Tower of Solusek Ro


The Tower of Solusek Ro is a Tier 3 zone. For access you need to complete all progression in other zones from Tier 1 to Tier 3 except for Rallos Zek. To access Solusek Ro's chamber you need all of it plus Rallos Zek and the 5 mini bosses. Trash in the zone can rarely drop any Ornate armor piece except chest.

Rare Mobs

The rare mobs only spawn in the areas on the way to the mini bosses, each with multiple spawn points.
"a fervid magmin"
A rare golem that spawns on the way to Xuzl.
Drops - Hands of Immobile Flame, Totem of Cleansing Flame
"a pumice collector"
A rare mephit that spawns on the way to Xuzl.
Drops - Glimmering Recurve Longbow, Huntsman's Cleaver
"a flare mephit"
A rare mephit that spawns on the way to Jiva.
Drops - Sol Ro Emblazoned Cloak, Sanguine Cap
"a radiant guardian"
A rare guard that spawns on the way to Jiva.
Drops - Fine Ivory Beaded Veil, Burnished Kite Shield
"a sweltering mephit"
A rare mephit that spawns on the way to both Jiva and Protector of Dresolik.
Drops - Necklace of Flame Marked Links, Flame Hardened Longbow
"a runed giant"
A rare giant that spawns on the way to Protector of Dresolik.
Drops - Flametongue, Regal Staff of the Court Mortician


Keying for Solusek Ro
  • Size: raid
  • Respawn: N/A

There are 5 mini-bosses which are required to face Solusek Ro. Word of warning, when each mini dies it spawns warders at the entrance to their chamber to deathtouch anybody that tries to enter after the fight. After you have killed all 5 and Rallos Zek you can click around on the central pillar to port up and face Solusek Ro.

  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Mini-boss in west most path. He spawns with 4 Swords around him and is tethered in his small area so can't be pulled. The swords can (and should) be pulled and killed first. Xuzl just has a bucket of hp, no other tricks. If you take too long the swords can respawn. Drops a spell or two and one or two of the following:

  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Mini-boss in the next to west most path. Tethered to his room and is a fairly straightforward fight. Casts a 100% complete heal, unknown if timer or if interruptable. Drops a spell or two and one or two of the following:

  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Mini-boss in the central path. Tethered to his room. He casts an AE attack debuff and spawns mezzable adds every 30-45 seconds. Drops a spell or two and one or two of the following:

  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Mini-boss in the next to east most path. Starts the fight as a Half Elf Bard with an 850 per tick AE dot. Upon defeating that form she respawns as a dragon with a 500 dd AE with a 1-slot dispel. Drops a spell or two and one or two of the following:

The Protector of Dresolik
  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Mini-boss in the east most path. The spawn you first kill the 4 Guardian of Dresolik. Straightforward fight. Drops a spell or two and one or two of the following:

Solusek Ro
  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

Solusek Ro starts out with a 200pt DS on which will need to be dispelled or overwriten with the cleric Mark of Kings line. He casts a 2k dd on the tank as well as a 1k dd AE. Drops a few spells and two of the following: