The Gardner
Quest giver: Gardener Aeriht
Requirements: Giladan's Assistant, What a Mess,
It Only Gets Worse, Fall of the Tae Ew, and
Welcome to My Nightmare
Phrase: stop
Reward: 40 Dream Motes, 315p, +20 Dream Delvers faction, and loot below
Say "ready" to enter the instance.
Your first task is to locate 3 pockets of resistance, the treants to the northwest, the scarecrows to the northeast, and the bixies to the south. After visiting each spot come back and hail Aeriht. He then sends you back to each spot to kill 8 of the mobs and collect a page. Once you have the pages hand them in and Aeriht now mentions needing a binding from the zombies near the House of Thule zone to the west. Kill a few till you get a drop then med up. When you turn in the binding Aeriht respawns as a hostile yellow con and summons 2 white con Constructs. The constructs can not be mezzed, but can be off rooted while you kill Aeriht. When Aeriht dies the constructs despawn, task locks, and the chest appears with one spell and one of the following:
- Tantarene Gem of Heretical Power
- Nightmarish Page of Empowerment
- Thulian Linked Gauntlets
- Thulian Linked Legplates
- Spirit Sword of the Slain
- Empyrean Hammer
- Ethereal Focus Blade
- Prismatic Hukus Ring
- Venilinam's Serpentine Band
- Vial of Death Stinger's Venom
- Time Trial - Complete entire mission in under 45 minutes
- Challenge of Toughnesss - No player deaths
- Deconstructed - Kill Aeriht without destroying any of his constructs