Sunderock Springs
Sunderock Springs is the first area in the fire path of the exapansion, reached for Goru'kar Mesa and leading to the mines to the east and Direwind Cliffs to the north. The zone was originally tuned to be for 50-60 range, but was scaled up to more 60-65. The quest rewards however are still low and generally not worth the effort. There are 11 known rare mobs, with 4 more that seem to be broken, and 3 zonewide rare drops:

Rare Mobs
- Darkmist
No fight data other than it flurries. Multiple spawn points around the pools.
Drops - Mineral Encrusted Hood, Crystalline Staff of the Springs, Wrist molds for group armor. - Doomfount
Hits for just under 1300, flurries, and casts:
- Sunderock Geyser - single target 100 dd, stun, Massive flux. Have lev or risk taking 200k falling damage.
Always drops Doomfount's Essence for the Charm of Lore.
Drops - Sunderspring Gloves, Petrified Stonefin Egg - Granite
Hits for just under 1k. No data on spells.
Drops - Mineral Encrusted Chain Boots, Sandswirl Shield - Head Smith Gannalt
Hits harder as his health drops, starting in 400s and quadding for 1k with AE rampage at the end.
Frequently drops Insignia of Ashengate's Elite for Elite's Insignia quest.
Drops - Sand Guard Robes, Sunderock Mineral Claw - Mirrormask
- Hits for just under 2k. During the fight it summons short duration pets, "dark venom reflection". These will despawn in time, can be snared/rooted, but are immune to mez.
Drops - Sunderspring Sleeves, Gemstone of Scale - Hits for just under 2k. During the fight it summons short duration pets, "dark venom reflection". These will despawn in time, can be snared/rooted, but are immune to mez.
- Missing Rare 1
Drops - Missing Item, Missing Item - Missing Rare 2
Drops - Missing Item, Missing Item - Missing Rare 3
Drops - Missing Item, Missing Item - Missing Rare 4
Drops - Missing Item, Missing Item - Obsidian
Hits for just under 1k, highly resistant to fire damage. No info on spells.
Always drops Lock of Veldyn's Hair for the Charm of Lore.
Drops - Sand Guard Mantle, Signet of the Mistdragon - Razorfang
Hits for just under 1k, no data on spells. PH are the razorback egg tenders.
Drops - Mineral Encrusted Plate Sleeves, Blade of the Last Knight - Sellezra, Trideath`s Mate
Hits for just under 1k and casts a PBAE fear.
Drops - Sunderspring Helm, Lifeseed Emerald - Sulfurog
Hits for just under 1k. No info on spells.
Always drops Relicstone Torch for the Charm of Lore.
Drops - Sunderspring Boots, Rage Moss, Head molds for group armor. - Whitewater
Hits for just under 1k. No info on spells. Multiple spawn points around the pools.
Drops - Sunderspring Belt, Ruby of Destructive Runes, Hand molds for group armor. - Wingover
No fight data other than it flurries.
Drops - Sand Guard Plate Leggings, Goad of the High Desert
Events and Raids
FiddlebackFiddleback is a giant spider that hits for just over 4k, frequent AE rampage, flurries, and casts two spells:
- Fiddleback's Weblash - Hatelist based root and AC debuff
- Fiddleback's Mindfire Poison - 100 range hatelist based dot, mana drain, and silence
Assuming a 3 day respawn, drops a Leg Piece from Fiddleback for an unknown quest and one of the following:
Mistwalker hits in the 2-3k range, flurries, AE rampage, and casts:
- Boiling Steam - Wide frontal AE 5k dd and 200 fire resist debuff
Mistwalker can change direction before casting so be ready to move. Once a minute he summons 4 Shadow in the Mist, adds which hit for 2k but despawn after 10 seconds. He also changes form to Mistwalker's Mistform, presumably this form has higher AC but lower resists.
Assuming a 3 day respawn, drops two of the following:
Oblivion hits in the 3k range, single target rampage, casts
- Slime - 1 minute root, silence, and slime illusion. Cast on multiple people.
Additionally at regular intervals Oblivion spawns 5-10 "an unstable clone". If these adds are not killed or mezzed they explode dealing an unresistable 25 range 5000 dd each. Oblivion also toggles back and forth between a "hardened skin" form with, presumably, higher AC.
Assuming a 3 day respawn, drops Oblivion's Dark Core for Charm of Lore, Oblivion's Dark Bile for an unknown quest, a chance at a Essence of Speed (upgrade DoDH claim mount to Bard speed), and three of the following:
Quests and Missions
Anaglass Arc
Quest giver: Anaglass
Requirements: none
Reward: Anaglass' Band,
Belt of the Faydrake, or
Emerald of the Oasis
Anaglass gives a series for four tasks:
- The Sunderock Geyser
- The first task is very direct, kill 20 seething steam drake and 10 seething mist drake. Both types are fairly common spawns around the pool.
- The Sulfur Springs
- For the second task head to the bog in the northwest portion of the zone. Kill 30 of any ooze type (black, yellow, sulfurious). Attack the pods to spawn the oozebuds, 2-4 pop for each destroyed pod. Finally you need to kill Balloondabloop. He hits for just under 1k and spawns a few adds every minute which hit for around 600. He drops 3 Balloondabloop's Bile per kill, loot one and turn it in to complete the task.
- Golgarun Springs
- For the third task head to the northeast springs. Kill 30 scaldings, 8 steam elementals, and Steam Lord Roil. It hits just under 1k, can flurry, and can cast a 3k dd with AC debuff on everybody on the hatelist. He drops 3 Roil's Seething Ember per kill, loot one and turn it in to complete the task.
- Beyond the Springs
- The final task sends you to Direwind Cliffs to speak with Anderak. Hailing Anderak will complete the arc and give you the reward and dovetails into (but not required for) Anderak's quest arc.
Beasts of Direwind
Quest giver: Syrrengar the Hunter
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Mask of the Direwind Hunter
For this task you need to take out five bosses around Direwind Cliffs. Each drop 3-4 of the required parts for the quest. These can be pre-looted.
- Darkenfin
- Spawns in the pools around the waterfalls. Hits for just over 3k, has single target rampage, and casts an AE stun.
- Denlord Ezak
- Spawns in the caves near the waterfalls. He changes form during the fight, each form having different strengths (rampage, flurry) and casts an AE slow, snare, 500 dot, and 300 mana drain.
- Ghostfeather
- Spawns in the southwest portion of Direwind Cliffs. Hits for nearly 6k, can AE rampage, and casts a PBAE AC and resist debuff as well as a flux.
- Koda
- Roams around the middle of the zone. Has 2 bear adds with him, can hit for over 5k, and casts a 5k dd with snare and flux on tank.
- Shadowpaw
- Spawns outside the caves where Ezak is. Hits for just over 3k, single rampage, periodically changes to pure black and becomes nearly spell immune.
Beasts of Sunderock
Quest giver: Syrrengar the Hunter
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Mark of the Sunderock Hunter
For this task you need to take out five bosses around Sunderock Springs. Each drop 3-4 of the required parts for the quest. These can be pre-looted.
- Komodokin
- Spawns in the northeast corner of the southern part of the zone. Hits for 4500, flurries, and can stun and root those in front of him and has a 4k rear arc AE.
- Sandstorm
- Roams the western side of the north half of the zone. Hits for 1300, flurries, AE rampages, casts an AE blind, and summons 3 adds every minute.
- Skyrake
- Spawns in the northwest area. Hits for 2500ish, flurries, and casts a frontal AE 3k dd with massive flux.
- Tortugone
- Roams the river through the middle of the zone. Hits for just over 4k and can Swallow you, which ports you into hit stomach. You have to attack Tortugone's Gullet to get spit out.
- Trideath
- Spawns in the caves to the southwest. Hits for around 2300 and has a 1k dd AE.
Earthy Extermination
Quest giver: Rhuk L`vere
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Razorglass Keepsake or
Skythresh Earring
This arc is broken up into 3 tasks.
- Earthy Extermination I
- The first task sends you into Vergalid Mines to hunt Bonesnappers, which spawn all along the southern portion of the zone. Kill at least 10 of them and loot 4 of the Bonesnapper Meat (can't be prelooted, roughly 1 in 3 drop rate). Give the meat to Rhuk to complete the task.
- Earthy Extermination II
- Back to the Mines and kill more Bonesnappers, this time looking for Bonesnapper Egg. Can't be prelooted, roughly 1 in 3 from furious but only 1 in 6 from vicious. Give 4 eggs to Rhuk to complete the task.
- Earthy Extermination III
- When you get the third task Rhuk gives you a Bait from Rhuk L`vere. Head back into the mines and head to the eastern part of the watery area. After getting the location update have the bait on your cursor and Vergalak should spawn. He is a real pushover, can be rooted and doesn't summon. Loot the Filet of Vergalak and give it to Rhuk to complete the task and claim your reward.
Elite's Insignia
Quest giver: Armorer Arkin
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Faction with Crusade of the Scale
This is a faction building task. Get the task, turn in a Insignia of Ashengate's Elite, and hail to complete the task. You get 20 faction for the hand in and 30 for the hail afterward, so be sure to get the task before turning it in. Insignia can be prelooted and stack so you can stock up to do many at once. They drop off a variety of rares (generally drakkin model) in Sunderock, Vergalid, Direwind, and Ashengate. Arkin also gives a quest for Champion's Insignias, but those have never been found so it is a dead quest.
Gygun's Last Request
Quest giver: Gygun Urulump
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Orb of Mystic Fury
This quest is broken into two tasks. First hail Gygun Urulump who gives you a note, begs you to give it to Orenu Urulump, then dies. Take the note to Direwind Cliffs and find Orenu near Ashengate, behind the sentries at the gate. Give him the note to complete the first task and get the second. Orenu sends you to Vergalid Mines to locate Gygun lost treasures. Find a heavy wooden chest around (-224, -1063). You should be able to reach it invis without having to clear anything. /inspect the chest to update your task (should update all in group too) then return to Onenu to complete the task and claim your reward.
Into the Void
Quest giver: Fentier Meqental
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Shield of Void Ore
For this task you are given just 6 hours. To complete this task you'll need to first do the key quest to Inner Vergalid. In the locked area around the big pit kill voidspawn golem and bonefiends. They will drop the Chunk of Blackvein Ore (roughly 1 in 3 drop rate) you need. Collect 4 (can not be pre-rooted) and give them to Fentier to complete the task.
Kill the Miners
Quest giver: Mutaq Busla
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Killing Pick
Straightforward kill task. Slaughter the Kickpick and Skullcrush miners are the zone in and hail Mutaq when you reach the quota.
Nhemen's Secret
Quest giver: Nhemen
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Mace of the Gray Sky
Nhemen commands you to destroy Vu`Ryn the Stone Guardian, which spawns in the far eastern portion of Vergalid Mines. Vu`Ryn is a standard loot dropping rare mob. Once he is dead return to Nhemen for your reward.
Pezripisid's Arc
Quest giver: Pezripisid
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Faction with Infiltrators and Traitors of Ashengate and The Truthfinder
This arc is comprised of 4 tasks.
- The Armies of Dyn`leth
- For the first task you need to kill 10 each of the Black Legion archers and warriors, both of which are found to the far north of Direwind Cliffs near the zone to Ashengate. You'll also need to destroy 5 supply crates which are found in the southeast portion of the zone. While this is a solo task kills count for an entire group and potentially for an entire raid, so be sure to group up to flag people. Return to Pezripsid when done to complete your task for +150 faction.
- Unchecked Aggression
- The second task is more precise, requiring 5 chaplains and berserkers along with a single sergeant. These are all found in the camps outside Ashengate but are not as frequent as the archers and warriors. Again killing in a group or raid is ideal. Return to Pezripsid when done to complete your task for another +150 faction.
- Bittersweet Memories
- The third task takes you into Ashengate to hunt down 10 eggtenders midway up the east wing. Once they are dead destroy 5 unhatched eggs and the boss Attendant Bin`zhu spawns. Kill him then return to Pezripsid to complete your task and +165 faction.
- Violence Begets Violence
- When you get the final task in the arc Pezripsid gives you a Knotted Whip of Coercion. Head about half way into the east wing to find 4 Sentries and Overseer Lhazetius. Clear out the 4 guards first and then bring Lhazetius down to around 10% health. At this point click the whip to "lash" him. This will deal damage and you need to get 5 in before he dies so hold all dps until the task updates. If you kill him the respawn is about 20 minutes to try again. If you get the proper lashes in you get Sealed Battle Plans. Once everybody on the task has their plans, kill him and return to Pezripsid to complete your task, get your reward, and 180 faction. If you kill him before the 4 guards the task won't update to the kill step and you'll need to kill him again.
After completing the arc I think you can redo it if you need more faction.
Pulizzi's Arc
Quest giver: Artificer Pulizzi
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: Faction with Scholars of Solusek
This arc is broken into 3 tasks.
- Slicing Clay
- The entire arc takes place in the west wing of Ashengate. The first step is to kill 8 "chaotic" and the Argil Oppressor. Both the rare mob and its ph ("an argil oppressor") will count towards the task. Once your kill count is satisfied return to Pulizzi to complete your task and +150 faction.
- A Brim Task
- When you get this task Pulizzi gives you a Pulizzi's Golem Control Wand. Head back to the west wing and use the wand (equip and stand directly on the mob) on two "brimstone adherant"s. This causes the golem to instantly despawn. You will also need to kill Brimstone Juggernaut. Both the rare mob and its ph ("a brimstone juggernaut") will count towards the task. Once your kill count is satisfied return to Pulizzi to complete your task and +165 faction.
- Dark Guardians of Ashengate
- For the third task it is back to the west wing, to the bridge area. Here you'll kill 8 darkshard guardians and the Galvanized Guardian. Both the rare mob and its ph ("a galvanized guardian") will count towards the task. You also need to loot a Pulsing Obsidian Shard. These drop roughly half the times from darkshards and galvanized and can be pre-looted. Give the shard to Pulizzi to complete your task and +180 faction.
After completing the arc you can redo it if you need more faction.
The Missing Caravan
Quest giver: Looting Note for Zheren
Requirements: Level 65+
Reward: None
Open a "caravan supplies" at -3185, 862 to get Note for Zheren. Simply deliver this to Zheren to complete the task. No rewards, it is just a task to lead you to Zheren.
Travel to the Battlelines
Quest giver: Drake Handler Rolkor
Requirements: Ally to Crusade of the Scale
Reward: Transportation
This is the reward for reaching Ally faction. You can tell Drake Handler Rolkor "Green Legion", "Gray Legion", or "Black Legion" to be teleported to their respective camps. Green is near the entrance to Vergalid Mines. Gray is the southeast part of Direwind. Black is northern part of Direwind, near the Guardian of the Gate. These teleports are one way.
Unearthed Power
Quest giver: Hranath Velentok
Requirements: 65+
Reward: Flute of Draconic Dazzling
To complete this task you'll need to first do the key quest to Inner Vergalid. In the eastern area, around (565, -1765) you'll find a glowing orb. Click it and get "unearthed orb" on target. Simply attack and destroy it, then return to Hranath to complete the task to complete the task. The clicky will mez drakkin up to level 70.
Zheren's Arc
Quest giver: Captain Zheren
Requirements: None?
Reward: Some Crusade of the Scale faction, unlock a raid, and one of the following:
This arc is broken into 5 tasks.
- Scouting Sunderock
This task takes you around the zone:
- The Sulfur Bog : 2500, 1200
- The Pass to Direwind : 3000, -150
- Vergalid Mines : -900, -1550
- Fiddleback's Hunting Ground : 1050, -850
- Starshine Hotsprings : -2300, -600
- Sunderock Geyser : -450, 900
- The Chimera Caves : -2425, 2000
- Basilisk Valley : -2700, -1525
After visiting all 8 spots return to Zheren to complete the task for +5 faction. - Dyn`leth's Artillery
- For the second task you are required to destroy 7 of the catapluts and 14 of the engineers around them. You'll find them on the high ground around the central part of the zone. After they are disposed of return to Zheren to complete the task for +5 faction.
- The Ashengate Orders
- For the third task you need to kill a courier and 4 guards. The group will spawn near Direwind and path towards the Vergalid Mines. None of them can be snared or rooted. They are all low health and the guards are only level 50 so easily killed. The courier drops The Ashengate Orders (supposedly can drop multiple, but rarely). Loot this and deliver it to Zheren to complete the task for +5 faction. The group has a 20 minute respawn.
- Dyn`Leth's Mine
- For the fourth task you start by killing 10 slavedrivers and Overseer Vorsirus outside the entrance to Vergalid Mines. The Overseer comes with a pet, The Guardian of the Mines. Both can be rooted, Guardian hits 750ish and doesn't summon while Overseer hits up to 1200 and can summon. These seem to have a fairly lengthy respawn (2-3 hours). After those are dead head into the mines and kill 10 skullcrush orcs, 10 kickpick goblins, and 3 Overseers, all of which can be found near the zone in. After killing everything return to Zheren to complete the task, get +20 faction and one of the loot listed above. This also allows you to request the Kellak the Serpent Lord raid.
- The Direwind Front
- The final task in the arc simply sends you to Scout Zryan in Direwind Cliffs to continue your questing.
After completing the arc you can redo it if you need more faction.
Zhureni's Arc
Quest giver: Zhureni
Requirements: None?
Reward: faction with Scholars of Solusek and Anji's Serpentine Ring (5 charges of invis, not rechargable)
This annoying arc is broken into 5 tasks.
- Tidying Up in the Temple
- Your first custodial task is to destroy 3 piles of debris and 3 dragonkin remains. Both are objects scattered around the west wing of Ashengate. If you can find a safe place to range them you can destroy them without getting assist agro which makes rogues perfect for this. Does destroying them give group credit?
- Squeaky Clean
For your second custodial task you'll need to visit Merchant Anji in Crescent Reach and buy a Wooden Bucket, a Dry Scrubbing Brush, some water flasks,
and at least 5 of the Cleaning Solvent (also pick up at least 2 Advanced for the next task). Combine the brush, solvent, and water inside the bucket
to create a Soaked Scrubbing Brush with 1 charge of Vigorous Scrub. You will need to scrub 5 locations in Ashengate's west wing. After each scrub the
brush dries out and you'll need to do another combine to recharge it. If your map doesn't already have the locations marked, add these to your ashengate_2.txt file:
- P -323.0000, -217.0000, 6.0000, 255, 0, 255, 2, Scrub1
- P -360.0000, -580.0000, 127.0000, 255, 0, 255, 2, Scrub2
- P -730.0000, -800.0000, 126.0000, 255, 0, 255, 2, Scrub3
- P -730.0000, -1350.0000, 65.0000, 255, 0, 255, 2, Scrub4
- P -1175.0000, -2000.0000, -102.0000, 255, 0, 255, 2, Scrub5
After getting all 5 updates return to Zhureni to complete the task. - Scrubbing the Statues
- For your third custodial task go back to Anji and buy at least 2 Advanced Custodial Solvent. Combine the solvent, brush, and water in the bucket to create a Drenched Scrubbing Brush with 1 charge of Cleansing Scrub. Head back into the west wing and use the brush on 'a brimstone aberrant' at very close range. Doing so changes it to 'a cleaned brimstone aberrant' so only one person can get credit per mob. You'll need to recharge the brush between scrubbings. After cleaning two return to Zhureni to complete the task.
- Evidence of Corruption
For the fourth task head back into the west wing and collect a bunch of bits:
- 20 Smoldering Ash from drakes, roughly 1 in 3 drop rate, can't be prelooted
- 3 Lava Ooze Gland from goo and slim, roughly 1 in 4 drop rate, can be prelooted
- 3 Igneous Cairn Stone from statues, roughly 1 in 5 drop rate, can be prelooted
- 1 Vial of Burning Liquid from drakes and elemental, roughly 1 in 20 drop rate, can be prelooted
You can preloot everything except the ash while doing the previous tasks, but be prepared to grind drakes for a while especially when doing for multiple people. Once you have it all turn it in to Zhureni to complete the task. You'll get 10 doses of Tonic of Empowerment, a 10 minute buff which gives 100 atk and 25% focus to fire based spells. - Unmake Solusek's Magic
- When you get this task Zhureni give you Zhureni's Satchel of Supplies. Deliver this to Randalph the Wise in the northeastern portion on Sunderock. He will instruct you to throw a magical ring into the lava in Ashengate, giving you Magical Gold Ring. Head back into Ashengate as long as you are on this step a soot wraith will spawn and attack you every few minutes. Make your way through the north wing and lev over the northeast. Around (1800, -200) you will get an update and the Ring will disappear from your inventory. Return back to Zhureni to complete the task and claim your reward.
After completing the arc you can redo it if you are a sadist and need more faction.