Elder Longshadow 4: Trailing Longshadow
Quest giver: Shadowalker Dustspirit
Location: Stoneroot Falls
Requirements: Freeing an Elder, The Orb of Subversion, and A Plea for Help
- Speak with Scout Whiteclaw (Stoneroot Falls)
- Trail Elder Ritualist Longshadow and see what you can discover
- Slay the drachnid informant
In this mission you are tasked with spying on Longshadow because she has been acting odd. Speak with Scout Whiteclaw to zone into the instance. Once inside you should see Elder Longshadow, you'll need to stay close enough to hear her but not close enough to get spotted. If you get close she will emote that she found you and the mission fails. 3 minutes after zoning in she will emote and start pathing. It is suggested that you keep invis up as you follow to avoid unnecessary zone trash. During her pathing she will occasionally stop as 2-4 drachnids attack you. Once the ambushers are dead Longshadow resumes her journey, so if you need a med break just keep one mezzed. Keep an eye out on zone trash as you'll move through a region with undead where you'll want to shift to IVU. Here is a description of her path as given by a poster on Alla:
- Follow her across the waterfall, stop at turn in bridge and 2 spiders spawn.
- Once she moves again finish that bridge then go to the bottom of the next one and wait there for 3 spiders.
- Go over to the right and follow the beach to the left .. she swims across and stops on the other side wait around on side opposit her for the mobs (2-3).
- Cross to the other beach and follow her adds spawn. I'd suggest moving on and killing the undead while you keep the last spider locked down (4 spiders)
- She stops for awile after you kill the last mobs, then she makes a slight U turn back towards the way she came then heads off to the West between two hills and on to island with undead, when we did it she walked up and to the right a bit and 3-4 mobs spawned to left so watch out with agro the adds ate the casters that were in the back.
- ext stop is further on down that same island with the undead mobs (again they spawned near the back of where group was set up so lag behind elder longshadow a bit.) 3-4
- Next she swam over to another island with a few mobs on it, we got 4 spiders and 2 adds so might want to pull some of that island before hand.
- She stops out in front of tunnel to Stoneroot falls. She walks off and final mob jumps you.
Eventually Longshadow will reach her destination and a drachnid informant will spawn. The informant will berate her for being followed and attack you. Kill the informant to complete the mission, it also drops your loot.
- Level 65
Cursor rewards:
- All - Clipped Shadowmane Ear
- Den Guardian Arms
- Ornate Wurine Helmet
- Young Witheran Hide Gloves
- Spirit Channeler Cap
- Wurine Pup Chain
- Level 68+ Normal
Cursor rewards:
- Melee/Hybrid - Wurine Feeling Stone
- Caster/Priest - Wurine Sense Stone
- Den Guardian Helmet
- Spirit Channeler Boots
- Jagged Chain Boots
- Young Witheran Hide Arms
- Shadowmane Necklace of the Arcane
- Level 68+ Hard
Cursor rewards:
- Melee/Hybrid - Ragepaw Swiftness Charm
- Caster/Priest - Shadowmane Swiftness Charm
- Den Guardian Gloves
- Shadowmane Shaman Arms
- Ragepaw Savage Arms
- Tough Wurine Boots
- Ornate Mithril Collar