Eriak's Downfall

Quest giver: Herinnar of Stone
Requirements: Find Your Allies, Champions No More, and Murdunk's Last Stand
Request Phrase: willing
Entry Phrase: enter

This event is in the same instance as The Brothers Zek, which must be completed first.

The first phase is dealing with Xadrith the Voice, an ikaav guardian Eriak. Saying "stop" triggers the event and activates her. Xadrith is permarooted and casts Beguilement, a single target charm, Discordant Feedback, an AE mana drain + dot, and Color Blaze, an AE stun. While dealing with Xadrith, peroidically ra'tuk adds spawn. These are mezzable, and if not killed or mezzed quickly they spawn additional adds. Meanwhile there are a half dozen non-targetable Kyvs around the room that send out targeted emotes about aiming at people. These are same emotes as MPG events, directing you to either "stand still", "you should move", or "you should duck". If you fail to do what you are told, you are DT'd. When Xadrith dies the kyv's stop emoting but remaining adds do NOT despawn.

When Xadrith and all of the phase 1 adds die, Eriak goes active. Eriak has a very strong AE rampage and during the battle every 5-10 seconds he chugs a random potion. These can either increase his melee mitigation, increase his DS, a significant HoT, grant a defensive stun proc, haste himself, or increase his melee output. He also casts Dirty Fighting which is an AE blind + accuracy debuff and Caltrop, an AE snare. Meanwhile periodically you get a wave of adds spawning, these are the same type adds you get in Brother's Zek portion of the raid. You must bring Eriak to low health and have all adds dead to win, at which point you get some lore emotes about Rallos being ticked at his sons' failure to break in.

Normal mode chest contains 2 Primeval Essences and 2 of the following:

Hard mode chest contains 2 runes, 1 Primeval Essence, and a random waist slot: