Barindu, Hanging Gardens
Barindu is the garden area dominated by a large pyramid temple. It is connected to Qinimi to the south, Riwwi to the northwest, Ferubi west, and also the branching point for Sewers and Mountain group missions. Trash mobs are generally low 60s and loot is in the 70-90 hp range. There are 5 standard rares and a pair of zone wide drops: Fractured Obsidian Band and Rhyolite Tear of Thralldom.
The only raid in the zone is Ikaav Ixvet Pox for the Breakdown in Communications quest.

Rare Mobs
- Aneuk Overseer
Rare Aneuk which patrols the temple. Hits around 1k, reported to Flurry. He drops
Head of the Aneuk Overseer for the Help Vashsa quest.
Drops - Band of Woven Chains, Stygian Sleeves, Marble of Scholarly Insight, Rod of Intensity - Frenzied Noc Corpsethrasher
Rare Noc which roams the field west of the temple. Hits around 1k, rampages, and procs a 700dd with dot.
Drops - Canescent Bone Bracer, Woven Chain Boots, Blackened Hide Cowl, Obsidian-Edged Broadaxe - Kyv Rux Vhedt
Rare Kyv which roams the field west of the temple. Hits around 1k, rampages, and procs a 700dd with dot.
Drops - Sinewy Leather Wristband, Sleeves of Sewn Flesh, Shard of Perpetuity, Wand of Anguish - Mastruq Utk Kykat
Rare Mastruq which roams the area just north of the temple. Hits around 1k, rampages, procs a short stun, and can cast a melee and spell slow.
Drops - Hardened Mastruq-Hide Gloves, Blood-Speckled Scaled Boots, Sanguine Jewel of Health, Darkened Stone Bludgeon - Ra`tuk Kjyt Gykk
Rare Ra`tuk which spawns in the closest building north of temple. Hits for 1k, flurries, and procs a 700dd with dot. He drops
Head of Ra'Tuk Hrux Vexkit for the
Help Njanu quest.
Drops - Matted-Fur Wristband, Jointed Ivory Gauntlets, Stitched Ra`tuk-Hide Hood, Cold Steel Brand
Events and Raids
Ikaav Ixvet Pox
Size: Unlimited, 3 BiC quest pieces per kill.
Respawn: 24 hours
Trigger: None or Giving the Serving Tray and Poisoned Fruit to Abena Taifa (see below)
Ixvet Pox spawns in a room with 2 Aneuk Controllers, a Colossus of War, and 6 Construct of War. The Constructs and Colossus are inactive and both the Aneuks and Ixvet are permarooted. If you attempt the fight without doing the Poisoned Fruit subquest in Breakdown in Communications then once the Aneuks are agro they will activate the Constructs which can quad for up to 600 and are immune to snare, root, mez, and charm and are tethered to the room. If you do the subquest the poison will prevent the Aneuks from activating them greatly simplifying the raid.
With the Constructs taken care of you can deal with the Aneuks and Ixvet. The Aneuks quad for 850, immune to mez, and cast Cleric spells. Ixvet quads for 1200, flurries, is unslowable (unconfirmed), and casts Wizard spells. When either Aneuk dies or when Ixvet reaches 50% health the Colossus of War will activate and charge the raid. The Colossus hits for just under 2k and is unslowable too. There are reports that if they Aneuks are killed at the same time the Colossus will not activate, but this is unconfirmed. When all enemies are defeated you can break open Talwin's Remains and find 3 Talwin's Final Report for the Breakdown in Communications quest.
Ixvet drops 2 of the following:
Sewers Expeditions
Quest giver: High Priest Diru Riwirn (progression) or Gamesh (xp/loot)
Requirements: None
Reward: progression
For progression speaking to High Priest Diru Riwirn will give you the expeditions to
Purifying Plant, Cremtory, Lair of Trapped Ones, and
Pool of Sludge in sequence.
For xp/loot you can tell Gamesh "Plant", "Crematory", "Lair", or "Pools".
In either case once triggered you'll get a glowing path to the zone in.
Mountain Expeditions
Quest giver: Apprentice Udranda
Requirements: Sewers expeditions or Weapon Master
Reward: progression
Tell Udranda "take heed" for the progression version or just "vxed" for the loot only version of Vxed.
Tell Udranda "tipt" for the mission into Tipt.
Help Vasha
Quest giver: Vasha Firaji
Faction required: Nihil at Warmly
Reward: Vasha's Bracelet of Mourning
Vasha spawns in the northeast corner of Barindu. Hail her and follow the dialog and she will tell you that the muramites slaughtered her family and she wants revenge. She asks you to kill Aneuk Overseer and bring her Head of the Aneuk Overseer. When you do so she gives you Engraved Stone Bracelet and says to take it to Proteri Amari to unlock its power. You will find Amari in a building around (300, 0), simply hand in the Stone Bracelet to get Vasha's Bracelet of Mourning.
Help Njanu
Quest giver: Njanu Dinari
Faction required: Nihil at Warmly
Reward: Njanu's Ring of Gratitude
Njanu spawns in the north of the temple amid the buildings corner of Barindu. Hail him and follow the dialog and he will tell you of his friend Kayin Wanjala who struck a guard and was taken away. He asks you to go to Riwwi to see if you can help him escape. Travel to Riwwi and locate Kayin in a cage near the center of the zone. After clearing the room hail Kayin and follow his dialog and he'll tell you that he wants to escape but the guard, Ra`tuk Kjyt Gykk, told him if he does that he will kill his friend instead. So before Kayin will escape he needs you to prove that Kiyt is dead. Go back to Barindu, kill it, loot Head of Ra'Tuk Hrux Vexkit, and back to Riwwi to give it to Kayin. Kayin will tell you he can escape nows, gives you the head back (different item ID so you can't skip the turn in) and asks you give it to Njanu so he won't worry. When you deliver it to Njanu you are given Crude Stone Ring and told to take it to Proteri Amari to unlock its power. You will find Amari in a building around (300, 0), simply hand in the Stone Ring to get Njanu's Ring of Gratitude.