Ashengate: West


Quest Giver - Jenray, Envoy of Ro
Requirements to join: Ally to Scholars of Solusek and Vergalid flag
Requirements to request: Above plus "Severing the Strings" task.
Request phrase: "Give me a greater challenge"
Entry phrase: "enter Ashengate"
Raid Size: 54

Ambersnout, the Aberration

A mini-boss fight which can be skipped. You start the event by breaking open the egg beneath the bridge. Ambersnout will spawn and instantly buff himself with a 1000 melee DS and 8500 spell DS which can't be removed. He is non-agro and will begin pathing around the room. Roughly every 30 seconds an add will spawn:

  • a bubbling pile of ashen goo - Hits for up to 3000 and has a 1500 point melee DS.
  • a burning fragment of Solusek - Hits for up to 1500 and has an 8500 point spell DS.
  • a fiery darkshard guardian - Hits for up to 3000, nothing special.

All three types of adds can be rooted, but will summon if damaged. If any add is left unagro'd for long the event will reset. As each add is killed Ambersnout will lose health. Kill enough adds and Ambersnout will die and a chest will appear with your loot.

Ambersnout's corpse has a Ambersnout's Snout for Charm of Lore and the chest contains a Mark of Vergalid to backflag Vergalid kill, 2 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 1 groupable Ashengate augment, and 1 of the following:

Attendants of Sothgar

As you approach the northern end of the West wing you'll enter a room with 5 "an attendant of Sothgar". They are each rooted in place and have an aura which deals 1300 damage per tick. If you aren't careful with your positioning you can get hit by multiple auas at the same time. The attendants hit for up to 5k and will summon. When an attendant is dropped below 10% it changes into "an enraged attendant of Sothgar" and starts hitting for up to 8k. When they change the five will have different heights and colors, you must kill them from shortest/lightest to tallest/darkest. If one is killed out of order all 5 respawn at full health and you must start over. If they are killed in the correct order a chest appears with your loot.

The chest contains a Mark of Vergalid to backflag Vergalid kill, 2 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 1 groupable Ashengate augment, and 1 of the following:

Sothgar the Twiceborn

When the Attendants event is completed Sothgar spawns non-agro giving you time to set up. Levitation is stripped in the room and the lava does 3k a tick, so be careful with your positioning. When ready tell Sothgar "Awaken" to begin the event. Sothgar hits for 6800, single rampage, and has two directional AE:

At 75% Sothgar goes inactive and a few oozes spawn and roam the room. These cast a 50 range PBAE, Magma Bubble, which deals 15k damage, dots, and stuns. You need to move around the room (and not fall in lava) to avoid them until Sothgar wakes up. When he does Sothgar resumes his melee and spells, the oozes despawn, and you get a couple drakes in 3 flavors:

  • a lavascale drake - Can be charmed
  • an ashen drake - Can be mezzed
  • a reborn ashwing drake - Immune to cc, needs to be kited or offtanked

At 50% Sothgar goes inactive again, the drakes despawn, and oozes come back. Avoid the oozes like last time until Sothgar gets up. Oozes despawn, drakes come back, and the fight continues. Around 40% a different type of goo spawn, burning lava oozes, these don't explode but will cast a 1500 point DS on the drakes so OT's need to be sure not to pincushion themselves.

At 25% Sothgar goes inactve for a final time, all the adds despawn, and more exploding oozes pop. When Sothgar wakes up it is going to be chaos. Sothgar resumes his melee, his directional AEs, more drakes spawn, damage shield oozes spawn, and Sothgar gains a PBAE flux and a PBAE fd. Throw the kitchen sink at him and all adds will despawn when Sothgar dies.

The chest contains 2 Mark of Vergalid to backflag Vergalid kill, 2 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 2 Armor Molds (no legs or chest), chance at a Serpent's Essence, and 2 of the following: