Plane of Justice


Trial of Execution
  • Size: 6
  • Respawn: 30 minutes
  • Trigger: I am ready to begin the trial of execution

During the trial you will face four waves of mobs. The fungal fiend models can be mezzed while the rock pile models can be snared/rooted. While defeating these waves Prime Executioner Vathoch will walk to the prisoner. If the Executioner reaches them, you fail the trial. Each time you kill a mob the Executioner resets and starts his walk over so it is important to focus your dps on one mob at a time. When you defeat the fourth wave the Executioner will become active and attack you. When killed the Executioner drops 6 Mark of Execution.
Loot: There is no specific loot from winning the trial, however "priest of doom" and "herald of destruction" can spawn during the waves. These are harder versions of the normal mobs and drop loot.
Trial of Flame
  • Size: 6
  • Respawn: 30 minutes
  • Trigger: I am ready to begin the trial of flame

During the trial you will face four waves of mobs that are going to try to reach the pillar in the center of the room. If any reach the pillar they must be killed very quickly or you fail the trial. The elemental models can be mezzed while the imp models can be snared/rooted. While dealing with the mobs three AEs will cycle, one being cast every 30 seconds or so. Once four waves of four mobs are defeated the Punisher of Flame will spawn. When killed it drops 6 Mark of Flame.
Loot: There is no specific loot from winning the trial, however "a burning nemesis" and "a fiery aggressor" can spawn during the waves. These are harder versions of the normal mobs and drop loot.
Trial of Hanging
  • Size: 6
  • Respawn: 30 minutes
  • Trigger: I am ready to begin the trial of hanging

During the trial you will face four waves of mobs. At first you will get two mobs and a spirit of suffocation. The spirit Must be killed quickly or one of the prisoners will die and you will fail the trial. When the spirit dies a second spirit will spawn. When the second is killed then kill the two other mobs to complete the wave. Of the non-spirit mobs the elementals can be mezzed while the razorbeasts can be snared/rooted. Repeat for four waves. When the second spirit of the fourth wave dies Gallows Master Teion spawns and attacks, regardless of how many other mobs are still rooted or mezzed. When killed he drops 6 Mark of Suffocation.
Loot: There is no specific loot from winning the trial, however "a smothering nemesis" and "phantom of asphyxiation" can spawn during the waves. These are harder versions of the normal mobs and drop loot.
Trial of Lashing
  • Size: 6
  • Respawn: 30 minutes
  • Trigger: I am ready to begin the trial of lashing

During the trial you will face four waves of mobs. Each wave begins with four standard mobs which should all be mezzable and shortly after a 'scourge' appears, an untargetable creature. When the scourge appeaars 3 "flickering spirits" also spawn on the upper floor. Kill off the spirits (low health and rooted) and the scourge despawns. Clean up the standard mobs before the next wave starts. When the fourth scourge is despawned Lashman Azakal spawns, regardless of how many standard mobs are still rooted or mezzed. When killed he drops 6 Mark of Lashing.
Loot: There is no specific loot from winning the trial, however "a harrowing lasher" and "a stinging nemesis" can spawn during the waves. These are harder versions of the normal mobs and drop loot.
Trial of Stoning
  • Size: 6
  • Respawn: 30 minutes
  • Trigger: I am ready to begin the trial of stoning

During the trial you will face four waves of standard mobs. The specter models can be mezzed while the stone models can be snared/rooted. At the same time them two untargetable archers will be shooting at the prisoners. You will need to put yourself between the archers and the prisoners and take damage from their arrows or they will kill a prisoner and you fail the trial. If you kill off all four mobs before the next wave starts the archers will despawn as well giving you a short break. After the fourth wave Yurae Zhaleem will spawn and attack. When killed he drops 6 Mark of Stone.
Loot: There is no specific loot from winning the trial, however "nemesis of stone" and "a ruthless grinder" can spawn during the waves. These are harder versions of the normal mobs and drop loot.
Trial of Torture
  • Size: 6
  • Respawn: 30 minutes
  • Trigger: I am ready to begin the trial of torture

During the trial you will face four waves of mobs. During each wave four standard mobs will attack, the shade models can be mezzed while the razorfiend models can be snared/rooted. If the four are killed before the next wave starts a Wraith of Agony will spawn somewhere in the trial. While it is alive the prisoners will take damage and if they die you fail the trial, but when you kill the wraith you get an AE heal. Once the fourth wave is finished Punisher Veshtaq spawns. When killed he drops drops 6 Mark of Torture.
Loot: There is no specific loot from winning the trial, however "an accursed tormentor" and "nemesis of despair" can spawn during the waves. These are harder versions of the normal mobs and drop loot.
Seventh Hammer
  • Size: 54
  • Respawn: 3 days

If you have completed all 6 of the above trials you can speak with any Tribunal (keyword: I seek knowledge) and they will give you a The Mark of Justice. With the Mark on cursor click the blue portal to zone your raid into the area with the Seventh Hammer. When killed it drops a half dozen spell scrolls and two of the following: