Crypt of Decay


Overlord Banord Paffa
  • Size: 3+ groups suggested
  • Respawn: 3 days

This event is due south from the zone in. It triggers when you enter his room spawning 5 puslings. Roughly 4 minutes later a second wave of 5 spawn, a third wave at 8 minute mark, and a fourth wave at the 12 minute mark along Paffa becoming active. Paffa has a hard to resist AE stun. Paffa will continue to spawn puslings every minute making it important to burn him down quick. When Paffa dies the adds should despawn. Paffa drops a spell or two and one of the following:
Carprin Cycle
  • Size: 6 groups, yields 36 flags
  • Respawn: 3 days

This event starts with Carprin Deatharn. He summons 3 buddies (Fran Prisoal, Breddan Rutyl, and Abroan Drian) and procs a 3500 pt lifetap during battle. When he and his buddies are put down Avhi Escron spawns deeper in. He is rooted and has an AE with a 600/tick dot. When he dies Bishop Toluwon spawns in the next chamber. The Bishop is rooted and casts a 10k self heal once around 25%. On his death Vindor Mawnil and Raex Pwodill spawn. Neither are rooted and can be pulled separately. They both have a hefty 5k lifetap. When both are dead High Priest Ultor Szanvon spawns in the back room. Ultor is rooted and procs a debuff with a 90% slow and reduction to attack. When Ultor dies a very scared Tarkil Adan spawns who gives out up to 36 flags for access to Bertox's crypt. Each boss in the cycle can drop a spell or two and a loot from their list:

Carprin Deatharn Avhi Escron Bishop Toluwon Vindor Manil Raex Pwodill High Priest Ultor Szanvon
  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

This event takes place in the crypts and requires completion of the High Priest Ultor Szanvon to access. To start the event you need to kill the Spectre of Corruption (respawn is roughly 6 hours if you fail the Bertox event). About 5 minutes after its death the event begins and you have 2 hours to complete. Mobs will spawn throughout the crypt and your raid will need to clear around the zone to pull and kill 12 kings (XYZ Adan). Efficiency is key here as you are on the clock. When the 12th king falls Bertoxxulous spawns. Clear some working space, pull him in, and go to town. Bertox has a hefty hp and mana drain with 72 disease counters, so keep an eye on mana and group heals. Once Bertox is defeated hail the Planar Projection for your flag.

Each Adan has roughly a 20% chance of dropping their loot:
Bertoxxulous drops a few spells and two of the following: