Into the Leviathan's Lair
Quest Giver - Sergeant Kazzar
Requirements to request: Zheren's Arc
Requirements to join: None
Request phrase: "I am willing"
Raid Size: 24
Kellak the Serpent Lord
Once you zone into the instance you will need to clear your way through sees invis trash. Trash in zone can hit for over 4k so don't underestimate it. Most trash has a 45 minute respawn while those close to Kellak respawn much faster (perhaps 20 minutes). Kellak is rooted in place and considered "out of water" so anybody casting on it can't be submerged. Kellak can hit for up to 8k and has two abilities:
- Electrify - Hatelist based 6k dd.
- Serpent's Venom - Single target 500 dd, 500 dot, 27 poison counters
Around 45% Kellak will emote and summon 3 adds, "Kellak`s offspring". These hit for under 1k, can proc the same Serpent's Venom, and can be rooted.
The raid has a 36 hour lockout and drops 1 piece of loot per kill: