Corathus Creep
Reached via Nektulos Forest, the Corathus Creep is the entry point to the expansion. To the southeast is the remants of Expedition 328, offering quest leading deeper into the expansion. The 20 rare mobs here are targeted at lower levels, from upper 30s to mid 50s. To the northeast are creep reaper toilers which trigger the zone's raid boss, Taskmaster XVII. The only exits are back to Nektulos to the east and on to Undershore to the west. There are 5 zonewide rares here:
- Undamaged Gnomework Faceplate
- Burrownizer Fan Belt
- Gnomework Metabolizer
- Nogglegrop the Steadfast (evolving)
- Blade of the Newborn Vampire (evolving)

Rare Mobs
- a corathus infector
Hits under 400, no info on spells.
Drops - Lamellae Wrists, Sporali Skin Legs - a reeking corathus
Hits under 300, no info on spells.
Drops - Mushroom Cap Armguards, Mushroom Cap Gloves - a shuffling mindspore thrall
No fight data.
Drops - Radically Refurbished Wrist Guards, Gnomework Splint Legs - a sporali frostthrower
no data on melee, but casts Shaman spells and
- Sporali's Growth - an instant cast 13.5k heal once per minute.
Drops - Lamellae Helm, Lamellae Arms - a sporali needler
No fight data. No location data.
Drops - Mushroom Cap Wrists, Pileus Leather Legs - a sporali stingswarm
Spawns inside a hut. No melee data, but casts Druid spells.
Drops - Mushroom Cap Boots, Mushroom Cap Head Gear - an envenomed thrall
PH is red thrall closest to wall. No fight data.
Drops - Strand of Living Fungus, Sporali Skin Mask - an oozing corathus
No data on melee. Casts:
- Squirm - single target 1250 dd.
Drops - Lamellae Gloves, Cozy Sponge Boots - Creeper
PH is a static creeper reaper. Hits under 300, no info on spells.
Drops - Sparkling Mushroom, Softened Sporali Stem - Defecto-Scraper
No data.
Drops - Band of Fungus, Fungal Earring - Magiken
May spawn from multiple "a sporali defender". Hits around 300 and casts Wizard spells.
Drops - Moldy Chain Wrist, Moldy Watchman Chain Leggings - Octo-Bot
PH is a roaming spider. No fight data.
Drops - Speckled Mushroom Band, Forlorn Blade - Patrol XIV
PH is a static spider. No fight data.
Drops - Moldy Chain Helmet, Moldy Watchman Chain Vambraces - Psciospore
PH is a static mushroom. No data on melee but casts:
- Germinate - single target 1800 dd and snare.
- Sporali Cloud - single target 18 sec mez.
Drops - Burrownizer Power Source, Fungus Spun Bow, Lightfingers, Hand of the Archthief (evolving) - Scuttlebucket
No data
Drops - Radically Refurbished Boots, Radically Refurbished Head Plating, Aldrian's Fancy Pants (evolving) - Slink
No Data
Drops - Moldy Luminescent Choker, Radically Refurbished Mantle, Living Dragonhide Cloak (evolving) - Slither
No data
Drops - Mushroom Cap Cape, Visage of Living Fungus - Squirmsnare
PH is just a slithering corathus. No data on melee, casts:
- Squirm - single target 1250 dd.
Drops - Tiny Mushroom Earring, Petrified Mushroom - The Sporali Avenger
Spawns in a hut. No data other than having a powerful regen buff, likely Glowroot, 1k per tick regen and AC buff.
Drops - Moldy Chain Gloves, Moldy Watchman Chain Boots - Vernon
PH is a roaming creep reaper. Hits around 200, no data on spells.
Drops - Radically Refurbished Arm Casing, Gnomework Augmented Gloves
Events and Raids
Taskmaster XVIITo start this event you need to kill the "a creep Reaper toiler"s. After 3 of those you'll start getting raid con versions of them with significantly more hp which are immune to root. After a few of those the Taskmaster spawns. He hits for up to 1600, no flurry or ramp, and casts 3 spells:
- Mana Beam - 2k single target dd.
- Sprocket Smash - PBAE 2k dd, attack debuff, and melee slow. No counters.
- Grease Fire - PBAE 500 dd with fear and blind.
Unknown respawn time on success or failure. If you wipe, be sure to clear any remaining toilers before trying again. Taskmaster drops two spells (69 or 70) and 2 of the following:
Quests and Missions
Slipgear's Errands
Quest giver: Cartographer Slipgear
Requirements: none
Reward: Slipgear's Gem
Cartographer Slipgear will give you a series of tasks which involve going to specific locations in static zones. You can pick up all 5 zone tasks at once and just trigger them as you go. The rogue shroud can help a lot in getting to some places without a group. All locations should be marked on the zone maps.
Task 1: Explore the Depths
- Corathus Creep: Edge of the Corathus Veins - (-710, 1150)
- Corathus Creep: Sporali Mindspore Traps - (-360, 825)
- Corathus Creep: Crash Site of Expedition 328 - (-710, 255)
- Corathus Creep: Whisper Springs - (70, 60)
- Corathus Creep: White Snake Falls - (-225, 1480)
- Corathus Creep: Return to Cartographer Slipgear
Task 2: Chart the Undershore
- The Undershore: North Rim Outpost - (-645, -760)
- The Undershore: Malgrinnor: East Gate - (155, -615)
- The Undershore: Entrance to Runesmoke Cavern - (720, 120)
- The Undershore: The Enclave of Jarzarrad - (-1025, 740)
- The Undershore: Jadewater Beach - (1230, -380)
- The Undershore: The Stone Forest - (915, 645)
- Corathus Creep: Return to Cartographer Slipgear
Task 3: Explore Stoneroot Falls
- Stoneroot Falls: The Living Isles - (170, 1045)
- Stoneroot Falls: The Deeping Way Trade Route - (455, -1800)
- Stoneroot Falls: Versarin, the Fallen Outpost - (-930, -1515)
- Stoneroot Falls: The Ruins of Xill - (-925, -30)
- Stoneroot Falls: The Coral Bog - (-345, -1435)
- Corathus Creep: Return to Cartographer Slipgear
Task 4: Beware the Hive
- The Hive: Recluse Canyon - (-1260, 500)
- The Hive: The East Obelisk - (-420, 480)
- The Hive: Warren of the Conscripts - (-250, 1360)
- The Hive: Queen Sendaii's Shrine - (-50, 1290)
- The Hive: The Reanimation Chamber - (-670, 663, 28)
- The Hive: The Living Bridges - (175, 650)
- Corathus Creep: Return to Cartographer Slipgear
Task 5: Brave the Ruins of Illsalin
- Ruins of Illsalin: Gallowglass Arena - (-1375, -60)
- Ruins of Illsalin: Battlemaster's Conclave - (-1935, 295)
- Ruins of Illsalin: Infested Water Caves - (-405, 330)
- Ruins of Illsalin: Statue of the Deep Ray - (-925, -540)
- Ruins of Illsalin: Imperial Audience Chamber - (-2265, -465)
- Ruins of Illsalin: Wallwatcher's Citadel - (-200, -640)
- Corathus Creep: Return to Cartographer Slipgear
Parts for Bellfast
Quest giver: Bellfast
Requirements: Have at least 1 mechanoinstruction scrap on you
Reward: Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual
There are two versions of this task, one for casters (Enc, Mag, Nec, Wiz) and one for everybody else. This is the caster version.
- Find Merchant Model CGXIV and buy a spell research kit
- Speak with Bellfast
- Create 1 Tattered Mechanoinstruction using tradeskills
- Create 1 Tattered Mechanoinstruction using tradeskills
- Create 1 Tattered Mechanoinstruction using tradeskills
- Deliver 1 Tattered Mechanoinstruction to Bellfast
- Deliver 1 Tattered Mechanoinstruction to Bellfast
- Deliver 1 Tattered Mechanoinstruction to Bellfast
- Loot 5 Clockwork Pinion Gear
- Loot 2 Clockwork Gear
- Deliver 5 Clockwork Pinion Gear to Bellfast
- Deliver 2 Clockwork Gear to Bellfast
- Create 1 Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual using tradeskills
After finding Model CGXIV (you might need to run through him without lev to trigger update) chat with Bellfast for Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual Page 1. Then collect all 10 Mechanoinstruction Scraps. The Lore on them will spell out 3 words: Mechanotabiet Configuration Advisorybook. Combine the first 3, the second 4, and the final 3 to create 3 Tattered Mechanoinstructions. Hand them in to Bellfast to get Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual Page 2, 3, and 4. Now collect 5 pinions and 2 gears and turn them in for Page 5. Finally combine the 5 pages to create Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual.
For non-researchers you get a different task:
- Find Merchant Model CGXIV
- Speak with Merchant Model CGXIV
- Loot 1 Mechanoinstruction Scraps (10 of these)
After chatting with CGXIV you'll need to loot all 10 versions of the scraps. Once you do you are automatically given the second half of the task:
- Deliver 1 Mechanoinstruction Scrap to Bellfast (10 of these)
- Loot 5 Clockwork Pinion Gear
- Loot 2 Clockwork Gear
- Deliver 5 Clockwork Pinion Gear to Bellfast
- Deliver 2 Clockwork Gear to Bellfast
Give Bellfast all 10 of your scraps and then you'll need to loot and give him 5 pinions and 2 gears. Doing so awards you the Scrindite's Mechanoinstruction Manual
Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles
Quest giver: Bellfast
Requirements: Completed Parts for Belfast
Reward: Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles
- Loot 20 Ragepaw Hair
- Loot 5 Ragepaw Pelt
- Deliver 20 Ragepaw Hair to Bellfast
- Deliver 5 Ragepaw Pelt to Bellfast
- Loot 20 Ragepaw Teeth
- Loot 5 Ragepaw Claw
- Deliver 20 Ragepaw Teeth to Bellfast
- Deliver 5 Ragepaw Claw to Bellfast
For this task you need to do the Hair and Pelts, return them, then start on the Teeth and Claws. Doubtful you can pre-loot. After turning everything in you get Scrindite's Senescent Scribbles.
Poxysmit's Precipitous Parts
Quest giver: Bellfast
Requirements: Completed Parts for Belfast
Reward: Poxysmit's Precipitous Parts
- Loot 20 Shadowmane Hair
- Loot 5 Shadowmane Pelt
- Deliver 20 Shadowmane Hair to Bellfast
- Deliver 5 Shadowmane Pelt to Bellfast
- Loot 20 Shadowmane Teeth
- Loot 5 Shadowmane Claw
- Deliver 20 Shadowmane Teeth to Bellfast
- Deliver 5 Shadowmane Claw to Bellfast
For this task you need to do the Hair and Pelts, return them, then start on the Teeth and Claws. Doubtful you can pre-loot. After turning everything in you get Poxysmit's Precipitous Parts.
Epicthieck's Edification Edition
Quest giver: Bellfast
Requirements: Completed Parts for Belfast
Reward: Epicthieck's Edification Edition
- Loot 5 Witheran Pearl (any witheran)
- Loot 5 Sporali Webbing (any sporali)
- Loot 2 Green Snake Shedding (bog snakes, Undershore)
- Loot 2 Stone Snake Shedding (female Darkhollow redback/snapfang, Stoneroot)
- Loot 2 Sand Snake Shedding (bog snakes, Undershore)
- Loot 2 Serpent Shedding (silverfit, Corathus)
- Loot 2 Splorgath Floatation Sack (any splorgath)
- Loot 5 Necrotic Shiliskin Tentacle Bundle (any shiliskin)
- Deliver it all to Bellfast
Drops for this task are uncommon from their respective mobs. After turning everything in you get Epicthieck's Edification Edition.
Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album
Quest giver: Bellfast
Requirements: Completed Parts for Belfast
Reward: Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album
- Loot 20 Drachnid Hair
- Loot 5 Drachnid Carapace
- Deliver 20 Drachnid Hair to Bellfast
- Deliver 5 Drachnid Carapace to Bellfast
- Loot 15 Dreadspire Gargoyle Dust
- Loot 3 Dreadspire Gargoyle Granite
- Deliver 15 Dreadspire Gargoyle Dust to Bellfast
- Deliver 3 Dreadspire Gargoyle Granite to Bellfast
For this task you need to do the Drachnid bits, return them, then start on the Gargoyle bits. There are a few gargoyles in Illsalin, but you'll likely want to go to Dreadspire to find a decent amount. You can't pre-loot. After turning everything in you get Ambleshift's Anfractuous Album.
Scavenger Hunting
Quest giver: Treddlehoop
Requirements: None
Reward: Start Dreadspire access
This mission is detailed on the Progession Page.