Natimbi, the Broken Shores
Natimbi is the first adventure zone in the Gates of Discord. Mobs here go from the mid-40s up to the mid-50s with gear drops in the 30-50 hp range. The passageway to Qinimi to the north is the only way forward at first, the exit to Kod'Taz and Madronoa's portal to Qvic both require progression work to unlock.
In addition to six loot dropping rares in the zone there are two zonewide rare drops, Talisman of the Spiritseer and Shell Inlaid Collar. These seem to drop about 1 in 1000 kills (or worse).
At midnight game time a zonewide emote goes off "A muffled roar echos in the distance." which means the Cragbeast Queen has spawned. If left alone she will despawn at 2am (so six minutes real time) but while awake watch out, it is a level 70 raid boss that quads for 4k.

Rare Mobs
- Duara Yuenki
A rare naiad. She spaws out in the water in the southwestern portion of the zone. Hits for around 200 and is pure melee?
Drops - Barnacle-Studded Bracer, Cockleshell Girdle, Abysmal Seaweed Wraps - Kyv Heartpiercer
A rare Kyv. He spawns among the buildings in the northwestern portion of the zone. Hits for around 200 and uses standared Kyv
spells: Heartstopper (a hefty nuke and melee slow), Kneeshatter (a hefty nuke and snare), and Skullpierce (a dot, mana drain, and
spell slow).
Drops - Gnarled Mesh Bracer, Sash of the Dark Skies, Reinforced Sandstone-Hilt Sword - Tumia Lehio
A rare Nihil. She spawns among the ruins in the northeastern portion of the zone. Hits for up to 350 and is pure melee.
Drops - Decrepit Taelosian Band, Torn Flesh Turban, Faceted Gem of Might - Vimidon
A rare Regrua (crab guy). It spawns in the river that runs through the northern portion of the zone. Hits for around 200 and is pure melee.
Drops - Calloused Shell Helm, Whittled Bone Ring, Glimmering Mind Sphere - "a swift scavenger"
A rare Hynid (wolf thing). It spawns notrhwest of the river. Hits for around 250, no reported spells.
Drops - Broken Hynid Claw, Woven Nihil Mantle, Painted Primal Mask - "a fierce cragwalker"
A rare Turepta (turtle thing). It spawns on the penisula on the west side of zone. Hits for around 350 and procs a 75 dd with stun.
Drops - Iridescent Turepta Shell, Stitched Ceremonial Wrap, Thick Netted Veil
Events and Raids
Cragbeast QueenThe Cragbeast Queen is an endgame raid for the expansion. It spawns every EQ day at midnight and despawns if unagrod at 2am, if engaged it shouldn't despawn. She can quad for 4k damage and has AE rampage. In addition to the substantial melee she can proc an 80% snare, hit everybody on hatelist with a 200 mana per tick drain that also snares, and an AE 200 dot with attack debuff that makes Complete Heal take longer. She also buffs herself with a 40% chance to reflect spells and mitigates melee damage heavily from all sources except piercing.
She has a 4.5 day respawn when killed. Instead of dropping direct loot she drops 3 quest items from this list:
- Phosphorescent Bile - First you will need a Unlit Ornate Beacon which drops during the Uqua Raid. Simply combine the Bile inside the Beacon to get Lodestar
- Misshapen Cragbeast Flesh - Take the Flesh to Caridwi in Yxtta near the Primal Reptile. Caridwi spawns at 4am EQ time and stays up for just six minutes. Hand her the Flesh to get Visage of the Brute
- Glowing Bile Drenched Jewel - First you will need a Gemless Pristine Loop which drops during the Uqua Raid. Simply combine the Jewel with the Loop inside a Jewelry Kit (no fail) to get Loop of the Lizard Slayer
Scales of the Cragbeast Queen - The quest for this item depends on your
For Melee/Hybrid speak with Larsaki in Natimbi by the port in. Say 'what materials' and she gives you a Larsaki's Empty Box. Inside the box you need to combine 3 Polished Stonemite Shell which drop from "a venomous stonemite" in Vxed, 2 Untainted Spectral Essences which drop from ghosts during the Uqua Raid, and the Scales to get Larsaki's Box of Raw Materials. Give the resulting box to Larsaki to get Lizardscale Plated Girdle
For Caster/Priest speak with Lienni in Natimbi by the port in. Say 'what materials' and she gives you a Lienni's Empty Box. Inside the box you need to combine 3 Pristine Hynid Manes which drop from "a wary hynid" in Yxtta, 2 Untainted Spectral Essences which drop from ghosts during the Uqua Raid, and the Scales to get Lienni's Box of Raw Materials. Give the resulting box to Lienni to get Lizardscale Woven Sash
Fienne's Specimens
Quest giver: Fienne Silverleaf
Faction required: none
Reward: Strand of Sea Pearls
You find Fienna in the Wayfarer camp. Hail her and follow the dialog and she will tell you that she is studying the local stonemites. To continue her research she asks you to collect four intact parts:
These drop rarely from all stonemites in Natimbi (roughly one drop in seven kills). Give all 4 to Fienne and ask thanks she gives you Strand of Sea Pearls.Siren Hunting
Quest giver: Lorri Stonesong
Faction required: None
Reward: Shield of Coastal Purity
You find Lorri in the Wayfarer camp. Hail her and follow the dialog and she will tell you that there are a bunch of sirens that have been a menace and asks for your help is exterminating some. She asks you to bring back 3 parts as proof:
Hand in all 3 to Lorri and as thanks she gives you Shield of Coastal Purity.Misan's Research
Quest giver: Misan Rostenan
Faction required: None
Reward: Mace of Focused Flame
You find Misan in the Wayfarer camp. Hail him and follow the dialog and he will tell you that he is investigating the ghosts across the river. He asks you bring him 4 Spectral Essece, a rare drop from the restless souls in ruins (roughly one drop per 20 kills). Hand in 4 to Misan and as thanks he gives you Mace of Focused Flame.
Kiki's Soup
Quest giver: Kiki Mischiefmaker
Faction required: None
Reward: Kiki's Recipe Book
You find Kiki in the Wayfarer camp. Hail her and follow the dialog and she will tell you that the camp is running low of soup. To make more she asks you bring her 4 Succulent Turepta Meat, a rare drop from the turepta in Natimbi (roughly one drop per 20 kills). Hand in 4 to Kiki and as thanks she gives you Kiki's Recipe Book.