End the Return
Quest giver: Clockwork Warmarshal
Requirements: Sand in the Gears
Reward: Ak`Anon Strike Force +18, Ancient Amber Faycite Quadsection
After zoning into the instance make your way to the top of the spire, meeting your kill quota along the way (more brownies in the basement if needed). On the top floor you'll find a Burning Ember ground spawn near the forge looking thing. Next up click on the oil drums around the rooms to collect at least 9 Glob of Oil. In a room about half way up is a central pillar with 5 oil taps coming out of it. Stand at each tap and click the Burning Ember to get an update. Next up is Fuelmaster XI and Tomoko, nothing too special about either (confirmation?). Last up is the tools in Tomoko's room, on each box first click a Glob of Oil and then the Burning Ember to destroy it. After destroying 7 toolboxes return to Warmarshal to complete the mission.