Ikkinz: Trial of Singular Might
This instance is given by Gazak Klelkek in Kod`Taz, say "Singular Might" and follow the dialog ("undo attention", "Diabolic destroyer", "eradicate the beast", "ready to proceed"). Once you get the instance you'll get a 1 hour lockout. If you kill any loot droppers this is increased to 8 hours. If you complete the instance it becomes 17 hours.
Trash in the zone can hit for around 1500 with rares going over the 2000 mark. Unlike earlier instances rare mobs can spawn at the start (hence the lockout). Most of the zone is blocked off in this instance. Conceptually this instance is very straightforward, simply clear your way to the first chamber and defeat the Diabolic Destroyer.
The Diabolic Destroyer is an Ikaav and leashed to her room making it a bit easier to pull the trash out. The Destroyer hits a bit over 2k and will mem blur if the tank uses a defensive discipline. Once engaged she spawns 3 adds, Dire Illusion, which each hit for about 1k and are mezzable. During the fight the Destroyer will siphon the life out of an add to heal herself and spawn a new add, so your enchanter will need to keep on top of locking them down. When the Destroyer dies all of the Dire Illusions despawn and a Cruel Illusion spawns. No information on this except it is a straightforward fight.
The Destroyer drops one of the following:
- Bracelet of the Fearsome
- Incantor Mask of Death
- Glyphed Prayer Ring
- Spiritstone of Life
- Glyphed Sandstone