Speak with the King


Quest Giver - Fergarin Bardon I
Requirements to request: Fergarin's Arc and Kangur and Udengar flags
Requirements to join: None
Request phrase: "take care of"
Entry phrase: None, you click in where marked on compass
Raid Size: 54

Royal Captain Gurangor

As you approach the gates to the northeast you'll find Herald Kelion. Tell him "We challenge the might of Royal Captain Gurangor" to start the event. You will need to kill a bunch of giants including 5 named:

High Priest Utok
Periodically casts a 50k heal on another giant. He can also revive dead giants, so needs to be killed first. Rooted in place. No information on melee.
Arch Wizard S`Sitari
Leader of a squad of 4 permarooted Wizards. While alive he will emote Wizards of Zek, focus your attacks on Rasper! which is followed by all wizards nuking the same target. Need more information on timing of emotes.
Lead Archer Hoseph
Leader of a squad of permarooted Archers. While alive a random player will get an emote starting with You notice a glint. This is followed by all the archers casting Explosive Flames, an 8k AE targeted around that player.
Warguard Hanlo
No information, assumed pure melee.
Royal Captain Gurangor
No information on melee beyond occasional AE rampage, but he must die last. Rez and rebuff before killing him since the moment he dies you have 15 minutes to initiate the Odeen script or the instance resets.

Royal Captain Gurangor drops 2 of the following:

King Odeen

You have 15 minutes from the death of Gurangor to start the Odeen script or the instance closes. Not sure what the timer is if the Gurangor event is lockeed out. The Odeen event is lengthy, broken up into stages, and prone to bugging if not done properly (at least the zone isn't a slide show now as it was at launch). Clear trash inside the palace and you'll face 5 total mobs:

Hethgar the Fell
Procs a 7k dd with a 1 Minute! stun. You'll want to kill him first so your tanks aren't left just standing around.
High Lorekeeper Thair
Casts Ritual of the Rapt, a long range 12 second mez, roughly once a minute. Being out of line of sight may block the AE.
Faelig Bearcaller
Has AE rampage.
Faelig's pet, no special abilities. Can be mezzed and charmed.
King Odeen
Hits for 7k, can flurry, and AE rampage.
All except Bearclaw are tethered to the room so it can be tight to avoid taking multiple AE rampages. Odeen MUST be the last one standing. When he is brought under 60% he will deagro and run away ending phase 1.

You have 15 minutes from the time Odeen flees to start this phase. After rezzing move up the stairs to find Commander Clanghor the Savage and 6-8 Guardsmen. The Guards aren't anything special, but Clanghor hits hard and AE rampages. Kill the Guards and then Clanghor to complete phase 2.

You have 15 minutes from the death of Clanghor to start this phase. There are 3 doors leading to separate rooms. When someone enters a room you either get a handful of giants or Odeen and his crew, the room with Odeen is random. If a monk does this they can FD off the giants to avoid having to kill uneedeed trash. When you find the right room you'll face 5 named highkeepers, a highkeeper revenant, and Odeen who has regened to 80%. Specifics here are contradictory, but it seems Wigni heals via balacing health, Teltet spawns an add when others die, Rentik, Serjar, Geriok have their own abilities. They can cast a nasty short range AE as well as occassionally strip all buffs off a tank. Kill all the adds then bring Odeen down to under 50%, he'll warp out and run to the hot springs area.

You have 15 minutes from the time Odeen flees the throne room to start this phase. Odeen will regen while you make your way from the palace to the hot springs so expect to find him around 70%. This phase is fairly straightforward, beat Odeen down to under 35% health while dealing with an ever growing number of adds. Every 15 seconds or so Odeen calls out to the zone for help and giants will path in from the southwest. When Odeen drops under 35% he runs again, this time to the bridge above the pit. You can either have kiters pick them up and keep the raid off agro then fd/coh/die after or use AE snare/root to lock them down and then kill them.

You have 15 minutes from the time Odeen flees to engage him. Odeen is in the middle of the bridge, back at 50% health, and flanked by shieldmen on both sides with a powerful knockback aura preventing you from approaching. Use any form of DA (self, bestow, bard group, etc) to get through. Once inside mages can coh others. Burn Odeen down from 50% to under 15% and he will finally yield and a chest spawns with your loot. After following his dialog have someone go hail Fergarin to complete the task and reward everybody with +300 Wraithguard Leadership.

The chest contains 3 of the following: