Frostcrypt #2


Quest Giver - Commander Haesgrin
Requirements to join: Ally to Wraithguard Leadership and the First Frostcrypt raid
Requirements to request: Same as above
Request phrase: "We wish to continue"
Entry phrase: "Haesgrin sent me" to Wraithguard Sergeant Thavin
Raid Size: 54



The Sleepless Guard

To start this event you first need to kill all of the "royal crypt guardians". Following this are 3 "Protectors of the Cryptguard". These gargoyles hit for around 4k, AE rampage, are extremely resistant, and have an extensive array of abilities:

These hatelist based AEs appear to get stronger if not cured.
  • Torrent of Magic - Magic and Slash damage reduction, 8k dd and stun if not cured.
  • Torrent of Flame - Fire and 2 Hand damage reduction, debuff that increases damage taken if not cured.
  • Torrent of Frost - Cold and Blunt damage reduction, massive slow/snare and mana/end drain if not cured.
  • Torrent of Venom - Poison and Pierce damage reduction, blind, stun, and mana/end drain if not cured.
  • Torrent of Contagion - Disease and 1 Hand damage reduction, viral stun, and mana/end drain if not cured.
These hatelist based AEs all have 4 corruption counters and give just 18 seconds to cure. Once all the Protectors are dead The Overseer of the Cryptguard activates.

Overseer hits for up to 7k, single and AE rampage, and flurries. Every 2 minutes he cycles through the 5 torrents. While he is active gremlins start to spawn. The gremlins don't hit hard, don't have much health, can be mezzed, but each has an aura which can either Mez, Fear, DA, Silence, or 1k DD. Also they randomly cast Forcequake an AE 2500 dot and 150 mana drain. Each time a gremlin is killed the Overseer is damaged so keep killing them as fast as you can. When Overseer dies a chest spawns, but remaining gremlins don't despawn.

The chest contains 3 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 1 groupable augment, and 1 of the following:

Wulfnor the Gladiator

This event starts with Wulfnor and 8 of his fans. Each of the 8 giants yells out emotes to encourage Wulfnor which can heal him, increase his dps, make him cast a spell, etc. The giants are non-kos, but they can be attacked (they fight back) and killed which prevents them from emoting. You can kill as many or as few of the giants as you wish, however the longer you OT Wulfnor the stronger he gets. Wulfnor's melee changes throughout the event and can be prompted to cast 3 spells:

Once Wulfnor is under 85% he will summon 3-4 arena beasts (lions, wolves, and bears) once a minute. At least some can be mezzed, wolves are immune.

The chest contains 1 Mark of Frostcrypt to backflag Griswald and Hearol kill, 2 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 2 Armor Molds (no legs or chest), chance at a Serpent's Essence, and 2 of the following:

Fridleif, Master Warcraft

Fridleif hits for up to 7k with single target rampage and can flurry. When agro'd he summons 6 "a reanimated Krithgor soldier" which hit for up to 3k each and can be mezzed. When any of the adds reach 40% health it changes color and stops attacking, asking for instructions. Target it and "/say attack" and it will start to dps Fridleif for you. When Fridleif hits 70% a second set of 6 adds spawn, and a third set of 6 at 40%.

During the event Fridleif will send out emotes:

Wake up you lazy rot bags! This fight isn't over!
This causes many mezzed adds to break mez.
You there! After those magic users!
This mem blurs many adds to prevent kiting.
Fridleif slices a hand through the air in the direction of a disoriented Krithgor soldier.
This despawns one of the turned adds, and respawns it at 100% and KOS

Regardless of how you manage the adds, once Frideif dies the chest spawns with your loot. Need confirmation on if adds despawn.

The chest contains 1 Mark of Frostcrypt to backflag Griswald and Hearol kill, 2 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 2 Armor Molds (no legs or chest), chance at a Serpent's Essence, and 2 of the following:

Harfange the Black

Harfange's room has an aura with a 20% spell slow and 500 dot. He has a pet wolf, Woijuh, which will randomly memblur making kiting difficult. The wolf despawns at the end of the event so best to just OT/Kite instead of wasting time trying to kill it. Harfange himself hits for 7k, single and AE rampage, flurries, and has 3 abilities:

Throughout the event you will get an emote:

As Harfange calls to his guards sealed in the walls the icy coffins begin to open.

At this point each of the 8 coffins lining the walls of the rooms need to be clicked to "shut" them, or they will spawn an add (no data on add strength). Once Harfange is below 40% each of the coffins will need to be clicked by two different people to prevent an add from spawning. Once Harfage dies Woijuh despawns and a chest spawns with your loot. Harfange himself drops Fellwinter, which is needed to unlock the door to Beltron.

The chest contains a Krithgorian Royal Crest for Charm of Lore, 1 Mark of Frostcrypt to backflag Griswald and Hearol kill, 2 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 2 Armor Molds (no legs or chest), chance at a Serpent's Essence, and 2 of the following:

Beltron the Shade King

As you enter the maze area there are 7 trash golems which need to be killed. After that there is a skeleton in each corner room which need to be hit with a specific type of nuke: Fire on Southeast, Magic on Southwest, Cold on Northwest, and Disease on Northeast (there is no timing involved). After all four are correctly hit, click the door with the Fellwinter to unlock it, this also destroys the Fellwinter. The raid can now move in to start the event.

The first phase involves two large golems. These need to be "melted" and don't take normal damage. When they are hit by a fire based spell they take 5% damage and spawn "an ice melt", a goo. If the goo is attacked it triggers an aura which deal 1000 damage per tick, instead they need to be hit with an ice based nuke to refreeze them into a little golem. The raid then dps's the little golem normally. Repeat the process (fire to melt, cold to freeze, dps to kill) 20 times on each of the large golems to kill them. These mobs all hit for around 5k. Once both golems are dead Beltron spawns.

Beltron hits around 6k, has single target rampage, and is immune to damage. During the event he will randomly cast Touch of Shadows on people, this is a dot and snare, but do NOT cure it. This gives you the ability to proc a 5k dd with melee attacks which is the main thing that hurts him. Beltron does take damage from skill attacks (backstab, frenzy, etc) but it appears this does not speed up the event. It always takes around 100 procs to complete the event.

After 70% the chaos begins. First off, Beltron will start to summon golem adds. These come in 4 flavors:

an ice golem
Nothing special
a gleaming golem
I *think* these can reflect spells
a dense golem
These mitigate melee damage
an unstable golem
These explode for 11k damage after 25s if not killed

Beltron will occasionally emote: Beltron, the Shade King shouts 'Guards! Come deal with these pests!'. At this point at least one person, without levitation, needs to step onto a pressure plate in each of the four corners of the room. You can't just afk on them, you need to enter the area after the emote to trigger. If any corner doesn't trigger a couple shadow guardians spawn which hit quite hard and can easily cause a raid wipe.

During the fight he will cast Icy Clutch, a 187 range AE 3k dd and 30 second root. If someone designated for corner duty gets rooted be sure someone else covers.

Beltron will also random imprison someone in an icy cage. The cage can only be destroyed from the outside (some say with proper angle you can break it from inside). Attack when you have the proc buff, kill off golem adds, step on the plates to prevent giants, break people out of prison, and when you get 100 procs Beltron dies spawning a chest with your loot.

The chest contains a Runed Sash of the Wraithguard for Charm of Lore, 3 Mark of Frostcrypt to backflag Griswald and Hearol kill, 2 Glowing Obsidian Rune, 2 Armor Molds (legs or chest), chance at a Serpent's Essence, and 2 of the following: