S.H.I.P Sabotage!
Quest giver: Gurtrude the Spymaster
Requirements: Deception and Interception
Reward: Ak`Anon Strike Force +25, Ancient Amethyst Faycite Quadsection
Whoever requests the task will get a Spark Wheel which will be used later. If possible have a DP class do this. Your first job is to collect some parts from the static Fortress Zone. Add these markers to your mechanotus_2.txt:
- P 1382.1843, -1651.8134, 619.2004, 0, 240, 0, 2, steel-bound_crate_-_Steamwork_Power_Crystal
- P -1479.4513, -1801.2980, 619.1290, 0, 240, 0, 2, Singed_Crate_-_3x_Microcogs
- P -130.4245, -1176.4349, 541.6852, 0, 240, 0, 2, Damaged_Crate_-_Clockwork_Metrognome

Once you have the bits tell Gurtrude "sneak in" to zone into the instance. Inside take the lift up, then the spiral ramp to find Cledmire Drysproket. Give it the parts and get back 3 Explosive Device. It is suggested that the tank do this. Next you need to place them, take the ramp up another floor and there will be 3 paths leading out from the center. Each path has a room at the end containing a boiler. The person with the bombs will need to click a boiler which plants a bomb, the person with the Spark Wheel then clicks, an 80 sec cast time to detonate the bomb. Mobs will come to attack the person who set the bomb (hence wanting tank to do so). Repeat this for all 3 rooms. For one of the rooms (random?) you will get Boilermaker as the add, it can hit for up to 5k so be alert.
Once all the bombs are done return to Gurtrude and give the Spark Wheel to complete the mission.