Ikkinz: Trial of Twin Struggles
This instance is given by Maroley Nazuey in Kod`Taz, you get it by saying "I'm ready to enter the temple". Once you get the instance you'll get a 1 hour lockout. If you kill any loot droppers this is increased to 8 hours. If you complete the instance it becomes 17 hours.
Trash in the zone can hit for around 1500 with rares going closer to 2500. Unlike earlier instances rare mobs can spawn at the start (hence the lockout). Most of the zone is blocked off in this instance.
At the start you are confronted by 3 ukuns. The center is immune to mez while the ones to the side are not. You'll need to kill all three before the door will open allowing you further into the zone. Once through clear your way to the first room on the east and then all the trash in that room. Inside the back cubby areas are 2 Malevolent Priest and 9 Constrained Servitor. All of them are rooted in place and the Priests are unattackable. You will need to kill all 9 Servitors, they don't fight back but can have a 600pt damage shield, while the Priests heal them and cast spells on your group:
- Malevolent Assault - a 750 dd and massive stamina debuff
- Malevolent Vex - a 150 dot that lasts for 20 minutes
- Coordinated Strike - Both will cast this 1500dd at the same time
As each Servitor dies the health of the Priests goes down and when all are dead they should be around 10-12% and are attackable. They hit for about 2200 but do not summon. When one dies you have 60 seconds to kill the other before it is resurrected. Once both are dead two sets on bones (chests) spawn. The first contains one of the following:
- Dark Belt of Wrath
- Platinum Hoop of Disharmony
- Crafted Wristband of Strife
- Carved Vrex Totem
- Incantor Mask of Death
- Glyphed Prayer Ring
- Glyphed Sandstone

Rare Mobs
- Hexxt Deathaim
Rare kyv. Hits for up to 2400.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery
- Pixtt Airstrangler
Rare ikaav. Hits for up to 2400.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery
- Pixtt Neuromancer
Rare ikaav. Hits for up to 2400.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery
- Pixtt Venomblade
Rare ixt. Quads for 2400, summons 2 short duration pet, procs
Trample, a 1575dd and stun, and casts
Grasp of Muram, 320pt dot and snare.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery
- Rav Deathfang
Rare ukun. Hits for up to 2400.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery
- Rav Interceptor
Rare ukun. Hits for up to 2400.
Drops - Carved Vrex Totem, Glyphed Prayer Ring