Vex Thal: Aten Ha Ra
Quest giver - a worrisome shade
Request phrase: tiny
Entry phrase: ready
You'll find Aten Ha Ra on the west side of the zone. When your group is ready hail and say "begin" to start the event.
Throughout the event every 45 seconds Aten Ha Ra will emote: Aten Ha Ra points at Rasper with one arm, while holding a finger to her lips. The named player will get a green aura and needs to move away from the group, or if the tank is targeted all others need to move away. 10 seconds after the emote an AE triggers on the person, Silence of Shade, a 120 range 12 second silence and 7k mana dot.
At first Aten Ha Ra is inactive, instead a Pli Liako spawns followed by a second then a third. Once they are dead Aten Ha Ra becomes active. If you take more than 2 minutes to kill them Aten Ha Ra will become active anyway and you'll need to deal with them together.
At this point another pair of emotes start: Stones form from shadows in the corners of the room, following this non-agro golems will spawn with a purple aura and walk directly across the room. Avoid the edges of the room (as best you can while dodging the silence emote anyway) so they don't spawn on you and then dodge their auras as they pass. Need confirmation, think the aura triggers Body Crash, a knockback, stun, and 150k dd.
The second emote is: Aten Ha Ra shouts. 'Awaken, guardian!'. At this point a gargoyle spawns above and swoops down. These can be mezzed. I need more information on them, but it appears if not mezzed they can proc a 150k dot.
Continue to dps while avoiding silence emote, dodging golems, and handling gargoyles. Eventually Aten Ha Ra will deactivate with the emote: Shadows form between the tiles of the floor, coalescing into familiar shapes as 2 blobs spawn. Keep them separated as if they touch a massive 400k dd will go off. Emotes continue to go off while you kill the blobs. Once both are dead Aten Ha Ra reactivates (unknown if she will reactivate before they are dead if you take too long).
After the blobs there in another emote: Dust and blood on the floor around Rasper. Like with silence emote, this causes an AE to go off centered on the targeted player which will FD anybody in range.
All that remains is to finish off Aten Ha Ra at which point a shadowbound chest appears with a spell Bloodstone, an Ossified Bloodied Ore, a "Faded Waning Crescent" piece for tier 2 armor, a random Augment, and 2 random pieces of other loot.