The city of giants is to the north of Icefall Glacier and leads into Frostcrypt. The giants south of the gate are generally non-hostile while those to the north are KOS. Level wise the content is set for those over 70. In addition to 20 loot dropping rares and an abundance of quests to raise faction with the Wraithguard, there are 3 zonewide rare drops:

Rare Mobs
- Animal Tender Bealon
Hits for around 2800 max and will summon 3 wolf adds around 50%. The wolves can be mezzed and rooted and hit for around 1k each. They don't despawn.
Drops - Holmguard Cloak, Baelon's Ice Knife - Belgar, Captain of the Wall
Hits for just over 2100 and can single target Rampage. Casts:
- Two-Handed Sweep - Fontal AE 3k dd and flux.
Drops - Lorekeeper Belt, Belgar's Blade - Drentik the Mad
Hits for around 2600 and can single target Rampage. Casts:
- Touch of Madness - Single target 36 second charm. 36 curse counters.
Drops - Earring of the Arts, Dentrik's Dementia - Fihulf, Hero of the People
Hits for up to 2300 and appears to be leashed to his spawn point in the arena. May have an innate chance to reflect spells.
Drops - Ring Rituals, Hero's Promise - Gatewatch Urgwit
Hits for around 2200 and flurries. No data on spells.
Drops - Essence of Stone, Pulsing Emerald of Life - Ironbelly
Hits for around 2100 and can single target Rampage. Casts:
- Ironbelly Bite - Single target 4k dd and snare.
Drops - Pitted Mask of Sorrows, Deepbelly - Jotik the Guardian
No info on combat damage, spawns two adds at 50%.
Drops - Mantle of Crypts, The Guardian's Pouch, Faraday Stormrider's Fiery Avenger - Kellet, Royal Guard Captain
Hits for around 2400 and can AE rampage. Spawns a pair of giant adds around 50%.
Drops - Krithgor Ceremonial Mask, House Harfange Heraldic Gorget - Lorekeeper Gerrod
No info.
Drops - Will of Many Hands, Bracelet of Ancient Stone - Lorekeeper Magnus
No combat info but will spawn an untargetable tornado which goes around casting an AE flux.
Drops - Ancestral Hoop, Hailstone Heart - Mammoth Tender Granik
No fight info
Drops - Cloak of Weighted Chains, Warbound Belt - Master Smith Goil
He is tethered to his room and can occasionally banish someone to his forge where they can take 5k dd's.
Drops - Necklace of Ages, Goil's Guardian Aura - Patriarch Yerban
No fight info.
Drops - Serpentine Belt of Deftness, Jester's Mask - Royal Cryptguard Zerakt
Can hit around 2200.
Drops - Jewel of the Stalwart, Fellstone - Royal Guard Captain Helgar
No fight info.
Drops - Orb of Chilling Grace, Warpower Stone - Spring Master Yergin
Hits for just over 2k and summons steam elementals during the fight. Adds hit for around 1500 and can AE. May be able to avoid adds if Yergin
is pulled away from spawn spot, but elementals don't despawn so will need to be killed eventually.
Drops - Ring of Warded Stone, Steamforged Shield of Runes - Squad Leader Brontik
No melee data, but spawns giant adds during fight.
Drops - Holmguard Helm, Valdeholm Honorguard Bracer - The Void
Can hit for over 3k and casts:
- Voidtouch - Single target dot, enduranc, and mana drain. 36 curse counters.
Drops - Lorekeeper Charm Necklace, Deathless Mask - Watch Commander Cearul
No fight info.
Drops - Warforged Sleeves, Commander's Arm Guard - Watch Commander Thellik
No fight info.
Drops - Boots of Bounding, Commander's Crested Bracer
Quests and Missions
Altar Escort
Quest giver: Fergarin Bardon I
Requirements: Ally to Wraithguard Leadership
Size: Group
Reward: Radiant Totem of Ancient Krithgor
To reach Fergarin the requestor you must first complete the Bypass Heimgul task, but the rest of the group doesn't. Fergarin gives you a Sleep Spore Draught when you request this mission. Your first step is to go to (-1325, -1050) and click on the mug on the barrel. Now head to Icefall, just to the southeast of the zone to Valdeholm (2260, -440) you'll see a Krithgor ritesmaster. When you speak with hmim two pilgrims spawn and your job is to protect them along their journey. You can tell the ritemaster "move" and "wait" as needed. As you travel south they will ocassionally stop on their own and you'll need to say "move" to continue. There will be a few ambushes of 4-5 mobs. If any die your mission fails. Eventually you reach the zone to The Steppes and the pilgrims despawn. Zone into Steppes and find the ritemaster, speak with him to resume the trek. You'll face another ambush as they travel to the altar by the water. When they reach their destination they will begin to pray and you'll get 3 timed waves of adds, first once they start, the second after 5 minutes, the third after 2 more minutes. After that is done they make the return journey to Valdeholm with one more ambush in Steppes and one in Icefall. When you get back to where you started they despawn, all that remains is to hail Fergarin to complete the mission.
Ancient Tomes
Quest giver: Wraithguard Lorekeeper Fenegar
Requirements: Dubious to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Runed Diamond
Fenegar gives you a Empty Book when you request this task. There are 3 books you can create from drops from the Darkfell gnolls in the Steppes:
- 4 unique "Torn Pages" create Ancient Book of Krithgor.
- 3 unique "Tattered Scrolls" create Ancient Scroll of Krithgor.
- 2 unique "Bundle of Brittle Parchment" create Ancient Letters of Krithgor.
Each drop has abot a 1% drop rate, a different graphic so it is easy to keep track of what you have, and can be prelooted as well. Regardless of which book you create turn it in to Fenegar for +240 Wraithguard faction, +50 Wraithguard Leadership faction, and the Runed Diamond. Can the task be repeated for faction?
Armor Supplies
Quest giver: Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm
Requirements: Dubious to Wraithguard
Reward: Faction and a Bracer
Tell Strongarm "Supplies" to request this simple turn in task. Collect 4 Icefall Grizzly Pelt from bears in Icefall, can be prelooted, and turn them in for +60 Wraithguard faction, +50 Wraithguard Leadership faction, and one of the following:
The bracers are not lore and the task can be repeated.Bypass Heimgul
Quest giver: Wraithguard Heimgul
Requirements: Ally to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Access to Fergarin
This is a simply access quest. Once you reach Ally faction to Wraithguard Leadership give Heimgul 3 Mark of Rallos Zek (drops off trash in Frostcrypt) and you'll be flagged to pass him. There is no task, just a simple hand in. If you haven't done this whenever you try to walk by you'll get knockbacked out of the room.
Construction of Shadows
Quest giver: Wraithguard Lorekeeper Fenegar
Requirements: Dubious to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: 10x Potion of Windspeed
Say "I can help" to get this task. You will need to visit 4 locations in Frostcrypt:
- Treasure Room : (1870, 270)
- Prison : (1985, -325)
- Temple : (1475, 330)
- Meeting Hall : (620, 280)
Use of FD, SoS, Goblin Shroud, etc can let you get around and trigger these locations. Upon getting the fourth update you get +180 Wraithguard faction, +50 Wraithguard Leadership faction, and the 10x Potion of Windspeed, 60% run speed and invis.
Fergarin's Arc
Quest giver: Fergarin Bardon I
Requirements: Ally to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction and progression
To reach Fergarin the requestor needs to complete the Bypass Heimgul task. This arc is broken into 3 single group missions:
- Intercepted Correspondence
- The first mission sends you to find a Incriminating Note. This drops nearly every time from citizens around the hot springs area, but not from anywhere else in the zone. It can not be prelooted, however you can have it in your advanced loot window before requesting the mission. Turn the Note in to Fergarin to complete the mission and get +50 Wrathguard Leadership to all in the group.
- Lost Letter
- The second mission sends you to find a Sealed Letter. This drops rarely from mobs throug the northern half of the zone ("master at arms" and "an armorer" evidently drop better). It also apparently always drops from a specific citizen which spawns at 7am game time around (-1290, -480). It can not be prelooted, however you can have it in your advanced loot window before requesting the mission. Turn the Letter in to Fergarin to complete the mission and get +50 Wrathguard Leadership to all in the group.
- Confession
- The final mission sends you to Direwind Cliffs to find Telgrith, the Black Legion Captain. He is a rare spawn in the black legion camps right outside Ashengate. He does not have a specific spawn point, hits just under 3k and procs a 1500 dd. Once you kill him hail Fergarin to complete the mission and get +50 Wrathguard Leadership to all in the group.
Fergarin's Marks
Quest giver: Fergarin Bardon I
Requirements: Ally to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Purchased Gear
Trash in Frostcrypt drop Mark of Rallos Zek. As a reward for reaching Ally and after finishing Bypass Heimgul you can tell Fergarin 'I would like to know' to be offered 10 tasks. Each task requires handing in a number of Marks in exchange for a piece of gear:
- 4 - Gorget of Warbound Steel
- 4 - Frostloam Cloak
- 6 - Axe of the Royal Guard
- 6 - Holmguard Maul
- 8 - Steel Ring of Valor
- 8 - Steel Earring of Lore
- 10 - Pamphlet of Battle Ritual
- 10 - Iceglazed Shield
- 12 - Krithgorian Hearth Stone
- 12 - Chip of Fratho's Shield
Quest giver: Commander Haesgrin
Requirements: High Dubious to Wraithguard Leadership (-50 maybe?)
Reward: Faction and Battered Shield of the Fallen Guard
Get this task by telling Haesgrin "Reports". Head to Frostcrypt, hailing Wraithguard Hunter Grethmar just outside. When you zone in Grethmar and two guards will join you. You can say "stop" and "move" to control them. The goal here is to kill "Warlord Vongar, the Relentless". It spawns somewhat randomly after a bit of time. One trick to do this is after zoning in say "move" then say "stop" over and over until the Warlord pops. Once it does kill him then say "move" and "stop" once more to update the task. It can be a bit buggy. Supposedly if Grethmar is already active in the zone you can not request the task. Once you get the update you get your shield and +300 Wraithguard Leadership.
Lodigar the Recruiter
Quest giver: Wraithguard Lodigar
Requirements: Apprehensive to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction and one item
Tell Lodigar "Vengeance" to get the task. You will need to kill 3 specific mobs in Valdeholm and loot an item from each:
- Seathir : (-1400, 740)
- Gothar : (450, -1150)
- Derein : (1550, 375)
Each giant hits for around 2200 but nothing special. They drop 3 pieces per kill and can be prelooted. Turn them in for +250 Wraithguard Leadership and one of the following:
Orcish Dissention
Quest giver: Wraithguard Warden Hrosigar
Requirements: Apprehensive to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction
This task is fairly straightforward, go to Icefall and kill 30 Coldeye orcs and the named Sayrook. He hits for just over 2k but nothing special. Loot his head and return it to Hrosigar to complete the task and get +200 Wraithguard Leadership.
Runic Ivory
Quest giver: Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm
Requirements: Dubious to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction
This is a simple turn in task. Collect 4 Icefall Ivory Tusk from mammoth in Icefall, can be prelooted, and turn them in for +60 Wraithguard faction and +50 Wraithguard Leadership faction.
Shade's Bane
Quest giver: Wraithguard Thentil Strongarm
Requirements: Amiable to Wraithguard
Reward: Faction and Daystone
This task is a bit involved. First you'll need to loot 8 Mark of Rallos Zek (which are better off being used for factionn) from Frostcrypt trash. Then you need a Obsidian Cup from trash Drakkin in Ashengate. Head down the west wing of Ashengate, past the Argil Oppressor area, to the lava coming out of the dragon fountains. When you get the right spot the cup will change to Cup of Lava, a 4-slot container. Combine 4 Marks in the cup to create a Darksphere. Do this twice.
For the next step you need a Reliquary Fragment from drakes in Ashengate and a Goldfire Ore from goblins and orcs in Vergalid. Combine the Goldfire Ore, a Smithy Hammer, and a Sharpening Stone in a forge to create a Pouch of Goldfire Ore Dust. Put the Reliquary Fragment in the pouch and combine to create a Ore-coated Reliquary Stone. Finally put 2 Darkspheres and Ore-coated Reliquary Stone in the Cup of Lava to create Obsidian of Shade Bane. Doing so completes the task and grants you the Daystone, an aug giving a 175 unresistable proc against Frostcrypt shades.
Shade Bounty
Quest giver: Commander Haesgrin
Requirements: Kindly to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction
Get this task by telling Haesgrin "Hunting". Head to Frostcrypt and kill trash to collect 4 Mark of Rallos Zek (can be pre-looted). Turn them in to get +300 Wraithguard Leadership. You can repeat the task, unsure of lockout.
The Shattered Gift
Quest giver: Wraithguard Lorekeeper Fenegar
Requirements: Kindly to Wraithguard
Reward: Staff of Frozen Flame
Tell Fenegar "Ice and fire" to get this task and be given Attuned Medicine Bag, a 10 slot container. You need to find 5 items:
- The White Flame - from Whiteflame in the eastern side of the pit in Valdeholm
- Winter Steel Shard - from Blueface the Hoard in the center of Icefall
- Cylindrical Shard of Winter Steel - from Berzok the Recluse in the northwest part of Icefall
- The Red Flame - from Red Flame in northwest part of Steppes
- Fractured Winter Steel Statue of Flame - from My Pretty quest in Steppes
The Tribal Chieftains
Quest giver: Wraithguard Sergeant Aerik
Requirements: Apprehensive to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction and Ruby of Wards
Tell Aerik "What way" to get this task. You will need kill a chieftan in each of the camps in Icefall and Steppes: Orc (Coldeye) and Kobold (Nightmoon) in Icefall and Goblin (Stonemight) and Gnoll (Darkfell) in Steppes. There are 3 of each type, any will count. After killing one of each simply hail Aerik for +X Wraithguard Leadership and the Ruby of Wards.
Warning Signs
Quest giver: Wraithguard Warden Hrosigar
Requirements: Apprehensive to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction and Crystal of Daylight
Tell Hrosigar "defenses" to get the task, you are given Shadow Ward Rune. Head into the pit area and find a crystal. Target it and click the Rune to update the task, has a chance of spawning "an animated shard" which hits for up to 2k. After clicking 10 return to Hrosigar and give him the Rune to complete the task and get +200 Wraithguard Leadership and the Crystal of Daylight, clicky buff giving a 400dd vs undead. 43 minute reuse, 1 minute duration.
Weapons Acquisition
Quest giver: Commander Haesgrin
Requirements: Kindly to Wraithguard Leadership
Reward: Faction
Get this task by telling Haesgrin "Supplies". Head to Frostcrypt and kill trash to collect 4 each of Shadow Forged Blade, Shadow Forged Axe, and Shadow Forged Hammer, (can be pre-looted). Turn them in to get +300 Wraithguard Leadership. You can repeat the task, unsure of lockout.
Wraithguard Vengeance
Quest giver: Wraithguard Lodigar
Requirements: Kindly to Wraithguard
Reward: Faction
Tell Lodigar "Vengeance" to get this simple kill task. Kill 30 Sergeants, report back to complete the task and get your faction.