Root of Ro - Suchun, the Blood Warden
Quest giver - Tak`Valnakor
Request phrase: disturbance
Entry phrase: Click in via Takish-Hiz
Requirements to Attend: None?
Requirements to Request: The Key To The Past,
The Burning Prince, and Message to the Past.
When you make your way to the event you will find 5 portals. Each portal spits out a different mob type and has a specific damage weakness:
- Mephit - Weak to Pierce and Cold
- Efreeti - Weak to H2H and Magic
- Fire Elemental - Weak to Slash and Magic
- Gargoyle - Weak to Blunt and Magic
- Dervish - Weak to Ranged and Fire
Kill off all the adds and the portals, when the last portal is destroyed Blaze and Char activate. Blaze has a 4k AE and Char has an AE stat/resist debuff. When both are dead Suchun becomes activate and both drakes are resurrected.
Suchun hits for 6k, rampage, and has 2 spells:
- Clutch of Suchun - 1k mana and endurance drain. This goes off for the entire event, not just while Suchun is active.
- Doom of the Blood Protector - AE small stat debuff. 25 curse counters. You have 30 seconds to cure or you take a 32k deathtouch.
At 60% the portals begin to summon adds again, same weaknesses. The event ends when Suchun and both drakes are dead. Do adds despawn?
If you are current with progression the Shard of Mana becomes a Black Shard of Mana, otherwise you get Vial of Smoldering Blood to take to the Shrine to further progression. Suchun has a chance to drop a Last Blood along with 3 of the following: