Kod`Taz, Broken Trial Grounds
Kod`Taz is a huge zone which ramps up the difficulty. General mob population ranges from 64 to 68 and all of them hitting for over 1k with loot having around 125 hp/mana and having a type 8 slot instead of type 7. There are 24 rares spawning all over the zone, each capable of dropping all three types of spell runes making it an ideal place to farm if you are able. Most rares' loot tables consist of 2 augments and 1 piece of gear. In addition to the rares there are two zonewide drops Reflective Orb of Energy and Guise of Seething Satisfaction.
The zone in from Natimbi drops you in the northeast corner. The group Ikkinz instances are in the south east, the raid Ikkinz instances are to the west, the path to Yxtta is in the southwest, and after enough progression there is a path to Qvic to the far west.
There is a lot of progression to do in Kod`Taz. A number of fetch quests, 3 group instances, 4 raid instances, and 3 static raid events.

Rare Mobs
With two dozen rares spread across the zone, all of which can drop all three types of spells, Kod`Taz is an excellent hunting ground. The loot table is generally 2 augments and 1 item with a great deal of redundant drops.- Coerced Tiv Chanter
A rare Nihil known to spawn in the southeastern temple area. Quads for 1600, casts Enchanter spells including charm.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Trusik Cloak of Carnage - Constrained Spiritscourge
A rare golem known to spawn in the far west temple as well as in the great temple. Quads for 1600, casts Shaman spells so likely comes buffed.
Drops - Carved Stone of Lucidity, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Trusik Cloak of Carnage, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery - Controlled Spirithunter
A rare dark golem known to spawn just west of the great temple. Quads for 1800, casts Shaman spells so likely comes buffed.
Drops - Jade Globe of Vitality, Etched Droplet of Ire, Sanded Mindstone Hoop - Cragbeast Rager
A rare cragbeast which roam along the path headed to the great temple and southwest of the Summoner Circle. Quads for 1500.
Drops - Notched Sandstone of Health, Engraved Onyx of Wrath, Reconstructive Necklace of Contempt - Enslaved Vrex Zealot
A rare Nihil known to spawn in multiple spots on the great temple. Quads for 1600, casts Enchanter spells including charm. I think
there are two versions with distinct drop tables.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Jade Globe of Vitality, Etched Droplet of Ire, Ashen Claystone of Aegis, Sanded Mindstone Hoop, Band of Baleful Musing - Hexxt Bonegrinder
A rare Ra'Tuk, patrols the canyons in the southern portion of the zone, around the group Ikkinz trial instances. Quads for 1600 and
Drops - Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Opaque Sapphire of Bulwark, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery - Hexxt Deathaim
A rare Kyv known to spawn just outside the raid Ikkinz instances in the western side of the zone. Quads for 1600.
Drops - Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling - Hexxt Markmaker
A rare Kyv known to spawn just outside the raid Ikkinz instances in the western side of the zone. Quads for 1600.
Drops - Ebony Spherule of Focus, Opaque Sapphire of Bulwark, Dauntless Muramite Ring - Hexxt Spiritpillager
A rare Mastruq spawns outside the Temple of the Damned. Quads for 1500, casts Shaman spells.
Drops - Ebony Spherule of Focus, Opaque Sapphire of Bulwark, Dauntless Muramite Ring - Hexxt Warmonger
A rare Mastruq spawns outside the Temple of the Damned. Quads for 1500, casts Shaman spells.
Drops - Muramite Gemstone of Fortitude, Charcoal Gem of Insight, Earring of Destructive Essence - Hynid Howler
A rare hynid spawning all around the great temple. Quads for 1300 and procs
Hynid Snap, a 750 dd.
Drops - Notched Sandstone of Health, Dusty Mudstone of Life, Ashen Claystone of Aegis, Band of Baleful Musing - Pixtt Airstrangler
A rare ikaav spawning in multiple loacations include the western temple, the great temple, around the
group Ikkinz instances, and Martyr's Passage. Quads for 1600 and casts Wizard spells.
Drops - Ebony Spherule of Focus, Opaque Sapphire of Bulwark, Dauntless Muramite Ring - Pixtt Battlestrategist
A rare ixt spawning on the western side of the great temple. Quads 1500, summons 2 short duration pet, procs
Trample, a 175dd and stun, and casts
Grasp of Muram, 320pt dot and snare.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Jade Globe of Vitality, Ebony Spherule of Focus, Opaque Sapphire of Bulwark, Dauntless Muramite Ring - Pixtt Nervehammer
A rare aneuk spawning on the Temple of the Damned, the great temple, and around the group Ikkinz instances. Quads for 1400
and casts Cleric spells.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Earring of Destructive Essence, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery - Pixtt Neuromancer
A rare ikaav spawning in the southern temple for Ikkinz raids. Quads for 1600 and casts Enchanter spells.
Drops - Muramite Gemstone of Fortitude, Charcoal Gem of Insight, Earring of Destructive Essence - Pixtt Slaughteress
A rare ixt spawning outside the 2nd Ikkinz group instance temple. Quads 1500, summons 2 short duration pet, procs
Trample, a 1575dd and stun, and casts
Grasp of Muram, 320pt dot and snare.
Drops - Muramite Gemstone of Fortitude, Charcoal Gem of Insight, Earring of Destructive Essence - Pixtt Tyrannist
A rare aneuk spawning outside the 2nd Ikkinz group instance temple. Quads 1800 and casts Shaman spells.
Drops - Muramite Gemstone of Fortitude, Charcoal Gem of Insight, Earring of Destructive Essence - Pixtt Venomblade
A rare ixt spawning in multiple locations including outside the 2nd Ikkinz group instance temple, the great temple, and
outside the southern raid Ikkinz temple. Quads 1800, summons 2 short duration pet, procs
Trample, a 1575dd and stun, and casts
Grasp of Muram, 320pt dot and snare.
Drops - Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Earring of Destructive Essence, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery - Pixtt Willbreaker
A rare ikaav spawning in the southern raid Ikkinz temple. Quads 1400 and casts Magician spells.
Drops - Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery - Rav Deathfang
A rare ukun spawning all over including outside the Temple of the Damned, Martyr's Passage, the 2nd Ikkinz raid instance,
and the 2nd Ikkinz group instance. Quads for 1900, procs Chaos Claws a
650 dd and dot, casts Ukun Chains a 50 dot and snare, and
Whirl of Claws a 1900 dd and 350 dot.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Murky Plated Mindstone, Blazing Opal of Rekindling, Unwieldy Irestone of Savagery - Spiteful Trusik Apparition
A rare Nihil which may be bugged and not spawning properly.
Drops - Engraved Onyx of Wrath, Dauntless Muramite Ring - Subjugated Brawler
A rare golem. No spawn or combat information.
Drops - Dusty Mudstone of Life, Ashen Claystone of Aegis, Band of Baleful Musing - Subjugated Vrex Caller
A rare nihil. No spawn or combat information.
Drops - Carved Stone of Lucidity, Jade Globe of Vitality, Etched Droplet of Ire, Trusik Cloak of Carnage - Subservient Punisher
A rare golem. No spawn or combat information.
Drops - Notched Sandstone of Health, Engraved Onyx of Wrath, Reconstructive Necklace of Contempt
Events and Raids
Temple of the Damned
Size: Unlimited, 2+ groups suggested
Respawn: 1 hr on fail, 3 days on success
Trigger: /open the bones at the back of the temple
When you /open the bones 4 "Pixtt Priest Guardian" spawn, 3 ixts and 1 aneuk. They can all be mezzed.
- Ixt 1 hits 1200 and casts Lull of the Aneuk II, a 24 second mez.
- Ixt 2 hits 1400 with single target rampag
- Ixt 3 hits 1400, flurries, and casts Lull of the Aneuk II, a 24 second mez.
- Aneuk his 1400 and casts Shaman spell.
Each Guardians drops 6 glyphs for Kod`Taz Progression and Summoner drops one of the following:
- Manacles of Impudence
- Midnight Tippet of Recovery
- Fleshbound Mask of Ire
- Fleshbound Shroud of Aggression
Pit of the Lost
Size: Unlimited, 3+ groups suggested
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: tell Tublik Narwethar "I'll stop it", requires having reached this point in Kod`Taz Progression
After triggering with Tublik "Ageless Relic Protector" spawns far up north at the Pit of the Lost. It hits for 2200, reportedly AE rampages, and casts Strike of Glory, an FD effect. When killed two more "Ageless Relic Protector"s spawn. These triple for 1600, single target rampage, and immune to mez/root. When these die they each spawn three more which triple for 1800 and are also immune to mez/root.
Each of the 6 final mobs will drop Protector's Relic of Energy for Kod`Taz Progression and one of them will drop one of the following:
Summoner Ring
Size: Unlimited, 6+ groups suggested
Respawn: 3 days
Trigger: Open event, just engage when ready
At the start of the event there are 9 Pixtt Priest Summoner, all permarooted, in circle with Pixtt Grand Summoner, inactive, in the center. During the event all mobs must be kept inside this circle or they will heal back to full. Throughout the event the Grand Summoner casts Energy Siphon, an AE mana drain.
The Pixtt Priest Summoners hit around 1400, proc Aneuk Grasp a 350 dot with snare and cast Lull of the Aneuk II a 24 second mez. While killing these a number of Rav Priest Guards spawn and attack. These hit 1200, AE rampage, and proc Chaos Claws a 650 dd and dot.
Once all of thhe Summoners are dead you are attacked by 3 "Deranged Greater Stoneservant" and 3 "Deranged Lesser Stoneservant". The lessers hit for 600ish and can be mezzed while the greaters hit 800 and are immune to mez. Each time one is killed the inactive Grand Summoner will drop 10% and respawn. This continues until it is down to 10%, the golems will stop respawning so clear them out.
Once the final golem dies the Grand Summoner activates. Since it is at 10% health and rooted it will instantly summon. It will quad for over 2k. Quickly burn through its remaining health and Hexxt Chaos Provoker will spawn and attack. This Ra'Tuk can hit for 2500, flurry, AE rampage, and single target rampage. Reportedly unslowable as well. When it dies 6 "Deranged Supreme Stoneservant" spawn. These can quad for 750. Killing them completes the event.
Each Supreme Stoneservant drops 6 Grand Summoner's Glyph for Kod`Taz Progression and the Grand Summoner and Provoker each drop two from the following:
- Tempered Pixtt Skull Cap
- Pixtt Brow Mesh
- Aneukian Battleworn Armplates
- Muramite Flurry Armcovers
- Pixtt-Emblazoned Plated Gauntlets
- Staunch Pixtt Chain Wrappings
- Aneukian Sole Linings
- Achromatic Aneukian Orb
- Nebulous Pixtt Oculus
- Cape of Aneukian Amelioration
- Aneukian Gorget of Eradication
- Muramite Death Shroud
Ikkinz: Singular Might
Quest giver: Gazak Klelkek
Requirements: Need to have spoken to Kevren Nalavat first to start zone progression
Reward: progression
Tell Gazak Klelkek "ready to proceed" to get the instance into Ikkinz: Singular Might.
Ikkinz: Twin Struggles
Quest giver: Maroley Nazuey
Requirements: Need to have completed Singular Might
Reward: progression
Tell Maroley Nazuey "ready to enter the temple" to get the instance into Ikkinz: Twin Struggles.
Ikkinz: Tri-Fates
Quest giver: Kenra Kalekkio
Requirements: Need to have completed Singular Might and Twin Struggles
Reward: progression
Tell Kenra Kalekkio "ready to begin" to get the instance into Ikkinz: Tri-Fates.