Razorthorn - Sullon Zek, Mistress of Rage
Quest giver - Oathmir the Outcast
Request phrase: fix whatever is wrong
Entry phrase: Click in via Sverag
Requirements to Attend: None?
Requirements to Request: Enraged Flesh Charm and given
the 3 Berserker Bones to Maelin in Plane of Knowledge.
The trash in Razorthorn is not trivial so be on the look out for AE rampage, charm, FD, etc...
As you make your way up the tower there are two large hounds. The first is Ghost, Guardian of Razorthorn, it hits for just over 4k, can flurry, and has 2 spells:
- Ghost's Guarding Aura - Self buff 225 ds and 1000 spell ds.
- Ghost's Vengeance - This is a 10k rune and 1k dot. If you get this get away from the raid! If the rune is depleted an AE goes off: Ghost's Vengeance Doom, a drain to hp, mana, endurance, reduces casting distance to near nothing, and gives you a melee proc that will shadowstep and root you.
At 90% and every 15% after you get 5 adds. The adds hit for just over 2k each with a mixture of rampage, AE rampage, and flurry. No data mez or root.
The next target is Snowtail, Guardian of Razorthorn. It hits for around 4500, rampages, and casts Snowtail's Rage every 90 seconds. There are 4 versions of this spell each cast on a different target. They all turn you into a werewolf, snare, charm, and drain mana/end for a minute. They also give a proc, this is where the versions differ:
- Snowtail's Rage Strike - PBAE stun, snare, and melee/spell slow.
- Snowtail's Rage Strike - PBAE stun and mana/end drain.
- Snowtail's Rage Strike - PBAE stun, 2500 dd, 1500 dot.
- Snowtail's Rage Strike - PBAE stun, debuff to AC, Attack, Resists, and Stats.
The charms have curse counters so can't be dispelled, all you can do is endure the chaos of the PBAEs going off. Like Ghost, at 90% and every 15% after you get 5 adds. The adds hit for just over 2k each with a mixture of rampage, AE rampage, and flurry. No data mez or root.
When defeated Ghost and Snowtail each drop 1 of the following:
- Ragestone Adorned Amulet
- Ragestone Adorned Ring
- Band of Seething Rage
- Hoop of Seething Rage
- Ragestone Adorned Earhoop
- Wristplates of Burning Rage
- Wristbands of Burning Rage
- Wristwraps of Burning Rage
- Wristcuffs of Burning Rage
- Blood-Fueled Ragestone
- Blood-Fueled Ragestone
At the top of the tower is Sullon Zek, Mistress of Rage. She hits for 4500 and is tethered to her chamber. There are 4 main components to the fight. First is an AE which goes off every 3 minutes:
- Sullon's Plague - 99% spell and melee slow, 4k dd, 1500 mana, and 1200 end. 18 disease counters and needs to be cured ASAP.
Second is getting 4 unmezzable adds every 12% health starting at 87%. They will path up from the hall and hit for over 2k with flurry. The third is Sullon's Vengeance every 90 seconds stunning two people for 30 seconds. The final component is that every 90 seconds 4 priests get hit with one of the following:
- Sullon's Wrath - flux and massive debuff to melee and spell accuracy. Audio trigger: Your knees tremble from the wrath of Sullon Zek
- Sullon's Ferocity - flux and invulnerability. Audio trigger: You have succumbed to the ferocity of Sullon Zek
These are viral debuffs which initially hit priest classes and you have about 10 seconds to get far away from the raid before it spreads. Once it fades (roughly a minute) you can rejoin. Controlled dps, cure slow, kill adds, dodge virals, and eventually Sullon Zek goes down. She has a chance to drop a Last Blood along with 3 of the following: