Crystal Caverns: Fragment of Fear


Crystal Caverns is a tier 1 zone accessed from the fort in the center of Eastern Wastes. The tunnels wrap around a central pit and are crawling with Ry'Gorr orcs. At the bottom of the pit a tunnel leads to the Coldain city of Froststone where most of the quest NPCs are located. On the other side of the city are paths containing tentacle terrors, spiders, geonids, and a few drachnids. There is an additional zoneout at the end of the geonid area, but it is exit only.

Rare Mobs

A Crystal Lurker
PH is "a crystal webmaster" and casts Frigid Blast, a PBAE that starts at 17k and ramps up the further away you are and Spun Shadows, a blind and slow push.
Drops - Crystal Visor, Rugged Silk Band, Hardened Lurker Visage, Crystal Lurker Silk Band
A Dracnid Retainer
PH is "a crystal webspinner" and casts Drachnid Bite a 42k dd. Also puts a random player into a cocoon which mezzes them, the cocoon can be broken to free the player.
Drops - Distorted Emblem, Fear-Infused Drachnid Heart, Burdensome Pall, Crystalized Fear Web
A Focus Gem
PH is "a geonid" and casts two 39k dd, one with fear one with stun. Rotates between 3 states:
  • Diamond - increase to speed, a melee DS, and adds a spell reflect.
  • Ruby - Gains the 39k dd with fear
  • Sapphire - Gains a small heal over time and can cast the 39k dd with stun

Drops - Jeweled Locket, Chipped Amethyst, Nimble Gem Pendant, Stalwart Fear Amethyst
A Gem Collector
PH is "a geonid". Every 25 seconds will put a random gem in a player's inventory and will cast a spell based on which they have.
  • Diamond - 40k dd
  • Dreadstone - 1 tick fear
  • Ruby - 11k mana drain
Additionally casts Dazzle, a 6 second silence and melee block.
Drops - Cracked Gnaga Mask, Frostdweller's Shawl, Gemmed Bauta Mask, Steppewalker's Shoulder Pads
A Hollow Crystal
PH is "a hollow terror" and randomly will change shape into one of the players and take on some of their abilities (better mitigation if a tank, more melee damage if attacker, a DD if a caster, and a heal if a priest).
Drops - Crystal-Studded Cummerbund, Jeweled Plate Belt, Vitalizing Stone
A Life Leech
PH is "an icy leech" and casts a 3k dot and 1k mana dot. If mana goes under 40% you get turned into a skeleton, snared, slowed, and spell slowed for a minute.
Drops - Life Leech Tentacle, Stone Band of the Stalag Form, Crystallized Slug
A Ry`Gorr Enforcer
PH is "a Ry`Gorr guard". Casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also casts Lights Out on random people, a 39k dd, blind, and fd.
Drops - Supportive Leather Strap, Enforcer's Leather Belt, Arctic Blade of Enforcing
A Ry`Gorr Herbalist
PH is "a Ry`Gorr shaman" and casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also heals itself with Cleansing Elixir, a 60k hot, and Stifling Spores, a 23k dd that triggers an AE after 6 seconds which deals more damage the closer you are to the player that had the spores.
Drops - Shivering Witch's Cloak, Algid Conjurer's Mantle, Apothecary's Satchel
A Ry`Gorr Inspector
PH is "a Ry`Gorr scout" and casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also will occasionally summon all players and AE a 27k dot with snare. Move away and the debuff will fade.
Drops - Dexterous Shoulderguards, Spaulders of the Agile Mind, Frosted Topaz
A Stalag Purifier
PH is "a pure terror" and casts Pure Terror, a 25k dot, endurance drain, slow, and stun.
Drops - Imbued Mud, Meditative Runed Sash, Sturdy Stalag Shard, Chained Stalag Runes of Salik
A Terror Carver
PH is "an icy terror" and casts Entangled, which will move the named onto the target and root and stun the player.
Drops - Enlightening Chaos Band, Band of Focused Terror, Terror's Juju
Fear Tainted Tentacle
PH is "a tentacle tormentor" and casts Fright, a short duration fear. Additionally casts a 14k AE whenever cast on.
Drops - Corrupted Feeler, Tainted Tentacle Flail, Crushing Aegis of Dawn
Foreman Rixact
PH is "a Ry`Gorr excavator" and casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also will cast Cave In, a 45k AE centered on a player .
Drops - Rixact's Corrupted Soul, Foul Soul of the Foreman, Rixact's Gear of Crushing
Foreman Smason
PH is "a Ry`Gorr prospector" and casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also will cast Deadly Gas, a 33k dot and snare with 75 poison counters.
Drops - Foreman's Spiked Bracer, Smason's Heart, Smason's Bite
PH is "a velium crawler" and casts Lure, a 12 second pull on a player and Shock Wave, a 22k AE centered on a player.
Drops - Kreztik's Presage, Kreztik's Precognition, Kreztik's Blistering Judgment
Overseer Grydon
PH is "a Ry`Gorr overseer" and casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also will summon any mobs around it to assist.
Drops - Grydon's Shackle, Overseer's Bindings, Grydon's Blazing Sceptre
Pit Boss Torgud
PH is "a lazy orc" and casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also will cast Forced Labor, a 6 second charm.
Drops - Pit Boss' Reach, Stone Hand of Torgud, Velium Knuckles of the Pit
Prospector Wersan
PH is "a Ry`Gorr digger" and casts Resolve of the Ry`Gorr, a self buff that gives it a 9k defensive proc (if dispelled, the caster gets hit with a slow and spell slow). Also will cast Stone Shield, a 50k rune.
Drops - The Prospector's Loot, Wersan's Treasure, Ry'Gorr Ceremonial Dagger
Queen Dracnia
PH is "a regal crawler" and casts Potent Velium Poison, a 20k dd, 27k dot, and stun with 50 poison counters. Additionally spawns 2 adds at 70%, 40%, and 10%.
Drops - Squishy Spider Eye, Shadow Web Shawl, Dracnia's Focus, Queen's Silk Pall


Mercenary Tasks

Partisan Tasks
