Tipt, Treacherous Crags
This instance is reached by saying "tipt" to Apprentice Udranda in Barindu as the sixth step in progression.
Mobs in the zone range from 64-66 hitting as high as 1300. There are no rare mobs or loot droppers beyond what
Start by working your way to the 2nd large clearing after the bridge. When 3 players enter the clearing an emote will go off, "You have disturbed a nest", and 6 cragbeast hatchlings will spawn. They only hit for 800 and can be mezzed. When the 6th dies "an enraged maternal cragbeast" spawns in the clearing. The mom hits for upwards of 2100, has single target rampage, and procs Crag Jaws, a 380 dd with stun, but doesn't have too many hp. She drops Vaifan's Temporary Power Cell A for Breakdown in Communications and one of the following augments:
- 30 hp/end - Sparkling Gem of Protection
- 30 hp/mana - Gem of Bolstered Power
- 2 hp regen, 2 mana regen - Bauble of Rejuvenation
- 10 attack, 2 hp regen - Stone of Recovery
After the cragbeast is dead continue working to the next clearing. When 3 players enter the clearing 8 undead nihil will spawn. These hit for around 1k each and when killed spawn an additional mob. At least one will drop a Vaifan's Temporary Power Cell B for Breakdown in Communications. When all 16 are defeated Garjah Zotaki spawns. Hail it and it will tell you that the pass ahead is guarded, and one of them has a key.
The next clearing has a gate barring the way. Pull and kill the muramite mobs (Aneuks, ikaavs, ra'tuks, etc) until one drops Harshly Spiked Key. They also drop Vaifan's Temporary Power Cell C for Breakdown in Communications. Once you have the key continue onward.
In the next clearing you'll find Rikabi the Riddler. When you go through the dialog (ending with "ready") he will trigger a bunch of groundspawns and ask you a random riddle. The answer to the riddle is one of the groundspawns. Turn in the answer to continue. Turn in the wrong one and you'll be swarmed by mephits that hit for 300,000 damage.
- I build up castles. I tear down mountains. I make some men blind, I help others to see. What am I? - Sand
- I drive men mad for love of me, Easily beaten, Never free. - Gold
- I help to mature your spirits. When moistened I fulfill my purpose. Should I dry out, my task will fail and my quarry may be worthless. - Cork
- I scribble forms of the finest letter, and repel elements of the harshest weather. I am an arrow-aimer and a dust-breaker. - Feather
- I'm always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger I lick will soon turn red. - Fire
- I'm offered to the loved, and also to the dead. I come in many varied hues, most notably red. My pricks are known to pierce the skin, often resulting in wounds that bled. - Rose
- It floats on water, light as can be. A thousand men can't lift it free. - Bubble
- Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, grown in darkness, a lady's delight. - Pearl
- My life is measured in hours. I serve by being devoured. Thin, I am quick, Fat I am slow. Wind is my foe. - Candle
- My mouth bears whiskers but no teeth. I have scales but I do not weigh. You can bait me with delicious food but please, no drink today.- Catfish
- Searing 'cross the pitch-black skies, I scream in celebration, yet moments later, my outburst through, I am naught but imagination. - Firework
- What can be held in the left hand, but not in the right hand. - Right hand
- When I am filled I can point the way, When I am empty Nothing moves me, I have two skins One without and one within. - Glove
- When young, I am sweet in the sun. When middle-aged, I make you happy. When old, I am valued more than ever. - Wine
- Who makes has no need of it, who buys has no use of it, who uses it can neither see nor feel it - Coffin
The final leg of the journey. Open the gate to the final clearing and you will see Kyv Heartstriker Jhiru and a smattering of other muramites. Clear out enough trash so that you can fight Jhiru at his spawn point as he gets significant boosts to his damage and resists the further he moves away. You'll want to heavily dispel him to get rid of any haste and shaman buffs from the surrounding trash. Jhiru hits for 2100, single target rampage, and procs Chaos Claws, a 1k dd and 190 dot. When killed it drops Vaifan's Temporary Power Cell E for Breakdown in Communications and one of the following:
- Bracer of the Heartstriker
- Bracer of Exploration
- Bracer of the Stoutheart
- Braided Wristband of Light
- Whimsy of the Masters
With Jhiru dead head to the west and find Master Stonespiritist Okkanu. Hail him for your flag and to complete the expedition.