The Elddar Forest - The Corruption of Ro

Quest giver - Shalowen the Pure
Request phrase: gather a force
Entry phrase: Click in
Requirements to Attend: None
Requirements to Request: Investigating the Elddar, Questioning the Priest, and Key to Corruption

This raid is capped at 42 and locks on request so nobody can be added after.

After zoning in via the big tree clear your way through the trash to Brazlin the High Priest of Ro at the top of the zone. When everybody is ready hail him, say "We can stop the corruption", and Guardian of the High Priest spawns and attacks.

During the fight the High Priest walks around the room, non-agro, while you fight the Guardian. The Guardian has two spells:

When the Guardian reaches 80% health a large number of adds spawn. They can be rooted, mezzed, or kited (the fire golems are reportedly immune to mez). You have until the High Priest makes a full circuit around the room to get the Guardian to 80% and kill all the adds or Drekish the Enforcer of Ro will start to randomly DT people.

This process repeats for every 20%; so more adds at 60%, 40%, and 20%, each wave needing to be done before a full loop is completed. This is a test of DPS and control.

Once the Guardian is dead the Priest and Drekish flee. The Guardian drops a Chalice of Life, a chance at a Last Blood, and 2 of the following:

After completing the 3 group missions and the raid you can turn in the Chalice of Life to Shalowen in exchange for The Chalice of Life.