
In Gates of Discord spells are obtained by turning in various Taelosian Runes to Reyfin Malakwa in Abysmal Sea. The Eril and Yiktu stones begin to drop from rares in Barindu, but the Jelki stone is only from rares and raids in Kod'Taz and beyond. While the stones are No Trade the spells are now tradable (I assume this is the case no progression servers as well), also of note is you can't get spells for other classes.

Taelosian Geomancy Stone Eril

Taelosian Geomancy Stone Yiktu Taelosian Geomancy Stone Jelki

In addition to the three Taelosian Stones certain raid events can drop Chaos Runes. Giving this to Reyfin will result in a No Trade Ancient spell: