Katta Castrum
The hub of the exansion, Katta Castrum is a huge zone set up in 3 concentric circles. The vendors which sell gear for Orux are all in the inner most area along with the majority of the quest givers. The middle area is not too dangerous, a few sparse camps of mobs. The outer ring is where most of the mobs are found. To get around faster it is a good idea to do the portal quests given by Archarcanist Kirstmycl. Once completed you can quickly move from between any of the teleportion pads.
The Orux vendors sell their wares based on your faction, gained by completing tasks (part of the Urn Quest) or any of the 20 Instanced Missions. Faction for solo tasks is 10 per, faction for missions varies with the reward and is around half the amount of Orux you get. Further, the exact reward for a mission scales based on how frequently it was done recently. If a mission gets farmed, the reward goes way down. If a mission gets ignored, the reward can go way up.

Rare Mobs
- Arch Summoner Vratizosh
No combat details.
Drops - Golden Ring of Tides, Shissar Hide Cloak - Brine of Prexus
PH is any water elemental around the fountain. Brine hits for up to 1600, casts Cleric spells and:
- Eddy of Dreams - single target 6 sec mez
Drops - Elemental Ice Fragment, Rune Etched Platinum Ring - Confidante Ruxhutin
No combat details.
Drops - Silken Mantle of the Summoner, Iridescent Pearl Earring - Dark Rites Master Rhissutiz
No combat details.
Drops - Blessed Crystalline Necklace, Elaborately Carved Fang - Gluttuxl of the Fangs
Gluttuxl can hit for up to 2k and AE rampages. Casts:
- Shissar Voidwalk - single target 500dd and shadowstep
Drops - Painted Snakeskin Mask, Enameled Iron Stud - Hezmaklith the Deadkeeper
Hits for up to 1800 and has AE rampage. Casts a snare.
Drops - Gemmed Snake Fang Choker, Acid Etched Platinum Ring - Khirixireth the Watcher
No combat details.
Drops - Scaled Mask of the Faithful, Saltcrusted Silk Sash - Messenger Xhuxutuzh
Hits for up to 1700 and casts:
- Golem Slow - single target snare, slow, and max hp reduction.
Drops - Warped Iron Faceplate, Twisted Belt of the Mind - Mudpuppy
Hits for up to 1700 and casts:
- Servant's Stand - single target root and 800 dd.
Drops - Mud Covered Blood Ruby, Dusty Cloak of Elements - Sarkhaza the Bone Collector
No combat details.
Drops - Reinforced Snakeskin Cloak, Venomous Emerald Ring - Spiritflame of the Drowned
No combat details.
Drops - Molten Iron Ingot, Flame Scorched Belt - Tempest Eddy
Hits for up to 1500 and casts:
- Waterlogged Wails - frontal AE 500 dot, mana drain, and silence.
Drops - Fractured Shard of Mana, Golden Earring of Piety - Voidwalker Vithsixix
No combat details.
Drops - Tattered Ceremonial Mantle, Scaled Pauldrons of Battle - Zrazhzazeku the Defiant
Hits for up to 1700 and casts:
- Silvered Tongue - AE 750 dd, 200 dot, mana drain, and melee slow.
- Poisoned Blood - single target snare and 1k dd.
Drops - Saltcrusted Steel Gorget, Ceremonial Silver Baton
Teleportation Pads
Quest giver: Archarcanist Kirstmycl
Requirements: none
Reward: Ability to use the portals
This 3-part quest gives you the ability to use the teleportation pads in Katta Castrum to get around which, given the size of the zone, is of huge benefit. The tasks will reference the pads around the zone by name, consult the map below to identify them. Start it off by telling Kirstmycl "Give me instructions" to get the first task.
- Sanctuary
- For the first task you need to visit 9 locations. The first is Sanctum Azia, the southeast portal in the city proper. Then Inner Azia and Inner Dena, the southeast and southwest portals in the middle ring of the city. For these three you will get a key as a walk over them. The final six updates are Outer Azia and Outer Heda, the southern most portals. One of three things happen when you step on these, you get a key and no mob, you get a key and a mob, or you get no key and a mob. In the later case you need to kill the mob (without zoning) to get the key. The mobs hit around 1300 and can cast a spin stun, a silence, and Cleric spells. Gather all 9 keys to complete the task. This flags you to use those portal pads to move around.
- Dangerous Ground
- Say "next" to get the second task. Same as the first but starting with Sanctum Beza, northwest portal in the city proper. Then Inner Beza and Inner Caza, the northeast and northwest portals in the middle ring. Then the Outer Ena, Outer Fana, and Outer Geza which are the 9 portals on the eastern edge of the zone. These will spawn 3 adds at each portal, but multiple people can trigger the update while a set of mobs are up. You will need to kill at least 12 ambushers while collecting the keys. When finished retutrn to Kirstmycl to complete the task and be flagged to use those pads.
- War Torn Portals
- For the final task you are given a Wand of Portal Stabilization and sent to Outer Beza, Outer Caza, and Outer Dena on the western edges of the zone. At each of the 9 portals click your wand which summons an ambush of 3-4 mobs. You will need to kill at least 15 ambushers in total. When finished return the wand to Kirstmycl to complete the task and be flagged for the remaining pads.