- One-Handed
- Two-Handed
- Shield
- Bow
- Primary / Secondary Augments
- Type 7/8 Augments
- 5 AC, 90 hp/mana, 2 hInt/hWis - Shadowed Stone of Hidden Flame from Sverag mini-Boss
- 5 AC, 110 hp/mana, 3 hAgi/hDex - Vertekin's Blessing of Combat from Vertekin the Soothsayer
- 15 AC, 105 hp, 115 mana, 1 hSta, 4 hStr/hAgi- Roughcut Ragestone from Sullon Zek, Mistress of Rage
- 15 AC, 115 hp, 105 mana, 1 hSta, 4 hStr/hAgi - Smoldered Gem of Battle from Suchun, the Blood Warden
- 15 AC, 200 hp, 180 mana - Glass Orb of Consonance from The Mad Choir
- 15 AC, 180 hp, 200 mana - Bell Chime of Dissonance from The Mad Choir
- 105 hp, 115 mana, 4 hInt/hWis - Prismatic Crystal Fragment from Daosheen the First Born
- 110 hp/mana, 3 hSta - Denon's Failed Inspiration from Maestro Tan`lor
- 110 hp/mana, 4 hAgi - Insidious Corruption from Anastasia the Thought Drinker
- 110 hp/mana, 3 hInt/hWis - Gnarlibramble's Heart from Gnarlibramble
- 110 hp/mana, 3 hInt/hWis - Crazed Stone of Shielding from Mad Mary-Anne
- 110 hp/mana, 4 hDex - Valik's Stone of Accuracy from Valik the Cruel
- 110 hp/mana, 3 hDex - Stone of Vampiric Shadows from Vasella Fireblood
- 115 hp, 105 mana, 4 hDex - Badge of the Skylance Guard from Daosheen the First Born
- 150 hp, 175 mana - Blood-Fueled Ragestone from Ghost and Snowtail
- 165 hp, 190 mana - Coalesced Drop of Focused Thought from Sverag Main-Boss
- 175 hp, 150 mana - Blood-Fueled Ragestone from Ghost and Snowtail
- 175 hp/mana - Bauble of the Priesthood from Corruption of Ro
- 190 hp, 165 mana - Agate of Transfusion from Porthio
- Other
- Chest
- Legs
- Head
- Arms
- Feet
- Hands
- Wrist
- Ear
- Face
- Neck
- Shoulder
- Back
- Finger
- Waist
- Range
- Charm