Plane of Earth


The Plane of Earth is split into two zones. The first has a large field to the north with mob-spawning traps all over and raid ring events on the temples. In the middle is the giant crocodile, Tantisala Jaggedtooth, which drops keys to access the cave system. If you defeat all four rings the Arbitor spawns in the caves which gives access to the second zone. Plane of Earth B contains 4 raids for just loot and the Rathe Council event.

Rare Mobs

Rare mobs from the Plane of Earth spawn from traps spread across the zone. The traps either move or have a slight variance in spawn location as they aren't always found in the exact same spot. When triggered each trap can spawn a trash mob or a rare and appears to have a respawn of 20 minutes.
An Ancient Vekerchiki Champion
A rare mephit that spawns out of traps in the building leading to caves.
Drops - Entwined Ring of the Ent, Earthen Fist
Calris Bristlebranch
A rare treant that spawns out of traps in the north half of the northern area.
Drops - Large Chunk of Ent Bark, Entwood Earring
Galsinak Earthrumble
A rare rock guy that spawns from traps in the south eastern corner of the northern area.
Drops - Liquified Orb
A rare geonid. Spawns from traps on the western side of the cave system, requires key from the croc to reach.
Drops - Great Lance of Stone
A Korascian Warlord
A rare frog that can spawn from any of the frog traps eastern side of the northern area.
Drops - Cloak of Earthen Twine, Ball of Golem Clay
The Living Earth
A rare earth elemental that spawns out of traps in the north half of the northern area.
Drops - Earthtoned Band
A Monstrous Earthwalker
A rare mud golem spawning from a trap on western side of the northern area.
Drops - Rock Adorned Stud
A Perfect Rock Formation
A rare geonid. Spawns from traps in the center part of the cave system, requires key from the croc to reach.
Drops - Glowing Chunk of Molten Earth
A Prismatic Basilisk
A rare crocodile from traps in the far northern part of the zone.
Drops - Precious Gemstone Adorned Mask, Whip of the Earthcrafter
A Pristine Gem Golem and A Shimmering Gem Sentry
Two versions of a rare golem which spawn from traps in the cave system, pristine in the entry passage and shimmering in the north most passage. They have the same loot table.
Drops - Primal Mask of the Earthcrafter, Sharp Gem Formation
Tribal Leader Diseranon
A rare, uh, tree-like-guardian. Spawns from traps in the middle area of the zone.
Drops - Ent Leaf, Club of Slime


Tantisala Jaggedtooth
  • Size: 3+ groups suggested
  • Respawn: 3 days

Giant Crocodile. Has an AE slow but is otherwise straight up fight. Drops 3 Gem-Etched Key which open the door behind him leading to the mines. Beyond that it drops a few spells and one of the following:

Peregrin Rockskull
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Known as the "Stone Ring". To start the ring clear the 8 mobs in the area. This will cause a few dozen "A Stone Fortification" to spawn which can be pulled in groups and AEd down. When all are dead another set shows up, repeat this for 5 cycles. After the 5th cycle you get four Mound of Rubble. When defeated they become inactice, and when all four are finished the next phase starts. Four Stone Heaps pop and attack the raid with four more coming as soon as the first set are finished. This repeats for 5 waves with no break and after the final set Peregrin Rockskull spawns and attacks (no med/rez break, can keep a Stone Heap mezzed to buy time). Peregrin has AE ramp, AE snare, and an occasional mem blur. If the respawn timer for the event hasn't passed you get "An encrusted Dirtcloud" instead of Peregrin and no loot.

Degugoak Bloodwalker
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Known as the "Vine Ring". To start the event clear all 30 "A Tainted Rock Beast". This makes the 10 "A Bloodthirsty Vegerog" active, pull and kill them. When the last one goes down Degugoak (or the lootless placeholder) spawns. He casts a significant AE stun/DD/Mana drain so keep casters at max. He randomly mem blurs and spawns two adds around 50% and four more at 15%. The adds can be mezzed and will despawn when Degugoak is defeated.

A Monstrous Mudwalker
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Known as the "Mud Ring". To start the event kill all "An Earthen Mudwalker". Next is a "A Sludge Lurker" which splits into 10 mudlets. Once they are dead the Lurker respawns and the cycle starts again with the Lurker taking longer before despawning. Eventually The Lurker will die instead of despawning and four Gorgers spawn. When the fourth Gorger dies the Monstrous Mudwalker (or the lootless placeholder) spawns. Has an AE root and a chance to mem blur.

A Perfected Warder of Earth
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Known as the "Dust Ring". To start the event kill the "a dusty warder" and the half dozen devotees that instantly spawn right after. At that point 40 more devotees spawn which need to be pulled in batches and killed. When the last devotee dies 3 triumvirate spawn and attack. The moment the last dies the Warder (or the lootless placeholder) spawns. He has an AE mana drain, a chance to mem blur, and a small knockback. He can spawn adds, but doesn't every time.

A Mystical Arbitor of Earth
  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Final gate keeper to reaching the boss of Rathe. Upon completion of the fourth ring event the Arbitor will spawn and stay up for about 50 minutes. If it despawns you'll need to do the ring events again to respawn. Has an AE that is a stun, dot, mana drain, and slow all in one. On death the Planar Projection spawns which flags you for Plane of Earth B.

War Chieftan Awisano
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Found in PoEb, requires defeating the Mystical Arbitor to reach. You need to kill 4 Myrmidions of Stone to spawn him. Hits for 1700 with rampage. Procs an AE snare and casts a 900 dot every 2 minutes.

War Chieftan Birak
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Found in PoEb, requires defeating the Mystical Arbitor to reach. You need to kill 4 Stonefist Clansman to spawn him. Hits for 2100 with rampage. Procs an AE snare and casts a 900 dot every 2 minutes.

  • Plate Helm, Plate Gauntlet, Plate Boots, Chain Gloves, Leather Hat, Leather Gloves, Silk Gloves
  • Cudgel of Glowing Clay
War Chieftan Galronar
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Found in PoEb, requires defeating the Mystical Arbitor to reach. You need to kill 4 Rock Studded Champion to spawn him. Hits for 1900 with rampage. Procs an AE snare and casts a 900 dot every 2 minutes.

Warlord Gintolaken
  • Size: full raid
  • Respawn: 3 days

Found in PoEb, requires defeating the Mystical Arbitor to reach. Has AE rampage, an AE snare, the occasional mem blur, and a 3K dd + 90% slow on the main tank.

Rathe Council
  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Found in PoEb, requires defeating the Mystical Arbitor to reach. This event begins with 12 Councilmen each with a respawn of only 7 minutes. All 12 must be dead at the same time to move forward. 6 of the councilmen can be mezzed, the other 6 are immune however when their health is brought low (5% or so) their dps goes way down. The Councilmen have an AE dot with slow and can "banish" players (a short range teleport). The goal here is to pull the mezzables one at a time, beat them to low health, then lock them down with mez. Once those 6 are on ice bring the others one at a time, beat them to low health, then have an offtank babysit them while raid gets the next. Once all 12 are low, burn them all down. At this point the Avatar of Earth spawns. He has a massive 95% agro reducer on your tank and an AE that increases spell costs. If you can manage the Councilmen, the boss should be easy. When killed you wil get an Mound of Living Stone, one of the 4 pieces needed for Plane of Time key. Has a chance of dropping an Elemental Leg pattern as a bonus along with 2 of the following: