Theater of Blood


Rare Mobs

Like the classic Fear and Hate planes, different mob types drop different class armor with the 'boss' dropping legs or chest pieces. The other pieces drop from trash of the same type in the same area, for example Leafrot is a treant that drops ranger gear in the northeast portion of the zone, so other ranger pieces drop from non-rare treants in the northeast area.

Aesthir the Delusioned
Wizard armor dropper. Casts Blinding Blood, PBAE 950 dd, 825 dot, and root.
Drops - Breeches of Phenomenal Power, Robe of Phenomenal Power
Belinda Baleheart
Enchanter armor dropper. Casts Charmed Bite, an AE 12 mez.
Drops - Breeches of Eternal Eloquence, Robe of Eternal Eloquence
Bleeding Storm
Berserker armor dropper. Casts Bloodstorm, a single target shadowstep.
Drops - Vengeful Blood Alloy Leggings, Vengeful Blood Alloy Linked Shirt
Fangore Boneclaw
Shaman armor dropper. Casts Lycanthrope's Curse, a single target 785 dd, dot, and snare.
Drops - Spirit Blessed Leggings, Spirit Blessed Linked Shirt
Illixis, the Dark Dream
Shadowknight armor dropper. Casts Nightmare's Embrace, PBAE 285 dot and knockback.
Drops - Greaves of Wailing Hatred, Breastplate of Wailing Hatred
Ranger armor dropper. Casts Direbranch Touch, AE 1285 dd, 685 dot, and root.
Drops - Petrified Heartwood Leggings, Petrified Heartwood Linked Shirt
Lilia, the Rancid
Cleric armor dropper. Casts Banshee Soothing, 30k self heal.
Drops - Greaves of Superior Divinity, Breastplate of Superior Divinity
Master Chrichus
Magician armor dropper. Casts Blood Drinker's Torment, PBAE 1200 dd and dot, 500 mana dot, and snare.
Drops - Primal Element Breeches, Primal Element Robe
Mistress of Malady
Necromancer armor dropper. Casts Maiden's Bite, PBAE 850 dd and stun.
Drops - Breeches of Whispered Death, Robe of Whispered Death
Monk armor dropper. Casts Screech of Pain, PBAE 1160 dot, 12 second silence, and knockback.
Drops - Leggings of Transcended Immortality, Chestwraps of Transcended Immortality
Rogue armor dropper. Casts Stone Face, PBAE 1160 dd and stun.
Drops - Entropic Nightshade Leggings, Entropic Nightshade Linked Shirt
Sir Savagery
Warrior armor dropper. Casts Marrow Bend, PBAE 830 dd, 610 dot, and 200 mana dot.
Drops - Greaves of Eternity, Breastplate of Eternity
Bard armor dropper. Casts Chimes of Rage, AE slow, stat and attack debuff, and increase to melee damage taken.
Drops - Greaves of Vesagran, Breastplate of Vesagran
Beastlord armor dropper. Casts Brood of Blood, summon 3 swarm pets for 1 minute.
Drops - Spirit Totem Etched Leggings, Spirit Totem Etched Tunic
The Festering
Druid armor dropper. Casts Rolling Vines, 710 dd, dot, and 6 second fear.
Drops - Everliving Bramble Leggings, Everliving Bramble Tunic
The Skeletal Steed
Paladin armor dropper. Casts Screech of Pain, single target 18 second charm.
Drops - Greaves of Night's Bane, Breastplate of Night's Bane

Raid Mobs