Direwind Cliffs
The Direwind Cilffs is a stronghold of sorts for the various group: Gray Legion to the southeast, Black Legion to the north, Clan Darkwind gnolls to the west, and sporalli in the caves. Beyond the Black Legion is Ashengate. The zone is designed for upper 60s to 70s, has 14 known rare mobs (3 more might be missing), a pair of raid targets, quests for the Ashengate raid factions, and 3 zonewide rare drops:

Rare Mobs
- Archmage Varren
No fight data.
Drops - Direwrought Chain Boots, Ashen-Hewn Bow - Axebeak
Hits around 1600. Like all griffons, it can cast:
- Dash Against the Rocks - single target 1k dd, feign death, and flux.
Drops - Mask of the Black Cliff, Direwind's Beckon - Chaplain Rourke
No fight data.
Always drops Fifth Fragment of the Heroes' Disk for
The Disk of Heroes quest.
Drops - Direwrought Plate Gauntlets, Club of Scathing Branches - Creeping Death
Hits for 1500, flurries. No data on spells.
Drops - Gloves of the Black Cliff, Windstill Chain Cloak - Deathrattle
Hits for 1500, quads, enrages. No data on spells.
Drops - Direwrought Leather Sleeves, Twin-Edged Razorfist - Deathshed
Hits for 1600 and casts Necromancer spells.
Drops - Skull Mask of the Warlord, Belt of the Elementalist, Head molds for group armor. - Hammerfist the Champion
Hits for just over 1500, no data on spells.
Always drops Third Fragment of the Heroes' Disk for
The Disk of Heroes quest.
Drops - Blackiron Belt, Hoop of Regrowth - Ironpaw, Koda`s Mate
Hits for 1500, enrages, procs a knockback.
Drops - Direwrought Silk Hood, Emerald of Forgotten Dreams - Kendra the Archer
No fight data.
Always drops Fourth Fragment of the Heroes' Disk for
The Disk of Heroes quest.
Drops - Book of Dire Incantations, Earring of Poison Clouds - Legionnaire Shylock
No fight data.
Always drops Sixth Fragment of the Heroes' Disk for
The Disk of Heroes quest.
Drops - Direwrought Silk Hood, Emerald of Forgotten Dreams - Missing Rare 1
Drops - Missing Item, Missing Item - Missing Rare 2
Drops - Missing Item, Missing Item - Missing Rare 3
Drops - Missing Item, Missing Item - Psilocide
Hits for 1500 and casts Wizard spells.
Drops - Book of Dire Incantations, Earring of Poison Clouds, Hand molds for group armor. - Son of Severan
Hits for 1500, no data on spells.
Drops - Direwrought Mask, Choker of Battles, Leg molds for group armor. - The Ashengate Ambassador
Hits for 1500, casts Necromancer spells.
Always drops Second Fragment of the Heroes' Disk for
The Disk of Heroes quest.
Drops - Belt of the Black Cliff, Ring of Plagueward - Vinelord Molder
Hits for 1200 but has 4 tethered plants which can't be split away.
Drops - Deathforged Collar, Direwind Ritualist's Mask, Wrist molds for group armor.
Events and Raids
Wintersting the Black OakHits for up to 4500, can flurry, and frequently AE rampages. If surrounding trash (the bush things) aren't killed prior to engaging it will summon them to assist. Has 3 spells:
- Curse of the Frozen Roots - single target silence, melee slow, root, tree illusion, and 1k dot. 24 seconds, 50 curse counters.
- Greater Curse of the Frozen Roots - same as above, but Hatelist instead.
- Wintersting's Thorns - self buff 200 ds, remove with cleric mark.
Assuming a 1 day respawn. Drops one of the following:
Pyre Lord Narseekin
Hits for up to 8000 and AE rampages. Be sure to clear the surrounding area before engaging. Narseekin has 1 AE:
- Invocation of the Blight Pyre - 125 range PBAE spell slow, melee slow, AC debuff, 1500 dd, and 500 dot.
When initially engaged Narseekin has 2 Blight Pyre Golems. At 85%, 50%, 20%, and 10% another golem spawns. These can hit for up to 6k each and cast:
- Blight Pyre Panic - Hatelist based 6 second fear.
Apparently a 1 day respawn. Narseekin drops a Glowing Obsidian Rune and two of the following:
- Narseekin's Hood
- Pyrekeeper's Mask
- Ashen Orb of the Blightpyre
- Ash of the Fallen
- Staff of the Pyrekeeper
Severan the Direwind Caller
Severan only hits for 3k and is flanked by four totems. Each totem has an AE spell:
- Stormwind Totem - Stormwind Lightning - 5k dd, 1k dot. 8 Corruption counters.
- Blightwind Totem - Plaguewind Gust - 20% snare, 100 endurance drain, 1k mana drain, 1k dot. 8 Corruption counters.
- Deathwind Totem - Deathwind Breeze - 5k dd, 300 debuff to resists. 8 Corruption counters.
- Hatewind Totem - Hatewind Gale - 1k dd, 80% melee slow. 8 Corruption counters.
If you attempt to pull him out of the totems to avoid the AEs his regen goes through the roof so you must face him there. The AEs are all corruption resist so be sure to get buffs up for it. While healing through the AE damage, Severan spawns Direwind Gusts 2-4 at a time every minute or two. No information on add damage, can be stunned and snared. The adds drop Direwind Totem for the Charm of Lore quest. Around 10% four golems spawn, exactly what they do is unknown. From the lore (in Vahna's quest arc) they should assist you, but no details on how.
Severan has a 5 day respawn and drops a Glowing Obsidian Rune, a chance at a Essence of Speed (upgrade DoDH claim mount to Bard speed), a few Shattered Direwind Staff for Vahna's Quest arc and 3 of the following:
Quests and Missions
Anderak Arc
Quest giver: Anderak
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Spore of the Freemind Sporali.
This quest is broken into 4 tasks.
- Scouting Direwind
The first task is to simply visit 6 locations in Direwind:
- Gray Legion Encampment : (-1850, -1300)
- Valley of the Black Oak : (-50, -1125)
- Clan Direwind Boneyard : (-1625, 1200)
- Darkroot Gardens : (950, 950)
- Dead Hill : (0, 325)
- Lake Darkenmere : (-800, -875)
- The Blighted Animals
- For the second task you need to hand in 4 each of Diseased Bear Heart, Diseased Griffon Heart, and Diseased Wolf Heart. These drop from almost every kill of the diseased/rabid versions of the animals and about a 10% per non-diseased animal. They can be prelooted. Turn them all in to complete the task.
- The Darkroot Gardens
- For the third task you need to kill 10 carrion gatherers in the central part of the western side, 10 gardeners in northwestern part of the western side, and open 4 plaguespore grove near the gardeners to find Darkroot Plaguespore (can't be prelooted). Additionally you'll need to kill Arakeen, Eater of the Dead. He is a sporali that roams around the gatherers. It hits up to 3k and can spawn sporeling adds with very low health which hit about 2k each. Give the plaguespores to Anderak to complete the task.
- The Darkroot Caves
- The final task sends you to kill 20 carrion warrior, 5 shaman, 5 tenders, and 5 vineherds which are all found in the northern part of the zone. The vineherds each have a number of low health adds. In addition to trash you must kill Mold Master Gangii, who is surrounded by 5 Orchids, all of which are rooted. Gangii hits for just over 3k while orchids are around 2k. If any orchids are killed they respawn instantly but despawn when Gangii dies. Gangii drops 3 Gangii's Poisoned Roots (can't pre-loot). Deliver the roots to Anderak to complete the arc and claim your reward.
Vahna Arc
Quest giver: Vahna, Dryad of Direwind
Requirements: Level 70+
Reward: Windwillow Leaf and
Vengeance of the Windwillow.
This quest is broken into 4 tasks and a 5th which requires a raid.
- The Direwind Boneyard
- The first task has you killing 10 golems (bonestitch and fleshstich work) and 4 carrionmancer which only spawn in the southwest corner. You will need to loot 4 Clan Direwind Golem Stitching off the golems (around 50% drop rate, can't be prelooted). Give the stitching to Vahna to complete the task.
- The Direwind Plaguebearers
- The second task directs you to kill 4 plaugebearers which are standard trash and then Direwind Current. The Current casts a deathtouch when agro'd (45k or so), so either pull with DA up, a pet, or sacrifice a ranger and then burn it down before it has a chance to recast (reportedly 30-60 seconds). It will drop 3 Blight Pyre Ember (can't be pre-looted). Give this to Vahna to complete the task.
- The Direwind Ritual Glade
- The third task pits you against ratkin (which can transform into giant rats) and ratcallers (which can summon a half dozen rats as swarm pets) in the northwest area. Kill at least 10 of each and loot 4 Rat Skull Totem (85% drop rate, can't be prelooted). Patrolling that area is an undread drake named Axxanderan's Animated Remains. It hits for near 2k with AE rampage. After killing it turn the 4 totems in to Vahna to complete the task.
- Allies Against the Wind
When you get this task you are given Vahna's Tear. Head south to Sunderock
Springs where you'll need to go to four spires:
- North Spire : 3130, -1260
- East Spire : 390, -700
- West Spire : 370, 1070
- South Spire : -3100, -250
At each spire kill all of the "Keeper of the XYZ Spire" mobs to summon a large golem. Give the golem the tear to update the task. They will stay up for about 2 minutes before you'd need to reclear, so hand in quickly. Once all 4 done return to Vahna to complete the task and claim your reward. - Severan the Windcaller
- For the final task you need to defeat the Severan the Direwind Caller raid event and loot a Shattered Direwind Staff (can be pre-looted). Give this to Vahna to complete the task and claim your reward.
Finding Felena
Quest giver: Maven Bellstone
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Bronzefire Earring,
Cloak of the Winterwinds, or
Mantle of Spirits.
This quest is broken into 4 tasks:
- Finding Felena #1
- The first task is easy, head to The Steppes, invis up and go to (-1600, 350). Unless a rare is up nothing should see invis. Once you get the task location update, look for a groundspawn near Vonsolu's body. This is a Note from Captain Vonsolu, deliver it to Maven to complete the task.
- Finding Felena #2
Maven gives you a letter and directs you to Kluno Orenbrew also in Direwind (-960, -670). Give him the letter and follow the dialog and
he'll ask that you collect 4 items for him. These are groundpsawns in Direwind:
- Encrusted Magnesium Deposit : (-2070, -590)
- Sulphuric Mineral Compound : (-1075, -650)
- Direwind Soil Sample : (1270, -480)
- Darksoot Mushroom : (1615, 1000) in the caves.
Bring these 4 items to Kluno to complete the task. - Finding Felena #3
- The third task is given by Kluno (key word "mines"). Head to the Vergalid Mines and find Rozoth Orbu in a tent (215, -660). While he is non-kos, the other drakkin are not. Hail him for the task update and then find a Torn Garment. It is an uncommon drop from many rares in the zone including Overseer Dyla and An Enraged Kickpick, can also be found off the "an ancient trilobite" in the far north chamber. The garment can be prelooted, sorta. If you give it to Rozoth while on the find step he will give it back which *should* update that, then give it to him again to complete the task.
- Finding Felena #4
- The final task is given by Rozoth Orbu. He sends you back to The Steppes to locate Commander Drenkith Zon`Tak. You will find Drenkith and 3 adds tethered in the far north cave. Tell him "I am here to free Felena" and he attacks. No fight data yet. Once they are dead hail Felena to complete the task and claim your reward.
Jenray's Arc
Quest giver: Jenray, Envoy of Ro
Requirements: Level 70+
Reward: Scholars of Solusek faction and Jenray's Ceremonial Veil.
To speak with Jenray you need to remove your weapons (primary/secondary). This quest is broken into 3 tasks:
- Children of Flame
- When you get this task you are given Ashen Incubator. Take this into the west wing of Ashengate and look for "a drake egg". Equip the incubator and click it on an egg to spawn a baby drake, then click it on the baby to catch it getting a Captured Baby Drake. In your inventory. The eggs have a very quick respawn, around 30 seconds. Repeat this process to capture 4 drakes then give them to Jenray to complete the task and get +125 Scholars of Solusek faction.
- A Daring Rescue
- For this task you need to go to the very back of the west wing to find the Arbitor of Ash (or its ph "an arbitor of ash"). When you kill it Hidaga spawns (1375, 725). She will stay up for 12 people to hail. Then just return to Jenray to complete the task and get +175 Scholars of Solusek faction.
- Under Pressure
- For the final task you need to get a Lava Ooze Gland (30% drop from ooze mobs) and a Solusek Diamond (20% drop from dervish mobs). Both of these can be prelooted. Hand both in to Jenray to complete the task, get +225 Scholars of Solusek faction, and collect your reward.
After finishing all three tasks you can start over with the first if you need more faction.
Zhubis's Arc
Quest giver: Zhubis the Griffin Tamer
Requirements: Level 70+
Reward: Infiltrators and Traitors of Ashengate faction and Chipped Fang of the Lost.
This quest is broken into 3 tasks:
- Sabotage
- When you get this task you are given Zhubis' Collectors Satchel. Head into the east wing of Ashengate and collect an Ashen Powder (1 in 7 drop off drakes), a Worker's Pouch (1 in 7 off drakkin), and pick up a Magma Infused Crystal (ground spawn in 2nd chamber around 900, -900). None can be pre-looted. Combine the three bits in the Satchel to create a Satchel of High-Powered Explosives. With this in inventory run over the location you found the ground spawn and BOOM, a 4500 AE goes off and the task is completed. You gain +175 faction.
- Project Disarm
- For the second task you need to loot or destroy 8 polearms, longswwords, and whips. The drakkin in the square rooms after the cliff side will drop them, you get 1 credit for each looted. In those rooms are a number of supply chests and weapon racks, these give a half dozen random updates each spread across the types. After getting all 8 of each the task is completed and you gain +200 faction.
- Weakest Link
- The third and final task sends you to the northern section of the east wing. Here you'll need to kill 15 of the eggtenders and destroy 5 of the unhatched eggs. While back here, it is advisable to camp Advisor Neezin D`rahl. She drops the Key of Flame which allows access to the east wing from across the lava in north wing. After getting your needed kills (and maybe a key), return to Zhubis to complete the task, get +225 faction, and claim your reward.
Zryan's Arc
Quest giver: Scout Zryan
Requirements: None.
Reward: Crusade of the Scale faction and one of Porous Lifestone,
Swiftstone Necklace , or
Mask of the Ages .
This quest is broken into 5 tasks:
- The Gray Legion
- Your first task is to kill off a bunch of gray legion including: 10 Soldiers, 2 Clerics, 2 Mages, and 5 Sergeants. The sergeants roam through the camps while the rest are all clumped together. You will also need to kill Captain Orzhok, hits over 2k with AE rampage. He drops 6 Orzhok's Shattered Shield, which can be pre-looted. Turn the shield in to Zryan to complete the task for +5 Crusade faction.
- The Approach
For this task you need to kill 4 bosses at the towers:
- First Tower - Blademaster Zerralok: He hits 3500, flurries, minor AE rampage.
- Second Tower - Renagarhn the Exile: He hits 3500, flurries, minor AE rampage, and procs a stun.
- Third Tower - Bollbaru the Witch: She hits 3500, is rooted in place, and spawn 3 skeleton pets at 75%, 50%, 25%, and 15%. Skeletons hit for about 2k each and despawn when Boolbaru dies.
- Fourth Tower - Gatekeeper Kor: He hits 3500, flurries, single rampage, minor AE rampage.
Each boss will drop 6 seals for their gate. Turn in all four to Zryan to get The Ashengate Seal. With this you can disable the large guardians at the gate leading up to Ashengate for a short time. - The Ashengate Griffins
- The third task is given by Scout Keshik. After getting the task give her the Ashengate Seal and you will be flagged to be able to request a griffon for transport. Say "summon a griffon" to get teleported up near Ashengate bypassing the need to run up.
- The Black Legion
- Zryan now sets his sights on the black legion. Use your Ashengate Seal to get to their camp and kill black legion until one drops Dyn`leth's Battle Plans (can't be pre-looted). Give this to Zryan to complete the task and get +5 Crusade faction.
- Report from the Front Lines
- The final task is to simply deliver a letter (given when you request the task) to Captain Zheren in Sunderock Springs. Doing so completes the quest and grants you one of the three rewards and +20 Crusade faction.