The Devastation
- O - Oathmir the Outcast
- F - East Freeport
- S - Sverag
- R - Rare spawn point
- T - Titanothon
- Rw - Ragewind
- M - Mini-bosses (Bartol the Cragmaker, Trolgar the Tremendous, and Vooersalor the Crafty)
Rare Mobs
Instead of each mob spawning in a certain area or specific placeholder, the rares in Devastation seem to spawn from 5 spots which can pop as any of the races. Which race spawns, and thus which rare you get, seems random. Information is VERY sparse for this zone as nobody really bothers trying to actually xp or farm the rares.
- Bedrock the Crusher
Rare orc.
Drops - Blood-Bathed Pearl Ring, Widow's Shroud, and Razorfiend Mask - Breaktree the Giant
Rare kobold.
Drops - Avignar's Bow, Avignar's Bloody Hatchet - Farsight the All Seeing
Rare evil eye.
Drops - Earring of Remembered Pain, Seer's Bauble, and Ring of Stars - Firemane
Rare werewolf.
Drops - Earring of Undead Bones - General Zerilijur
Rare shiliskin.
Drops - Emberwail Cuirass, Slasher Tooth Necklace - Queen Suvarla the Sterile
Rare drachnid.
Drops - Emberwail Vambrace, Murderer's Blade, and Supplicant's Girdle - Sendaro
Rare bolvirk.
Drops - Razorfiend's Dark Coif, Razorfiend's Dark Cuirass, and Vial of Raging Heartblood - Shadelord
Rare undead (no magelo link).
Drops - Cloak of the Unwilling - Vaslaghul Bonelord
unknown (no magelo link)
Drops - Silken Savage Gloves - Unknown source
- These drops are from the zone, but source is unknown: Despoiler's Golden Sabaton, Mercenary's Cold Steel Cuirass, Silken Savage Tunic, Ring of Savage Kings, Dreadshield, Despoiler's Silvered Cloak, Eye of Rage, Redeemer's Light, Mercenary's Mask, Emberwail Belt, and Burnt-Chain Cloak
Saga Skins - Granted by looting one of the skins
Find more of these strangely patterned skins (9)
- The skins drop from the level 73 mobs in Devastation as well as from mobs in Sverag.
Find someone to translate the patterns on the xyz skin (9)
- Give each skin to Grand Librarian Maelin. He gives you the skin back along with a translation for each. Be sure to hold on to the skins.
Create a book using a book binding and all nine pages
- Purchase a Book Binding from any research vendor and combine the translations you got back from Maelin to create Saga Skin Translations - vol. 1 & 2. This also gives you a spell.
Find more of these strangely patterned skins (9)
Preparing Your New Skins - Granted when you give the Saga Skin Translations to Maelin
- Loot 1 Bone Tattoo Comb
- Loot 5 Warrior's Blood
Loot 5 Battleground Soot
- Kill mobs in Devastation and Sverag to get the drops. The combs are a bit rare, but the blood and soot are more common. They can not be prelooted.
- Deliver 1 Bone Tattoo Comb to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Deliver 5 Warrior's Blood to Grand Librarian Maelin
Deliver 5 Battleground Soot to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Back to Plane of Knowledge and give the drops to Maelin.
- Deliver 1 Scarred Bolvirk Skin to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Deliver 1 Torn and Tattooed Orc Flesh to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Deliver 1 Tattooed Shiliskin Skin to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Deliver 1 Scarred and Tattooed Skin to Grand Librarian Maelin
Deliver 1 Decorated Wurine Hide to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Give Maelin the 5 skins and he will give you a piece of Enraged Flesh armor for each.
Become the Vessel (g) - Grand Librarian Maelin - become the vessel
Sit at the foot of the tower and wait for rage to over come you
- Head into Sverag and go to the door to Razorthorn (80, 5). The player with the armor from Preparing Your New Skins puts on the 5 pieces and sits for 5 minutes straight while their group protects them. If they stand for any reason they must start again.
Defeat entities in the Stronghold. Prove your rage
- Kill 60 mobs in Sverag. The kill shot must come from a player or pet in the task to get credit. If another player or a merc gets the final hit it won't count.
Sit at the foot of the tower and wait for rage to over come you
- Once you have your quota put the armor back on and sit again until the task updates.
- Deliver the Enraged Flesh Leggings to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Deliver the Enraged Flesh Leggings to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Deliver the Enraged Flesh Leggings to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Deliver the Enraged Flesh Leggings to Grand Librarian Maelin
Deliver the Enraged Flesh Leggings to Grand Librarian Maelin
- Everybody needs to go back to Plane of Knowledge. The player with the armor turns them in to complete the task, then each player says "enraged flesh charm" to get your Enraged Flesh Charm, the key for entering Razorthorn.
Sit at the foot of the tower and wait for rage to over come you
- Samples of Corruption (g) - Oathmir the Outcast - I can find out - *click in*
- Into the Wall (g) - Oathmir the Outcast - I can find out - *click in*
- The Arena Master's Challenge (g) - Knight Champion Eddard - brave the challenges - read
Raid Mobs
This giant bazu roams the northeast portion of the zone. Hits for around 3k, single target rampage, and has two spells:
- Earthshaker - PBAE 760 dd, 2 sec stun, and fd.
- Engulfing Maw - Unresistable short range 8k dd.
He drops a dozen Legendary Berserker Bone for progression and 1 of the following:
A large smoke monster it roams just northwest of Sverag. It hits around 2k (base), has very low health, doesn't summon, and casts 2 spells:
- Vortex Eddy - PBAE 500 dot and 7 second spin stun.
- Seething Rage - PBAE small dot, attack Boost, and massive debuff to mitigation. You'll take roughly 3x the normal damage from melee.
It drops 1 of the following:
Bartol the Cragmaker,
Trolgar the Tremendous, and
Vooersalor the Crafty
Three "mini-boss" raid targets, any of the three can spawn in one of three locations and all have the same loot. There is some mechanism to trigger them, rumored something to do with wall builders, but they may now just be standard 3 day respawns. Hard to know.
The three raids share many aspects, the boss starts with a number of adds around it, they can all cast Compelling Glance, a single target charm, along with a full debuff/cure which strips the boss, adds, and charmed player of all buffs/debuffs. In addition the balistae can fire Ballista Bolt if not destroyed (not much info on this).
Bartol the Cragmaker -
- Earthshaker - PBAE 760 dd, 2 sec stun, and fd.
- Hammer Blow - Unresistable 8k dd with knockback.
Trolgar the Tremendous -
- Death Strike - 2k dd, slow, ac debuff, and agro debuff.
- Deafening Roar - AE Siilence.
- Vooersalor the Crafty - Choking Gascloud - 1k dd, 750 dot, drunk if AT < 50.
Each drops a dozen Legendary Berserker Bone for progression and 1 of the following:
Bartol the Cragmaker -
Drishak, the Malevolent,
Nydiran the Unrelenting, and
Sevelin the Slayer
Three rare dragons. They appear to spawn at random with a zonewide emote about something coming out of the wall. If not engaged they will despawn after 30 minutes. They each hit for around 6k, flury, and have unique abilities:
- Drishak, the Malevolent - Drishak's Malevolent Force, 4k AE with flux.
- Nydiran the Unrelenting - Spawns waves of adds and casts Nydiran's Storm of Power, 2k AE with stun.
- Sevelin the Slayer - Sevelin's Devastating Fury, 4k AE with knockback.
Each has a chance at dropping a Bazu Stone along with 2 of the following: