucus Coating - Self buff reducing melee and spell damage by 80%.
Drops - Petrified Frog Skull, Empyrean Scepter, Croakem's Solidified Skull - Distraught Heap
PH is "a petulant heap". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Absorb Flesh - 20k lifetap.
Drops - Dirt Encrusted Shoulderguards, Golden Faceguard of the Devoted, Distraught Tendril, Dirty Pauldrons of the Distraught - Grigoran
PH is "an obediant servant". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Jealous Servant - 6 sec debuff which nullifies direct heals.
Drops - Gardener's Necklace, Chipped Shard of Appeasement, Bangle of the Foyer Tender - Helias
PH is "a disgruntled aquadervish". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Searing Winds - PBAE 8k dd, x3.
- Swirling Defense - 800 ds self buff.
Drops - Helias' Howling Loop, Contained Black Winds of Corruption, Box of Lifting Winds, Earring of the Blustering Winds - Kijaemz
PH is "a bitter treant". Hits for up to 9000, flurries, and casts:
- Arboreal Diseases - single target 9500 dot. No counters.
Drops - Intricately Carved Visor of Treant Bark, Sap of Rejuvenation, Treantwood Longbow, Visage of Kijaemz, - Minadra
PH is "an bixie guard". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Scent Marker - 30k dd and 18 sec debuff (hate generation?).
Drops - Ward of the Honeykeeper, Minadra's Sting, Minadra's Band of Hive-Tending - Patch Guardian
PH is "a putrified peponnite". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Vine Lashes - PBAE root and 12k dot.
Drops - Totem of the Scarecrow, Handful of the Patch Guardian's Straw, Cane of Feral Essence, Replicate of the Patch Guardian - Pelias
PH is "a disgruntled aquadervish". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Lightning Strike - Proc for 2500 dd.
- Lightning Rod - single target debuff reducing magic resist by 800.
- Blast of Wind - single target 27k dd and flux.
Drops - Stud of Lesser Gusts, Sword of Frozen Wind, Stud of the Windstorm Dervish - Raze
PH is "a mangy rotdog". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Unsatisfied Hunger - a self buff which makes all of its melee lifetaps.
Drops - Hollowed Rotdog Skull, Raze's Brainstem, Raze's Empty Cranium - Rend
PH is "a mangy rotdog". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Spirit Defense - self buff mitigating melee damage and increases resists.
- Infectious Fire - single target 9k dot. No counters, viral.
Drops - Belt of Flayed Rotdog Skin, Rend's Hollowed Legbone, Rend's Festering Rotskin Girdle - Riggbit
PH is "a wicked thornfrog". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Environmental Fitness - self buff that increases resists.
- Frogskin - 40k rune.
Drops - Brilliantly Glowing Frog Eye, Dried Frog Skin Totem, Riggbit's Glowing Red Eye, Totem of Riggbit's Bouncing Banality - Slynassin
PH is "an aggresive snake". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Vicious Poison - single target 4k dot.
- Backbite - single target 27k dd and severe snare.
Drops - Green Snake Scale Cape, Spirit Sword of the Slain, Emerald Cape of the Garden, Coiled Serpentine Band - Venilinam
PH is "an aggresive snake". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Paralyzing Spray - Frontal AE 10k dd, 2k dot, stun.
- Defensive Frenzy - 25% haste buff.
Drops - Ethereal Focus Blade, Kiss of the Serpent, Venilinam's Serpentine Band - Vicious Gourd
PH is "a putrified peponnite". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Harvest - 125 range AE which slowly pulls you in.
- Shuck - PBAE 11k dd.
- Scatter - PBAE 25k dd and flux.
Drops - Band of Woven Straw, Vicious Smasher, Vicious Loop of the Crowbane - Vile Wasp
PH is "a truculent wasp". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Hive Guard - self buff adding a frequent 12k defensive proc. Can dispel it.
Drops - Wilted Purple Flower, Waspwing Slicer, Fresh Purple Flower - Zonoraz
PH is "an bixie guard". Hits for up to 9000 and casts:
- Soothing Pollen - PBAE 27k dd and stun. Casts more often if taking higher dps.
- Corrosive Pollen - PBAE 12k dot.
Drops - Visage of the Sinister Drone, Empyrean Hammer, Zonoraz' Impaler, Zonoraz' Mask of Station
Mercenary Tasks
The Garden of Feedin'
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Phrase: capable
Reward: +5 Dream Delvers faction.
Simply kill 5 of the scarecrows in the northern areas of the zone and return to complete the task.
The Bigger They Are
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Phrase: cleared
Reward: +5 Dream Delvers faction.
Simply kill 5 souring treants, found in both the northwest and southeast areas of the zone, and return to complete the task.
Taking on the Hive
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Phrase: persuade
Reward: +5 Dream Delvers faction.
Take out 6 bixies in the south side of the zone and 5 wasps found all over.
Here Doggy Doggy
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Phrase: anything
Reward: +5 Dream Delvers faction.
Simply kill 6 rotdog found roaming all around the zone and return to complete the task.
No Scream Underwater
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Phrase: extermination
Reward: +5 Dream Delvers faction.
For this task you need to kill any 6 snakes along with Faernoc, a named snake with no special abilities and no place holder. The fang it drops is for another task (not prelootable).
Partisan Tasks
Giladan's Assistant
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Requirement: none
Phrase: help
Reward: 13 Dream Motes, 210p, +10 Dream Delvers faction
After getting the task head to Ikaena the Bonesmith. Hail her (can stay invis) and then locate the Lost Golem on the west side of the zone. Nothing special, kill it, loot the Golem Bones, give it to Ikaena, then return to Giladan to complete the task. The Golem has a very short respawn.
What a Mess
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Requirement: Giladan's Assistant
Phrase: speak
Reward: 13 Dream Motes, 210p, +10 Dream Delvers faction
Start by heading north to find Ghrechla the Patch Warden, after hailing it go south to find Meikona the Keeper in the bixie camp. After hailing it you'll need to loot 4 Antheia Bloom Seed off of rotdogs. The "mangy" rotdogs have about a 60% drop rate but the regular rotdogs are only about 30%. Once you have 4 (can't preloot) give them to Giladan to complete the task.
It Only Gets Worse
Quest giver: Giladan the Botonist
Requirement: Giladan's Assistant and What a Mess
Phrase: bark
Reward: 13 Dream Motes, 210p, +10 Dream Delvers faction
For this task you first need to loot 3 Treant Bark, roughly a 30% drop rate from the bitter treants and only 16% from souring treants, so expect to farm for a bit. After turning these in you'll need to loot a fang from Faernoc, a named snake with no abilities, no place holder, and a 12ish minute respawn. Give the fang to Giladan to complete the task.
The Last One
Quest giver: Grithlan Vraniq
Requirement: none
Phrase: assist
Reward: 13 Dream Motes, 210p, +10 Dream Delvers faction
Start this task by heading to Feerrott and speaking with Orloh. They send you to Shalma who in turn sends you to Foundation to find Weaver. You'll need to kill the 5 guards then talk with him to update. Head back to grounds with your running shoes, first Grithlan at the gazebo, then Ikaena to the northeast, then Meikona with the bixies, then Giladan in the central area, and then Deidra herself in the hedge maze. Lastly kill 4 of the zombies in the area and return to Grithlan to complete the task.
Dissolution of Reason
Quest giver: Paltra Harins
Requirement: Giladan's Assistant, What a Mess,
It Only Gets Worse, and The Last One
Phrase: find
Reward: 13 Dream Motes, 210p, +10 Dream Delvers faction
The requirements for the task are evidently just for the dialog, you can request the task without them by saying "find". You will need Tier 3 access to complete the task.
Your first task is to locate the 4 missing bonecrafters in the zone (first, second, third, fourth). When you hail each you are given an item and may be attacked. Next up is a chat with Constable Erulin in the northeast. He then sends you to Granger Rivenbel by the lake. Give Rivenbel the four items from the bonecrafters. After hailing him again head into the Well and speak with Dtaemi and kill the Fetid Spider. Nothing special, not rare, drops a Fetid Venom. Back to Grounds to give Rivenbel the venom and then to House of Thule lower to talk with Alboct Vinn out in the courtyard. Next is House of Thule upper (requires Tier 3 access) to find Profane Fiend. Kill it (nothing special), loot the heart, and go back to the lake in Grounds. When you go to the east side of the lake Vorga the Anathema spawns. Hail it, follow the dialog, and it attacks. Kill it and finally return to Paltra to complete the task.