Icefall Glacier
Icefall Glacier is home to an array of mobs including the Frostbite goblins, the Coldeye orcs, the Nightmoon kobolds, and various wildlife. Content is designed for upper 60s to low 70s. There are 15 rare mobs, a pair of raid targets, and 3 zonewide rare drops:

Rare Mobs
- Blackfoot
Spawns with 3 agro linked guards, all can be rooted and mezzed. Hits for up to 2300. No info on any spells used.
Drops - Evergleam Gauntlets, Blackfoot Fang - Bloodfoot
Spawns with 2 agro linked guards, all can be rooted and mezzed. Hits for up to 2600. No info on any spells used.
Drops - Warbound Boots, Bloodfoot Chopper - Chillbone
Hits for around 2500 and casts Necromancer spells along with:
- Chillbone - single target mez and blur with skeleton illusion.
Drops - Wirewick Slippers, Chillbone Finger - Frostpaw
Hits for up to 2600 and will randomly change targets. Might also proc a snare.
Drops - Stonefrost Belt, Frostpaw Cloak - Glacier
Exact spawn location unknown. Hits like a truck, in the 4k range, and casts:
- Frost Thunder - PBAE 3k dd with snare.
Drops - Totem of the Lost, Ring of the Glacier - Grimjaw
Hits for up to 3700 and has 4 pups, all of which can be rooted. Killed pups will respawn if Grimjaw goes off agro.
Drops - Ring of Severed Power, Direwolf Hide Spaulders - Grock Mist Seer
Hits for 3600, no information on spells.
Drops - Earring of the Cold Heart, Necklace of Stars, Arm molds for group armor. - High Seer Longecho
Can spawn in most rooms of the caves. Hits in the upper 2600s, casts shaman spells and procs:
- Blizzard Wave - 2500 dd and flux on tank.
Drops - Hearthfire Coif, Cape of Echoes - Hunter
Has a very large agro range, hits around 3000, frequently warps around, and casts:
- Bone Strike - 4000 dd and stun.
Drops - Belt of the Falls, Hunter's Rage - Ironeyes
No exact data, should hit around 2500.
Drops - Cape of the Cave Bear, Ironice Earring - Lowfire
Hits for 3300ish and comes with two pets which can be rooted. No info on spells.
Drops - Heart of Ice, Lowfire Belt - Snowblind
Hits around 2400, spawns skeleton adds, and casts:
- Snowblind's Chill - PBAE 1250 dd, 750 dot, and stun.
- Snowblind's Iceblocks - Single target snare.
Drops - Ironice Sleeves, Snowblind Globe - Stalker of the Plains
Hits around 2700 and casts:
- Jagged Wound - Single target 500 dd, 2000 dot, and snare for 30 seconds.
Drops - Gravelskin Cap, Sabertooth Horn - Tarnuk Farwalker
Hits for up to 3300 and has two adds which can be rooted or mezzed.
Drops - Iceborn Diamond Necklace, Farwalker's Hoop, Chest molds for group armor. - Taruskor
Can hit insanely hard for the era (up to 5k on low ac targets) and casts:
- Tusk Sweep - Frontal AE 2500 dd and flux.
Drops - Iceborn Band, Mammoth Hide Spaulders, Feet molds for group armor.
Events and Raids
Chief UrgakThe event starts with "a wounded kobold" in the southwest part of the eastern side of the zone. With a sufficient sized raid (unknown requirement to trigger) hail the kobold say "help" and a bunch of kobolds spawn and attack. Very little information on exactly how many but expected around 15-20 including archers which are rooted in place, a bunch of non-rooted, and "The Bait". When "The Bait" is killed Chief Urgak spawns. No data on melee output or AEs.
The event should have a 3 day respawn. Urgak drops one of the following:
The event starts with "a trapped wraithguard" in the southeast part of the zone. With a raid of at least 7 hail the wraithguard and say "help" to trigger the raid. Everyone should get a torch on their cursor which can be used to light the fires in the goblin camp (is this needed, do they need to be relighted?). At this point mobs begin to spawn and attack the wraithguard. If he dies the event fails. The first wave is 3 mezzable "shard of ice", then 3 more, then 2 "block of ice" which each split into 2 shards. Once all of those are dead Avalanche spawns and attacks. Avalanche hits for 4500 and casts two spells:
- Ice Avalanche - PBAE 4k dd and flux.
- Cold Feet - Wide angle frontal AE 600 dot.
Around 80% the wraithguard is free and will assist. Around 50% you get two whirling blizzard adds, hitting over 3k each. No info on if they can be mezxed/rooted.
The event should have a 5 day respawn. Avalanche drop a glowing obsidian rune, a chance at an Essence of Speed, and three of the following:
Quests and Missions
Timmi Fell Down the Well!
Quest giver: Alibee
Requirements: 3-6 players
Reward: Dog Whistle
After getting the task hail the wolf La`See. The wolf will begin walking southward to the well around (-2250, -1100). It will pass through abunch of wolves and if you invis La`See will stop, so either let a monk get the task to fd off wolves, a druid/ranger who is not kos to them, or plan on doing a good bit of clearing. At the bottom of the well are 2 "a Coldeye outcast", immune to mez and root, hit up to 1500 each. Kill both then open the cage to let Timmi out. Head back to Alibee (through the wolves) to complete the task and claim your reward.
Nightmoon quests (kobolds)
Charming My Dear
Quest giver: Verkorn
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Lucky Charm Totem
You can request this task by saying "I will help" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 6 bears and loot 2 Cave Bear Heart (almost always drops) then 4 orcs and loot 2 Coldeye Orc Charm (50% drop rate). Then hand in the items to Verkorn for a Verkorn's Bear Totem. Head back to the bear caves, knock a cave bear to 50% or lower, then click the totem to charm it. Repeat this process 6 times, you can't use invis, fd, or leave the zone or you'll lose your charmed bears. With your bears in tow head to the orc fort. As you approach a bunch of orcs will spawn and engage the bears. The bears will lose, so don't engage, just run away once you get your update. Return the Totem to Verkorn to claim your reward.
Claws of War
Quest giver: Longbrow
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Clawskin Elixir (DS potion)
You can request this task by saying "get things" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 bears and loot 4 Icefall Bear Claw (40% drop rate). Return the claws to Logbrow to claim your reward.
Goreman's Supplies: Bear Meat
Quest giver: Goreman
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Cave Bear Bag
You can request this task by saying "get some" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 bears and loot 4 Icefall Bear Meat (40% drop rate). Return the meat to Goreman to claim your reward.
Goreman's Supplies: Leopard Meat
Quest giver: Goreman
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Goreman's Soothing Sludge (10 dose, 22 min 48 hp regen potion)
You can request this task by saying "get some" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 leopards and loot 4 Icefall Leopard Meat (40% drop rate). Return the meat to Goreman to claim your reward.
Goreman's Supplies: Mammoth Meat
Quest giver: Goreman
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Goreman's Special Brew
You can request this task by saying "get some" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 mammoths and loot 4 Icefall Mammoth Meat (40% drop rate). Return the meat to Goreman to claim your reward.
Prized Leopard
Quest giver: Verkorn
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Totem of the Leopard's Paw
You can request this task by saying "I will help" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 8 leopards and loot 4 Heart from a Snow Leopard Adult (50% drop rate). Hand the hearts in to Verkorn for a Verkorn's Leopard Totem. Head to the Coldeye fort and find "Ironfist`s Pet". When engaged it spawns an add, "a Coldeye Leopard Tamer", which just respawns if killed. Root the tamer and beat the leopard to under 20% then click the totem. Return the Totem to Verkorn to claim your reward.
Skinning the Mammoth
Quest giver: Longbrow
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Mammoth Skin Bag
You can request this task by saying "get things" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 mammoths and loot 4 Icefall Mammoth Hide (40% drop rate). Return the hides to Longbrow to claim your reward.
The Stonefed Shaman
Quest giver: Thunderfist
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Nightmoon Stone
You can request this task by saying "get stone" even without proper faction. For this task you need to head to Gnashclaw Stonefed (gives quests for Coldeye faction). Kill any 10 orcs and then Gnashclaw. It is possible this only works if someone has done The Kobold Hearthstone quest first. Loot a Remains of the Sacred Stone and return it Thunderfist to claim your reward.
Tusks of Battle
Quest giver: Longbrow
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Mammoth Sandwich
You can request this task by saying "get things" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 mammoths and loot 4 Icefall Mammoth Tusk (40% drop rate). Return the tusks to Longbrow to claim your reward.
Thinning the Pack
Quest giver: Malgen
Requirements: Nightmoon faction
Reward: Direwolf Totem of Spirit (6 mana regen, 20% dodge familiar)
You can request this task by saying "do that", rogue shroud can get around faction issues. For this task you first need to trigger two location updates (1750, -500) and (2000,-900). Next kill some wolves including three elder, five normal, and two of the orc tenders. Then simply hail Malgen to claim your reward.
Coldeye Quests (goblins and orcs)
Free the Wolves
Quest giver: Pack Leader Orgak
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Direwolf Totem of Battle (6 hp regen, 6% double attack familiar
You can request this task by saying "I go get", rogue shroud can get around faction issues. After you request the task say "meat" to get 3 Meat for Orgak's Wolves. Head to the far northwest kobold caves to find 3 cages with wolves in them. Break the cages open and hand a meat to each wolf. Finally just kill 10 of the kobolds and return to Orgak to claim your reward.
Gorbak's Supplies: Bear Claws
Quest giver: Gorbak
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Resistance of the Cave Bear (45 buff to all resists potion)
You can request this task by saying "I get stuff", rogue shroud can get around faction issues. For this task you need to kill 10 bears and loot 4 Icefall Bear Claw (40% drop rate). Return the claws to Gorbak to claim your reward.
Gorbak's Supplies: Mammoth Hides
Quest giver: Gorbak
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Gorbak's Bag
You can request this task by saying "I get stuff", rogue shroud can get around faction issues. For this task you need to kill 10 mammoths and loot 4 Icefall Mammoth Hide (40% drop rate). Return the hides to Gorbak to claim your reward.
Gorbak's Supplies: Mammoth Tusks
Quest giver: Gorbak
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Mammoth Meat Pie
You can request this task by saying "I get stuff", rogue shroud can get around faction issues. For this task you need to kill 10 mammoths and loot 4 Icefall Mammoth Tusk (40% drop rate). Return the tusks to Gorbak to claim your reward.
Kill da Kobolds
Quest giver: War Captain Rockfist
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Draught of Orcish Grace (10 dose, 48 min 5% dodge potion)
Simple and straightforward, kill 15 kobolds.
The Kobold Hearthstone
Quest giver: Gnashclaw Stonefed
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Stonefed Chip
You can request this task by saying "I can help", rogue shroud can get around faction issues. After getting the task head to the Sacred Kobold stone at (1800, -50), caves east of wizard port, northern most chamber. When you click the stone in the middle you get a lore Chunk of the Sacred Stone. Take this back to Gnashclaw. You'll have to run back and forth four times to bring him enough. After the final stone you get your reward.
Kregnad's Supplies: Bear Meat
Quest giver: Kregnad
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Kregnad's Knapsack
You can request this task by saying "get some" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 bears and loot 4 Icefall Bear Meat (40% drop rate). Return the meat to Kregnad to claim your reward.
Kregnad's Supplies: Leopard Meat
Quest giver: Kregnad
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Catspeed Concoction (10 dose, 36 min 60% run speed potion)
You can request this task by saying "get some" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 leopards and loot 4 Icefall Leopard Meat (40% drop rate). Return the meat to Kregnad to claim your reward.
Kregnad's Supplies: Mammoth Meat
Quest giver: Kregnad
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Kregnad's Special Brew
You can request this task by saying "get some" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 10 mammoths and loot 4 Icefall Mammoth Meat (40% drop rate). Return the meat to Kregnad to claim your reward.
Quest giver: Ironskull
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Skullcup Charm (clicky charm on Kobolds up to lvl 65)
You can request this task by saying "I want to make them sad" even without proper faction. For this task you need to kill 15 kobolds and loot 4 Orcskull Cup (20% drop rate). Return the meat to Ironskull to claim your reward.
Tainted Delivery
Quest giver: War Captain Rockfist
Requirements: Coldeye faction
Reward: Foulbane (550 dd to kobolds only)
The first step for this is to kill 10 mammoths and loot 5 Icefall Mammoth Meat (40% drop rate). Return to Rockfist and he gives you War Captain Rockfist's Poison and Battered Crate. Combine the 5 meat and the poison in the crate to produce Crate of Poisoned Meat. Head into the kobold caves (1200, -200, need confirmation). Clear the room and then press U on the center crate to plant the poison. 5 "hungry kobolds" spawn and become "poisoned" and have 75% health. Kill all 5 and return to Rockfist for your reward.