Ikkinz: Trial of Tri-Fates
This instance is given by Kenra Kalekkio in Kod`Taz, you get it by saying "I'm ready to begin". Once you get the instance you'll get a 1 hour lockout. If you kill any loot droppers this is increased to 8 hours. If you complete the instance it becomes 17 hours.
Trash in the zone can hit for around 1300 with rares going just over 2000. Unlike earlier instances rare mobs can spawn at the start (hence the lockout). The back end of the zone is blocked off in this instance.
For this mission you need to clear your way along the main path until you reach the room with 3 cubby areas. Some doors along the way will require killing off trash before they open so it isn't worth trying to invis by. In each cubby is a "Flesh Hunter" and they all share agro. They each summon, hit for 1700, can proc Chaos Claws, a 700ish dd. While they don't exactly need to be balanced they do need to die within a certain time range or they will respawn. All 3 need to die to complete the instance.
Once defeated two pile of bones (chests) will appear. The first will have Kitren's Tattered Cloak for Breakdown in Communication and one of the following:
- Dark Belt of Wrath
- Platinum Hoop of Disharmony
- Crafted Wristband of Strife
- Carved Vrex Totem
- Incantor Mask of Death
- Glyphed Prayer Ring
- Glyphed Sandstone

Rare Mobs
- Hexxt Sightsliverer
Rare kyv. Hits for up to 2100.
Drops - Crafted Wristband of Strife, Glyphed Prayer Ring
- Pixtt Tyrannist
Rare Aneuk. Hits for up to 2100.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery
- Pixtt Willbreaker
Rare ikaav. Hits for up to 2100.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery
- Subjugated Brawler
Bugged spawn?
Drops -