Qvic, Prayer Grounds of Calling
Qvic is the final zone with group content. Mobs here go from 65 to 69, hit for over 1k, and drop loot in the 140 hp range. In addition to 8 loot dropping rares there are two zonewide drops Broken Shard of Chaos and Stone of Portal Calling.
The entrances from Kod`Taz and Yxtta put you on the east side of the zone. If you take the port from Madrona in Natimbi it drops you just outside the cave system in the southwest. Deep in the caves is the entrance to the Inktu`Ta instance and the western temple leads to Txevu.
There are 3 semi-raid bosses, the M`shas, which respawn frequently and drop stuff for the quested raid armor. There is also Iqthinxa Karnkvi, more commonly called Zoo, in the northwest and Cynosure in his pit.

Rare Mobs
- Hexxt Jkak Miq
Rare kyv spawning south of the Cynosure pit. Quads and flurries for 2200, and procs
Chaos Claws, a 700ish dd.
Drops - Totem of Elitist Rites, Bulwark of the Blind Eye, Embalmed Eye, Lute of Ill Harmony - Hexxt Pvin Nki
Rare kyv spawning in the building northeast of the Cynosure pit. Quads and flurries for 2200.
Drops - Totem of the Sightless, Scarred Flesh Belt, Gemstone of Intellect, Mace of the Dark Realm - Pixtt Invi Mal
Rare aneuk spawning in the building southeast of the Cynosure pit. Quads 2200 and procs
Aneuk Grasp, a snare and dot.
Drops - Ring of Perfect Sight, Mask of the Chaotic Void, Trinket of the Archfiends - Pixtt Llan Kvish
Rare ikaav in the middle eastern building. Quads for over 2200.
Drops - Honed Trinket of Protection, Scarred Flesh Belt, Mask of the Sacred Evil, Obsidian Orb of Bedlam - Pixtt Sho`Val Kqi
Rare ixt spawning in the northeastern most building. Quads for 2200, summons 2 short duration pet, procs
Trample, a 1575dd and stun, and casts
Grasp of Muram, 320pt dot and snare.
Drops - Ring of Chaotic Vision, Girdle of Clear Vision, Ethereal Bijou, Blade of Dark Rituals - Pixtt Ttinq Val
Rare ikaav in the building just in front of the path leading to Kod`Taz and Yxtta. Quads 2200.
Drops - Hoop of Tormented Magic Hooked Scale Necklace Stone of Dark Health - Tiv Ashmmi
Rare trusik spawning just inside the southern cave system. Quads 2200.
Drops - Trusik Necklace of Destruction, Trushar's Guard, Orb of Trushar's Breath, Maul of Stonemending - Vrex Indra
Rare trusik spawning deep in the southern cave system. Quads 2200.
Drops - Trusik Necklace of Destruction, Trushar's Guard, Orb of Trushar's Breath, Maul of Stonemending
Events and Raids
The Three M`sha
Size: Unlimited, 3+ groups suggested
Respawn: 6 hours
Trigger: None
Each M`Sha hits for around 2000, flurries, AE rampages, summons 2 pets, and casts
- Trample, a stun and dd
- Grasp of the Muram, a snare and dot
- Dark Mass, an 800 dd hitting all on hatelist
- Swirling Matter, an 8 second stun hitting all on hatelist
Dvoin drops 2 of the following.
Mnat drops 2 of the following. Ptav drops 2 of the following.Iqthinxa Karnkvi
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: None
Also known as "Zoo". Iqthinxa hits for about 2k and casts Grasp of the Muram, a snare and dot. When reduced to 75% health she goes inactive and her 3 pets spawn Rav Karnkki the cragbeast, Rav Marnkki the turtle, and Rav Gernkki the hynid. These each hit for 1600ish and flurry. Their health need to be kept within 10% or the two with higher health will switch to the weakest's target, increase damage to 1800, and start to AE Rampage. When all three pets are dead Iqthinxa reactivates. The rest of the fight is straightforward.
Iqthinxa drops a Chaos Rune for ancient spells and 2-3 of the following
- Chaotic Black Scimitar
- Glowing Hammer of Disdain
- Forgotten Greatstaff
- Serpent's Girdle
- Band of Dark Auras
- Prism of Dark Hues
- Irestone of Sharp Sight
- Muramite Helm Armor
- Muramite Sleeve Armor
- Muramite Bracer Armor
- Muramite Glove Armor
- Muramite Boot Armor
Cynosure Kvanjji
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: None
Cynosure begins the fight permarooted in his pit. Hits for just 1700, casts a snare and mez, and has low health. When killed it respawns along with four Arbitors. The respawned Cynosure is still rooted, hits for around 2000, and casts the following:
- Aneuk Grasp, a single target snare and dot.
- Lull of the Aneuk III, a single target mez.
- Touch of the Muramite, a single target 4000dd.
- Chaos Affliction, an AE attack debuff, dot, spell slow for CH spells.
- Discordant Feedback, a 1k dd with mana drain hitting all on hatelist.
- Cloud of Attrition, an attack debuff and spell slow hitting all on hatelist.
- Swirling Matter, an 8 second stun hitting all on hatelist
Cynosure drops a Chaos Rune for ancient spells, 1-2 Shard of Dark Matter for Breakdown in Communication, and 2 of the following: