Dreadspire Keep
Dreadspire Keep, home of The Master. The zone is targeted at max level with all 20 rares dropping gear for level 70s. A lot of the zone's base population in the common areas is not agro, but in the locked portions this changes. The multi-floor nature of the Keep can make it confusing to navigate via 2-D maps. At the zone in are two statues, one takes you out to Stoneroot Falls, the other into the Demiplane of Blood. The raid boss for the zone, Vule, has been moved from being open world to instanced. There are three zonewide rares:

Rare Mobs
- Alex Hutchison
Has a multitude of PHs. Hits for 1800, no data on spells used.
Drops - Blackened Officer's Sabre, Stonewarden, Roarm, Light in the Darkness (evolving) - Aliattis the Drinker
PH is any drachnid in the pit area. Hits for 1800 and cast:
- Woven Ire - a 1000 dd, 800 dot, and triggers 1500 dd and root on fade if not cured.
Drops - Bleachbone Necklace, Stone of Aliattis - Arylon
PH is any female dancer in the ballroom. No data on melee but casts:
- Waking Dream - a one minute charm which also makes the charmed player proc stun.
Drops - Decorative Gold-Woven Wristguard, Stole of Dominion - Chattering Bonewalker
No data at all.
Drops - Hammer of the Bonewalker, Calcified Heart of the Bonewalker - Chef Ioan
PH is all the dinner guests in the dining room. No fight data.
Drops - Ioan's Hunting Bow, Ioan's Special Ingredient - Darion the Blade
Spawns in the crypts, requires Dreadspire Crest to reach. No fight data.
Drops - Shield of the Beast, Armsman's Fighting Cape - Exhausted Guest
PH is any mob in the guest quarters, including the green con rats. Very fast repop. No melee data, no spells cast.
Drops - Shield of the Legion, Azure Drop - Grotesque Gargoyle
PH is any gargoyle. Hits for 2600, no data on spells.
Drops - Flesh-Woven Wrist Wrap, Bloodsoaked Stone - Grumblebum
PH is any orc. No data on melee, casts:
- Orc Frenzy - 2500 dd PBAE with stun
Drops - Dainty Silken Wristlet, Shiny Sapphire - Maximillion
PH is any bat. No data on melee, casts:
- Bloodlick - Strong dd and stun
Drops - Court Assassin's Blade, Maximillion's Ire - Melinda Baleheart
PH is any non-book mob in the library. Hits for 1600ish, no data on spells.
Drops - Deathspike, Shadowguard Belt - Old Lady Smotts
PH is in crypt north of guest rooms. No data on melee but casts:
- Waking Dream - a one minute charm which also makes the charmed player proc stun.
Drops - Shadow Slayer's Axe, Lady Smotts's Death Shroud - One-Hundred Eyes
PH is reported an orc. No melee data, but casts:
- Woven Ire - a 1300 dd, 1000 dot, and does 2500 dd and root on fade.
Drops - Ice of Insight, Ornament of Eyes - Sebastian
PH is any female dancer in the ballroom. No data on melee but casts:
- Dreadful Allure - 30 second mez.
- Bloodlick - Strong dd and stun
- Blood Infusion - Self buff increasing melee and spell damage, resists, 40% haste, and run speed.
Drops - Elegant Platinum-Plated Wristguard, Elddarwood Daire - Shadowy Student
PH is the five shadowmanes. Hits for 1300ish, is social to the non-kos in the room, and casts:
- Raking of the Werewolf - PBAE 2k dd, dot, and mana drain.
Drops - Shard of the Guardian, Gilded Band of the Mystic - Sleepy Guest
PH is any mob in the guest quarters, including the green con rats. Very fast repop. No melee data, no spells cast.
Drops - Wand of the Violet Order, Emblem of the Violet Order - The Restless One
PH is a roamer in the tunnels. Hits for 1600, no data on spells used. 50% chance to drop
Dreadspire Crest, hey to open the secret door in the
guest chambers.
Drops - Wanderer's Durability, Tome of Dark Wandering - The Revenant
PH is zombie on the altar. Hits for just over 2000, no data on spells cast.
Drops - Phantom Soul, Mask of the Pretentious - Vivisector
PH is static mobs in the lab. Hits in the 1600s and casts:
- Woven Ire - a 1300 dd, 1000 dot, and does 2500 dd and root on fade.
Drops - Vivisectionist's Mask, Vivisector's Choker - Wyrexxis the Devourer
No data at all.
Drops - Lifebinder, Shaded Band
Events and Raids
Event nameEvent size, trigger
Event details
Respawn time on success and failure. loot:
Quests and Missions
AE Blockers
Quest giver: Ariahn Teller, Arturos, Irrissa the Seer, Ur-Koraag
Requirements: Tier 1 drops from Demiplane
Reward: reduction to zone AE in Demiplae
Each of the four tier 1 bosses in Demiplane drop 6 items which are turned in to an NPC in Dreadspire. The level of the Crimson Mist AE you take is reduced for each you do, and after all four it is completely removed. Additionally after each turn in the NPC will present you with a question with four answers. Your combination of answers will determine which title you get if you trigger the Mayong fight and which bonus loot is generated.
- Arturos, Trainer of Bats
- Takes the Congealed Blood of Redfang from the Wailing Sisters event.
- Irrissa the Seer
- Takes the Rune-Etched Stone from Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw.
- Ur-Koraag
- Takes the Shrunken Head from Hatchet.
- Ariahn Teller
- Takes the Sister's Handkerchief from the Wailing Sisters event.
With four questions and four answers each there are 256 possible combinations. However, one answer for each is "bad" and if selected will prevent you from triggering the Mayong fight at all leaving 81 valid combinations. Those are then sorted into 8 results. I'm not listing all 81, instead I'm showing a set of answers for each title/loot pairing.
Title | Loot | Arturos | Irrissa | Ur-Koraag | Ariahn Teller |
the Savior | Invocation of Death's Shadow (Melee epic) | Strength | Furious | Mortals is food | Glimpse into the future |
the Beloved | Invocation of the Last Dawn (Hybrid epic) | Beauty | Sorrowful | Mortals is food | Glimpse into the future |
the Bloodwise | Invocation of Eternity (Priest epic) | Strength | Sorrowful | Mortals is food | Grew tired |
the Dark Savant | Invocation of Night (Caster epic) | Control or destroy | Disgusted | Forget | Killed her ability to love |
the Believer | Overtone Earstone | Control or destroy | Furious | Superiority | Grew tired |
the Emancipator | Hoop of the Dark Hunter | Beauty | Disgusted | Forget | Glimpse into the future |
the Vampire Hunter | Band of Broken Vows | Strength | Disgusted | Forget | Glimpse into the future |
the Master's Prodigy | Persuasive Glimmering Serpent | Strength | Furious | Superiority | Grew Tired |
Epic Augment
Quest giver: Eric Von Schnelling
Requirements: Epic 2.0
Reward: hidden augment to 2.0
The four tier 2 bosses in Demiplane can drop an Invocation for a class set. By turning the Invocation for your class in, while having your 2.0 equipped, your epic will gain an invisible augment which increases the stats (30 hp/mana, some regen, attack, and damage). Eric is a random spawn around the zone but frequently found in the dining room, can only be up at one location at a time.
- Invocation of Death's Shadow from The Performer for War, Monk, Rog, Ber
- Invocation of the Last Dawn from Devlin Rochester for Pal, SK, Rng, Brd, Bst
- Invocation of Eternity from Roley DeFarge for Clr, Dru, Shm
- Invocation of Night from Tris Wallows III for Enc, Mag, Nec, Wiz