Flights of the Seeker
Quest giver: Jarzarrad the Prophet
Location: Undershore
Requirements: Completed Preemptive Strike, Praetorian Guard, and
The Fall of Illsalin.
- Gather your group outside of Jarzarrad's hut (Undershrore)
- Defend yourself from Draygun's Seeker
This mission is NOT instanced. After getting the task from Jarzarrad step outside his hut and The Seeker spawns near the zone to Illsalin. It *should* path down to Jarzarrad's hut. If you get an emote about it "taking wing", something is buggy and you'll want to position someone near (-1440, 831, 97) to agro it when it spawns and pull it to your group. When you take it to 15% it will completely heal and spawn a mezzable add, "Swirling Stone". It will do this again at 15% spawning a 2nd mezzable Swirling Stone. The third time it reaches 15% it will respawn as Shattered Seeker and this form you can finally kill. Both forms of the Keeper have single target Rampage, with the second form rampaging more often. If the group doing the mission doesn't get kill credit the mission will bug out. If you manage to kill it before it triggers at 15% any time, the mission bugs out.
- Level 68+ Normal
Cursor rewards:
- Melee/Hybrid - Ring of Dark Mists
- Caster/Priest - Dark Void Shoulders
- Level 68+ Hard
Cursor rewards:
- Melee/Hybrid - Aspiring Gemstone
- Caster/Priest - Shadowspine Extract