Plane of Water
- Z - Zone in/out
- F - Fishlord Craiyk (Summoning Event)
- 1 - an enormous frog
- 2 - Ferocious Barracuda and Triloun Warder
- 3 - Monstrous Sea Turtle
- 4 - Gigadon
- 5 - Hammertooth
- 6 - Razorfin
- 7 - Swordfang
- 8 - Frenzied Anglerfish
- 9 - Furious Deepwater Kraken
- 10 - Savage Deepwater Kraken
- 11 - Hraquis Arch Magus
- 12 - Hraquis Chieftain
- 13 - Regrua Overlord
- 14 - Regrua Protector
- 15 - Triloun Egg Keeper
- 16 - Triloun Seer
- M1 - Hydrotha
- M2 - Grioihin the Wise
- M3 - Krziik the Mighty
- M4 - Ofossaa the Enlightened
- C - Coirnav the Avatar of Water
Rare Mobs
- an enormous frog
- A rare frog whose only drop appears to be "Oil of a frog", an ingredient in eventually creating the Plane of Time key.
- Ferocious Barracuda
A rare fish spawning in the first chamber east of the zone entrance.
Drops - Coral Shard, Coral Hilted Shortsword - Monstrous Sea Turtle
A rare turtle spawning just north of the zone entrance.
Drops - Coral Shard, Coral Hilted Shortsword - Gigadon, Hammertooth, Razorfin, and Swordfang
4 rares that spawn in the western side of the southern region. They share a loot table.
Drops - Coral Headed Mace, Opalescent Two-Handed Sword, Shield of Coral, Sharkspine Club - Frenzied Anglerfish
A rare fish spawning in the southwest chamber of the northern region.
Drops - Mantle of Seascales, Coral Hilted Shortsword - Furious Deepwater Kraken and Savage Deepwater Kraken
A pair of rare squiddies, Furious is in the central west chamber of the northern region and Savage is the the southwestern chamber.
Drops - Phosphorescent Sleeves - Hraquis Arch Magus and Hraquis Chieftain
Rare creatures from the black lagoon. The Magus spawns in the cental east chamber of the northern region while
the Chieftan spawns in the back of the central area. They share a loot table.
Drops - Algae Covered Chainmail, Opalescent Seascale - Regrua Overlord and Regrua Protector
Rare crabs. The Overlord spawns in the northwest chamber of the northern region while
the Protector spawns in the northeast chamber. They share a loot table.
Drops - Kelp Hilted Mace, Coral Hilted Tulwar - Triloun Egg Keeper, Triloun Seer, and Triloun Warder
3 rare water mephits spawning in the southern half of the zone. They share a loot table.
Drops - Oblong Seashell, Plankton Laced Greatsword, Pearlescent Gemstone
- Fishlord Summoning Event
- Size: 2-3+ groups suggested
- Respawn: unknown
This event is triggered by giving Fishlord Craiyk 100 platinum. During the event waves of level 65 trash mobs will spawn and move towards Craiyk. If Craiyk dies the event ends, but he can take a bit of beating before dying. As you battle through he will occasionally say, "A dweller of some power comes, prepare yourself." which is your cue that a boss is about to pop. The bosses hit harder, can range from 68 to 71, and are what drops the loot for the event. The entire event can take up to 3 hours and there is no way to speed it up.
- Hydrotha
- Size: unlimited
- Respawn: 3 days
Flurries and casts a blind with 500 pt dot on the tank.
- Grioihin the Wise
- Size: unlimited
- Respawn: 3 days
Has a 2k AE with a 5 second stun.
- Krziik the Mighty
- Size: unlimited
- Respawn: 3 days
This one casts a 3k dd on the tank every 60 seconds. It increases run speed, which can make adjusting positioning more difficult.
- Ofossaa the Enlightened
- Size: unlimited
- Respawn: 3 days
Casts an AE which is a slow, a 250 pt dot, a 450 AC debuff, and a 100 mana/tick drain. The mana drain overwrites the druid skin line of buff. The AE is cold resist based and takes 18 curse counters to cure.
- Coirnav the Avatar of Water
- Size: 54
- Respawn: 3 days
Coirnav is a timed ring event encounter. You start by killing Guardian of Coirnav, this begins a 14 minute timer. If Coirnav isn't dead before then the event despawns and you fail. For the first wave you have Pwelon of Vapor along with 25 adds. When adds are down Nrinda of Ice spawns along with 25 more adds. The third wave is Vamuil of Water with a third set of 25 adds. At this point Coirnav becomes targetable even if the mini-bosses are still alive. After defeating each mini-boss they respawn (but weaker) near Coirnav. Pull them again, then burn Coirnav. A final set of 25 adds will spawn when it is engaged, but they despawn when Coirnav dies. Get everybody rezzed up and then hail the Essence of Water for your flag and Sphere of Coalesced Water, one of the 4 pieces needed for Plane of Time key. The mini-bosses can drop any Elemental Wrist mold and Coirnav has a chance of dropping an Elemental Leg pattern as a bonus along with 2 of the following: