Deathknell, Tower of Dissonance


Raid giver - Click the door in Theater of Blood to get the instance and to zone in.
Requirements to Attend: Completed Progression including turning in an invitation, or loot a Twisted Harp String
Requirements to Request: Nothing additional.










The Tolling of Dissonance Bells

The first event takes place in a cross shaped room with a Gargoyle at each end and a bell in the center. When ready hail Ayonae and say "destroy" to begin Phase 1. The Gargoyles will attempt to reach the bell, if they do a large AE goes off They each hit for just under 4k, AE rampage, can't be hit by spells unless caster is in melee range, and won't move except according to script. If you do enough damage (10%??) during each interval they won't move forward, if you do even more they can move backward. Meanwhile vampire adds are spawning which need to be killed, among them are Truefaith followers which can be charmed. If you survive for 15 minutes you move on to Phase 2.

4 Enforcers activate at this point. They hit for up to 4500 and cast Wings of the Gargoyle, a PBAE 5500 dd with flux. Additionally they each hit people with Spreading Stone, gargoyle illusion with 16 curse counters, if not cured in 30 seconds you get DT.

Keep cured, fight through the flux, and when the final Enforcer dies you get a chest with a Twisted Harp String and 3 of the following:



The Vertigo event starts when you click on the trapdoor. The event has 4 phases but throughout the event people are randomly be hit with Vertigo, a 2k dot which makes you drunk if not cured in 30 seconds (10 curse counters). Additionally two players can have their positions swapped.

During the first phase a Truefaith bat keeper will summon a bat every 10-12 seconds. You need to kill 20 of them within 5 minutes. If you aren't fast enough the event resets, if you are the second phase starts.

During the second phase a Truefaith sneak will place traps on the next floor. If triggered you get a 13k dd and root. The raid must detect and disarm 20 traps within 5 minutes while Also dealing with more bats spawning on first floor. If you aren't fast enough the event resets, if you are the third phase starts.

During the third phase undead will spawn on the third floor. They are mezzable but need to be killed fast. They cast an AE which increases in strength the more that are up (from 2500 to 10000). While this is going on the raid must also be disarming traps and killing bats. If you kill enough undead in 5 minutes you move to phase 4, otherwise the event resets.

During the fourth phase orcs will start spawning at the bottom. These need to be kited until they collapse exhausted, while also dealing with undead, traps, and bats. If you exhaust enough after 5 minutes you win the event.

The chest contains a Twisted Harp String and 3 of the following:


Unwelcome Guests

For this event you need to balance three bosses Melkis, Ashtar, and T`Pall. If at any point there is more than 10% health difference between highest and lowest the lowest will heal to highest. No information on their damage or spells. While alive a mulitude of adds spawn but when each dies their adds will despawn. The adds can generally be rooted and/or snared. Furthermore, in the hallways banshees briefly spawn and put out serious dps on anybody that gets close as they move to the opposite wall and despawn.

The goal is to contain the adds, avoid hallways as much as possible, and balance the three down. Once they are dead move down to Ayonae Ro downstairs and say "complete" to get a chest with a Twisted Harp String and 3 of the following:


The Mad Choir

Ayonae Ro begins unable to be hurt. Every few minutes you get an emote:

  • Ayonae Ro's vocalizations segue into a complex harmony. The altos prepare to join her in song.
  • Ayonae Ro's vocalizations intensify, underscored by a low rumble. The basses prepare to join her in song.
  • Ayonae Ro's vocalizations build, crescendoing into a disturbing melody. The sopranos prepare to join her in song.
  • Ayonae Ro's vocalizations fade softly, decrescendoing into a soft melody. The tenors prepare to join her in song.
This is followed by 4-5 adds from the mentioned area activating. They can cast an AE stun or a single target 15k dd, kill them quickly.

While managing the adds you'll occasionally see Ayonae Ro is momentarily distracted, exposing vulnerability. At this point someone with a Divine Fetters of Ro from doing progression needs to click her. If successful Ayonae's max health is reduced by 2-3%.

Starting at 75% she gains spells:

The lower Ayonae's health the more frequently she casts her spells. It will take around 30 total clicks before you can bring her to 19% health at which point she despawns and you get a chest with a Twisted Harp String and 3 of the following: