Ferubi, Forgotten Temple of Taelosia
Ferubi is a sprawling zone of hallways with connections to Barindu to the east, Riwwi to the north, and Qinimi to the west. Trash mobs in zone are typically 60-65 and loot in the 90-100 hp range. In addition to the 5 standard rare mobs there are 4 elites which only drop a quest piece and an aug and two zone wide drops: Mantle of Ferociousness and Stone Idol of Storm Rites
There are 3 raids in the zone. Packmaster Skoiat Pizak and Zun`Muram Votal standard raid fights while Weapon Master Vtiink Vzaan is triggered and both part of Breakdown in Communications and optional path for Progression.

Rare Mobs
- Hexxt Gkon
Rare Mastruq. Spawns in the room in the middle of the zone. It can quad for 750 and cast Shaman spells, but nothing else special.
Drops - Silken Cape of Slavery, Ritual Totem of Hope, Ebony Ore of Revenge - Hexxt N'Vak Than
Rare Anuek. Spawns in the southeast hallway leading towards the Votal raid room. Hits for 1600, casts Cleric spells along with a mez.
Drops - Irestone Ring of Fright, Protective Spirit Earring, Kelp-String Lute of Tide Rituals - Pxet Vzanki Kzan
There are two versions of this mob. One is an Ikaav (snake lady) the other is an Ixt (goat thing). The Ikaav and Ixt version spawn to the southwest
in the hallway leading towards Smith Rondo. The Ixt version is on the southeast outside the Votal raid room and in the southeastern area of
the zone. Each has 3 unique loots (Thanks to Jonk on Discord for resolving which loot is from which version!).
Drops - Diamond-Link Chainmail (Ixt), Gilded Ixt Spear (Ixt), Rageshard Ring of Destruction (Ixt), Gray Mesh Legbands (Ikaav), Scaled Leggings of Dark Dreams (Ikaav), Taelosian Child's Toy (Ikaav) - Rav Hunter
Rare Ukun. Spawns in the room outside of the Votal raid. Hits for 1400ish with standard ukun abilities (procs a dot, casts a snare and dot).
Drops - Layered Scale Chestguard Diregem Earring of War Sinew Strand Bow - Rav Ptin
Rare Ukun. Spawns in hallway leading to central area on western side. Hits for 1300 with standard ukun abilities (procs a dot, casts a snare and dot).
Drops - Scaled Sash of Battle Hunger Statuette of the Currents Worry Stone of Silence - Pxet Elite Blademaster
One of four Elite Ixt. Spawns in the western chamber of the central part of the zone. Can quad for 1300 with standard ixt abilities (procs a stun,
summons 2 30-sec duration pets, and casts a snare/dot). Drops the Broken Sword Blade to
trigger the Weapon Master event.
Drops - Irestone of Might - Pxet Elite Brawler
One of four Elite Ixt. Spawns in the chamber just outside the Votal raid. Can quad for 1300 with standard ixt abilities (procs a stun,
summons 2 30-sec duration pets, and casts a snare/dot). Drops the Tarnished Knuckles to
trigger the Weapon Master event.
Drops - Daunting Opaque Orb - Pxet Elite Hammermaster
One of four Elite Ixt. Spawns in the chamber leading toward Smith Rondo. Can quad for 1300 with standard ixt abilities (procs a stun,
summons 2 30-sec duration pets, and casts a snare/dot). Drops the Chipped Hammer Head to
trigger the Weapon Master event.
Drops - Bone Shard of Rigidity - Pxet Elite Spearmaster
One of four Elite Ixt. Spawns in the southeast room of central part of zone. Can quad for 1300 with standard ixt abilities (procs a stun,
summons 2 30-sec duration pets, and casts a snare/dot). Drops the Jagged Spear Tip to
trigger the Weapon Master event.
Drops - Cloudy Jewel of Growth
Events and Raids
The Weapon Master
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 24 hours?
Trigger: Give 4 damaged weapons (Broken Sword Blade,
Jagged Spear Tip,
Tarnished Knuckles, and
Chipped Hammer Head) to Smith Rondo
When you turn in the four damaged weapons Weapon Master Vtiink Vzaan and 4 Master's Apprentices will spawn and attack. The Apprentices, Kyv models, can quad for 1300 and each Apprentice casts a 200 range AE: Drunk if AT is under 50, a 60 mana per tick drain, a 100 pt dot, and a 50 endurance per tick drain. 3 of the 4 can be mezzed, if they are killed they simply respawn instantly so you need to park them and keep the 4th far enough away the AE doesn't hit the raid.
The Weapon Master quads for 1700 and buffs itself with 50 point damage shield which also has 10% chance to reflect spells, be sure to have a cleric Mark to remove this. Once Vtiink Vzaan poor Smith Rondo is finally corrupted, turns into an Ukun, and attacks. He quads for 3k, might flurry, but rather low health. Once dead Smith`s Spectral Memory spawns and gives flags for a brief time.
Weapon Master Vtiink Vzaan drops 2 of the following:
- Gleaming Metal Cuffs
- Muramite Plated Bracer
- Soft Scale Cap
- Dark Hide Belt
- Bone Linked Collar
- Veil of Forgotten Heroes
- Aegis of Discordant Matter
- Blade of Ornate Symbols
Packmaster Skoiat Pizak
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: None
Packmaster hits for around 1500 and has an array of effects. Procs a 700dd, casts a spell slow, an AE which reduces healing by 80%, and can charm. The healing debuff affects incoming heals, not outgoing heals, so it is crucial to keep your tanks cured (16 curse counters). He also spawns adds, lots of adds, both Noc and Ukun models. It seems that some adds are timed as well as more whenever a player dies. The adds are mezzable so bring plenty of AE mez ability. The adds do not despawn when Packmaster dies, so be prepared to handle them after. They do despawn if unagrod, so if you wipe they should poof.
Packmaster Skoiat Pizak drops 2 of the following:
- Muramite Linked Bracer
- Polished Skull Bone Cap
- Turban of the Rav Lord
- Mantle of the Rav Lord
- Collar of the Rav Lord
- Nihil Ring of Sorrow
- Rampart of Fallen Heroes
- Mace of Fallen Heroes
Zun`Muram Votal
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: None
Zun`Muram Votal has 2 Pixtt Votal, Ixt model, as guards. The Ixt quad for 1500 and cast a 4k dd with flux. If either Ixt dies it respawns instantly so they need to be offtanked. Zun`Muram Votal hts for 1500, AE rampages, and can cast the same 4k dd with flux as well as an AE attack debuff and dot. The dot also increases the cast time of Complete Heal spells.
Zun'Muram drops 2 of the following: