Yxtta, Pulpit of Exiles
Yxtta is opened up along with Kod'Taz and is similar both in terms of difficulty and rewards. General mob population ranges from 64 to 68 and all of them hitting for over 1k with loot having around 125 hp/mana and having a type 8 slot instead of type 7. There are only 5 rares spawning in specific areas. Most rares' loot tables consist of 2 augments and 1 piece of gear. In addition to the rares there are two zonewide drops Glowing Bone Ring and Attuned Discord Earring.
There are zones to Kod'Taz up north, a path to Qvic behind the temple to the west, and the entrance to the raid zone Uqua in the south west. The east side of the zone is blocked off by a locked door, sealed by the Riddles, leading to the Primals. And a rather nasty Ikaav guards the temple leading to Qvic.

Rare Mobs
- Hexxt Huntmaster
A rare kyv spawning in the central courtyard area. No combat details.
Drops - Taelosian Temple Fragment, Petrified Aneuk Eye, Seal of the Kyv - Mastered Destroyer
A rare golem spawning just before the Uqua entrance. Some reports say hits for 2200 and unslowable??
Drops - Hollow Stone of Wind, Scarred Token of Resistance, Discord Deathstone - Pixtt Flamedirge
A rare ikaav in the southern temple area. Hits for 1800 and casts Wizard spells.
Drops - Ikaav-Scale Baldric, Runed Stone Worker Finger, Blood-Infused Clay - Pixtt Ravager
A rare ixt in the building just west of the Riddle room. Hits for 1800, unslowable.
Drops - Ixt Silk Shawl Heart-Etched Discord Stone Glyphed Kyv Heart - Pixtt Souleater
A rare aneuk in the southern temple area. Hits for near 2000.
Drops - Stone of Dark Essence Compressed Amber Resonating Aneuk Collar
Events and Raids
Pixtt Suir Mindrider
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: None.
Pixtt Suir Mindrider spawns in the temple leading to Qvic and can be a very challenging event. For starters she h its for 2400 and reportedly can flurry as well (any confirmation?). She will buff herself with Chaos Guard, which reduces damage from melee and spells by 50% up to 20k damage. She casts 4 debilitating AEs:
- Ward of the Feebleminded - 50% spell slow
- Ward of the Weak - a 50% melee slow
- Ward of Degeneration - a 50% reduction to spell damage
- Ward of Confrontation - a 95% reduction in spell range (bunch up!!)
She drops two of the following:
- Blood-Glazed Helm
- Hex-Linked Helm
- Ikaav-Scale Sleeves
- Scarified Ukun-Skin Sleeves
- Blood-Glazed Bracer
- Hex-Linked Bracer
- Ikaav-Scale Gloves
- Scarified Ukun-Skin Gloves
- Blood-Glazed Boots
- Hex-Linked Boots
- Aneuk Contemplation Skull
- Stone of Pure Discord
- Weighted War Cloak
- Ikaav-Scale Cape
- Transparent Aneuk Mask
- Veil of Scars
- Blood-Glazed Collar
- Ikaav-Scale Collar
- Scarified Ukun-Skin Shawl
- Bonecast Rod
- Muramite Fife of Battle
Primal Arachnid
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: Need to answer the Yxtta Riddles to access the area.
The Arachnid quads for 2200, flurries, and casts two spells:
Aura of Fatigue, a 1k dd, 500 mana and endurance per tick drain, and massive attack debuff.
Wave of Rage, a 4k dd AE, 500 dot, and massive int/wis debuff.
Drops one of the following:
- Ukun-Spine Spike
- Trusik Bone Earring
- Rod of Discord
- Blessed Shard
- Primal Eye
- Heart of the Beast
- Plaited Slave-Hair Sash
- Illuminated Hammer
- Ruby Ring of Embellishment
Primal Insect
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: Need to answer the Yxtta Riddles to access the area.
The Insect quads for 2200, flurries, and procs Devouring Conflagration, a 3k dd on the tank.
Drops one of the following:
- Legion Issue Bow
- Ebony Ring of the Slave Masters
- Shield of Living Souls
- Blessed Shard
- Primal Eye
- Heart of the Beast
- Plaited Slave-Hair Sash
- Illuminated Hammer
- Ruby Ring of Embellishment
Primal Reptile
Size: Unlimited
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: Need to answer the Yxtta Riddles to access the area.
The Retile quads for 2400 and casts 3 spells:
Defilement of Hope, a snare and melee slow
Radiant Vexation, an AE attack debuff and spell slow
Infected Claw, a spell slow and fizzle increaser
Drops one of the following:
Yxtta Riddles
Quest giver: none
Requirements: none
Reward: Opens the door to Primals
In the eastern half of the zone there is a locked door leading to the caves containing the Primals. To unlock the door you must answer 12 riddles in sequence. You begin by clicking one of the idols around the room and you will get a riddle. The answer (1-12) will point to the next idol to click (see map below), which will give you the next riddle, and so on. The order of the riddles is random each time. If you complete all 12 correctly the door will unlock for around 3.5 hours. If you click incorrectly a pair of golems will attack hitting for 1200 each (does this start over?) It is advisible to wait a minute between getting a riddle and clicking the answer, going too fast can bug the script. But waiting too long can cause it to start over.
There are 3 riddles per answer:
Beginnings new, the months refreshed, the youngest of us, I am but a babe.
As far as needle is concerned. I am indeed in the right, and only just.
With the sun at its highest, everyone takes refuge. I am the first to come out after the time of rest.
Of Trushar I am the loved the most. To find me, you must understand the element and know the signs.
The lodestone seeks me not, but always drifts near, as near as the sunrise.
I am second of us, but not the least, it is time that tells all, I hear it next.
Read your lodestone and you will find that I am sinister of the sunrise, but only just.
I am 6 under noon.
Trushor's servants, of tail and fin, I am their sign. Seek me within.
If time flies, add are to thee then move on to me.
Peril I am not, Remove the second in me and give me the first in aid, and with but little confusion I can be found.
Where your magnet points I will not be found. Seek me just beyond the sunrise.
As each month passes, so I may.
If my clock had your digits, I would be this.
I can bear a load of any stone, but have only one eye to see. Remove one of the majority of this eye from what you see.
You may find yourself in a pinch, should you fail to sea my sign.
You lay arrow straight, your face to face, find me at your right foot.
Seeking news of me, up and down. Tradition has me down, but the rising sun uplifts my spirits ever so slightly.
Spin your compass as you will, I shall be the rear still.
Half past six, there are no tricks.
I am the month of a pair and hand.
My time is at the end of light and the edge of night.
If our schedules match, you shall find me in the most dignified company.
Be certain of your heading and make for the place twixt the sunset and the tail of the lodestone.
Creatures of Trushar are often protected by those that are my symbol.
The river flows to be cradled in the sea. Time flows, but is lost. when is it devoured.
Face the setting sun and you will feel the heat of my presence. You grow colder as you follow guidance of the lodestone.
I am the hour that exists betwixt twice two primes.
My aged father is the sun, my least cousin the lodestone.
I am eight in name, but not in sequence.
When the needle is lessened by a triple net of degrees you shall find me.
It is your style and your gnomon that will help you find me. I am the hour of the sum of the constituents of relative term of terms.
I am the month that brings most of somthing new and a large portion of reminiscences.
If you are disarmed, watch your blade fall. Where it leads will answer all.
I come last and in number am the greatest, yet when I have passed and all of my kind haven ended, I return in part in the number that follows me.
When brightest day and darkest night are indistinguishable.