Ashengate Progression


Progression towards Ashengate hinges on two things, gaining faction and getting raid flags. There are 3 factions of interest:
  • Crusade of the Scale - This covers the camps across Sunderock and Direwind and is useful for easing travel through the zones. It is NOT required to go on raids.
  • Infiltrators and Traitors of Ashengate - This is the faction dealing with the East wing of Ashengate and Ally is required for Stitch and Ashengate North raids.
  • Scholars of Solusek - This is the faction dealing with the West wing of Ashengate and Ally is required for Sothgar and Ashengate North raids.

In addition to the faction requirements you will need to defeat Kellak the Serpent Lord to request Vergalid's End. The flag from Vergalid is needed to request and join the Ashengate East and Ashengate West raids. Both drop a number of Vergalid backflags. Both Stitch and Sothgar flags are required to request and join the Ashengate North raid, which drop backflags for East and West.
See the sections on the left for more details on gaining faction and steps to request each raid step.

Crusade of the Scale

The Crusade of the Scale faction is useful, but not required. If you reach Ally faction (requires gaining 1100 points) you can use Drake Handler Rolkor in Sunderock to instantly teleport to 3 locations, Scout Keshik in Direwind Cliffs can move you up to Ashengate, and a reward will allow you to disable the two gate guardians.

Ways to gain faction:

Elite Insignia can be repeated as many times as you want. The other tasks are two separate arcs, the arcs can be repeated but only in order. For example, to do Dyn`Leth's Mine you need to have done the first 3. To repeat it you need to do The Direwind Front to complete the arc and then redo the first 3 again to request it again.

Infiltrators and Traitors

Infiltrators and Traitors of Ashengate faction revolves around quests in the East wing of Ashengate. Ally is required for the Stitch and Ashengate North raids. You start at -150 and need +1100 for Ally meaning a total of 1250 points.

To gain this faction you can work on three separate task arcs.

Pezripisid's Arc

Zhubis's Arc

  • Complete Sabotage in Direwind Cliffs for 175 faction
  • Complete Project Disarm in Direwind Cliffs for 200 faction
  • Complete Weakest Link in Direwind Cliffs for 225 faction

Y`ssuria the Elder's Arc

Pezripisid and Zhubis arcs can be repeated, but the tasks must be done in order. For example, if you complete Weakest Link for Zhubis you can't simply do it again, you need to first repeat Sabotage and Project Disarm before being offered Weakest Link. If you are 85'd into a Stitch raid, completion of the event rewards in a massive boost to the faction, enough to bring you to ally.

Scholars of Solusek

Schoolars of Solusek faction revolves around quests in the West wing of Ashengate. Ally is required for the Sothgar and Ashengate North raids. You start at -50 and need +1100 for Ally meaning a total of 1150 points.

To gain this faction you can work on three separate task arcs.

Pulizzi's Arc

Zhureni's Arc

Jenray's Arc

Arcs can be repeated, but the tasks must be done in order. For example, if you complete Under Pressure for Jenray you can't simply do it again, you need to first repeat Children of Flame and A Daring Rescue before being offered Children of Flame. If you are 85'd into a Sothgar raid, completion of the event rewards in a massive boost to the faction, enough to bring you to ally.

Vergalid Mines

Your journey towards Ashengate North raids starts with Captain Zheren in Sunderock Springs. Complete his 4 task arc:

  • Scouting Sunderock
  • Dyn`leth's Artillery
  • The Ashengate Orders
  • Dyn`Leth's Mine
At that point you can request the Into the Leviathan's Lair 24-man raid from Sergeant Kazzar to face Kellak the Serpent Lord. There are no requirements to join this raid. Once Kellak is defeated Sergeant Kazaar will offer you the Vergalid's End 54-man raid.

Before embarking on Vergalid you'll want to get at least Kindly faction with Infiltrators and Traitors and get the single person task "The Pretender" from Zhubis the Griffon Tamer in Direwind Cliffs. Likewise get at least Kindly faction with Scholars of Solusek to get the single person task "Severing the Strings" from Jenray, Envoy of Ro (remember to remove weapons before speaking to Jenrawy) also in Direwind Cliffs.

Once you have both tasks request the Vergalid's End (no requirements to join the raid) and defeat Nurtha Frazzlesprocket, Goru Uldrock, and Vergalid. Doing this gives everybody in the raid the flag for defeating Vergalid. Anybody with The Pretender and/or Severing the Strings will also have those tasks completed which are needed in the next step.


The path diverges here to tackle the two wings of Ashengate

Ashengate East
Obtain Ally faction with Infiltrators and Traitors and complete the task "The Pretender" while defeating Vergalid to be able to request the single person task "A Complex Diversion" and the Ashengate East raid from Zhubis the Griffon Tamer. To join the raid you need Ally faction and the Vergalid flag, "The Pretender" is only needed to request. Anybody without either faction or the flag will be considered 85'd into the raid. Completion of the raid gives everybody the flag for defeating Sitch along with a large enough faction hit to make you Ally. The events in the raid also drop Mark of Vergalid which will count as a Vergalid kill.
Ashengate West
Obtain Ally faction with Scholars of Solusek and complete the task "Severing the Strings" while defeating Vergalid to be able to request the single person task "Ghosts from the Past" and the Ashengate West raid from Jenray, Envoy of Ro. To join the raid you need Ally faction and the Vergalid flag, "Severing the Strings" is only needed to request. Anybody without either faction or the flag will be considered 85'd into the raid. Completion of the raid gives everybody the flag for defeating Sothgar along with a large enough faction hit to make you Ally. The events in the raid also drop Mark of Vergalid which will count as a Vergalid kill.

With Ally faction to both Infiltrators and Traitors of Ashengate and Scholars of Solusek, and having completed Zhubis' Arc, Zhubis will offer the solo task "Locate Drizzlorn". Head over to Jenray and say "Who is Drizzlorn" then "Zhubis the Griffon Tamer" and finally "we are ready". Jenray will then raises a stone in the lava, click that to teleport you to Drizzlorn. (Clicking the stone used to require Ally faction with both, has this changed?) Hail Drizzlorn to complete the task and you will be flagged to request the Ashengate North raid. Drizzlorn both gives the instance and is the zone in, so you'll need to have someone at Jenray to open the portal (or a mage to CoH) to Drizzlorn to get the raiders in.

To join the Ashengate North raid you need flags from Stitch and Sothgar along with Ally faction to both Infiltrators and Traitors of Ashengate and Scholars of Solusek. Events in the raid drop Mark of Ashengate which will give credit for both Stitch and Sothgar, however there are no faction hits.