Sewers of Nihilia, Lair of Trapped Ones
This instance is reached by speaking with High Priest Diru Riwirn in Barindu as the third step in progression. If you have already completed it or wish to go for xp and random drops you can tell Gamesh "lair". The walkthrough below is for the progression version. For the Gamesh version you can simply do as you wish.
Mobs in the zone range from 60-64 hitting as high as 900. In addition to the 3 loot dropping rares there are two zonewide drops Larva Skin Cape and Taelosian Runed Girdle.
When you get the instance from High Priest Diru he gives you Seal of the Nihil High Priest. Once inside the zone start making your way to the northwestern chamber to find Alej Leraji trapped by rocks. Hand him the Seal and he will tell you that he needs his stone shaping tools to escape. This starts a 60 minute clock, if you aren't done by then you fail.
You need to clear out mobs in three areas in any order:
- Zone in area - kill golems until you get "You hear a large thud as the golem crashes down on the hard stone floor. As the dust settles, a sparkle of an item appears in the front of the room. You have acquired [Alej's Stone Melding Orb]. "
- Cocoon room - kill critters until you get "The bug falls to the ground, revealing an item that seemed like it wasn't there before. You have acquired [Alej's Stone Shaping Sceptre]."
- Water wheel - kill ghosts until you get "As the nihil spirit falls, you catch a glimpse of an item in the corner of the room. You have acquired [Alej's Stone Breaking Powder Bag]."