Theme: Kunark


The Kunark theme is Tier 3 for the expansion with four zones: Field of Scale (where you enter from the void), Kaesora Library, Hatchery, and Kurn's Tower (all three entered from Field of Scale). There are two illusion items you can quest for, one from Phara Dar (The Grand Illusion), the other the theme collection reward, both of which have a positive faction buff while illusioned making you non-kos to nearly everything in the theme making them invaluable for moving about.

The major faction for the Kunark theme is Tynoc, Herald of the Scale. He can be found in Field of Scale. Every quest in the theme will raise this faction, as well as just about every non-animal trash mob.


Warmly Ally


In this theme the discordlings have been attempting to support the iksar to drive out the dragons, the idea being that worshipers of Cazic would lead to a more chaotic world than one controlled by the creatures of Veeshan. To restore the timeline we need to aid the dragons against the iksar scum, and this comes from doing five group missions for Jaled Dar:

Jaled Dar is not a very trusting dragon, before he will send you on these missions you need to do a bunch of tasks the other dragons offer. How many and which are required is not well understood. Your best bet is to just keep doing various tasks until Jaled responds. If one person has done them they can request the mission for an entire group and ONLY the group missions are required to complete the timeline.


Partisan of Field of Scale

Grand Illusion of Field of Scale Hero of Kaesora Hero of Kurn's Tower

Field of Scale

an ancient bonegrinder
Drops - Brass Facade, Bonegrinder's Bauble, Golden Facade
Battleguard Gauntas
Drops - Drakeskin Buckler, Drakesteel Cape, Dragonskin Buckler, Dragonsteel Cloak
Blackblade Lorkis
Drops - Blackblade Epaulet, Aquadescent Stud, Blackblade Officer Epaulet, Aquadescent Earring
Darkcoil the Constrictor
Drops - Veil of Coiling Darkness, Rod of Dark Rituals, Veil of Coiling Shadow
Festersting the Diminutive
Drops - Hooded Eye, Monstrous Mace, Unblinking Eye
Drops - Moonharvest Hoop, Tattered Darktide Cape, Midnight Harvest Hoop, Darktide Cape
Jracsza the Feral
Drops - Collar of the Tamed, Feral Eye, Feral Lord's Collar
Naskado the Demented
Drops - Sarnak Claw Pendant, Howling Hatchet, Spectral Sarnak Claw Pendant
Oracle Vro`Zok
Drops - Drakesteel Buckler, Drakebone Fan, Dragonsteel Shield, Dragonbone Fan
Slact the Frozen Hand
Drops - Wartine, Tiny Tomes of Wisdom, Warspike, Tiny Tomes of Understanding

Kaesrora Library

Aquadominus Selestian
Drops - Soulmason Crook, Soulcleave, Vide Infra
Assistant Librarian Krekn
Drops - Shawl of Silent Servitude, Ebonlight, Ebonweave Drape
Chief Groundskeeper Dralnit
Drops - Ring of the Keeper, Featherbent Faceguard, Kaesora Ring of Service, Whispering Guise
Corrupted Sentinel
Drops - Golemstone Fragment, Sentinel's Pennant, Corrupted Golemstone Fragment, Corrupted Sentinel's Pennant
Grellik, Master of Torments
Drops - Girdle of Pain, Drop of Dread, Girth of Torment
Hesila, Preceptor of Kaesora
Drops - Inscribed Belt, Prescient Petrous Eye, Knowledge of the Mistress
Library Director Eslisar
Drops - Drape of Enlightenment, Timeworn Bone Shard, Drape of Lost Knowledge
Skeleton Keymaster
Drops - Living Bone Torque, Crimson Bone Band, Collar of Unending, Circlet of the Oathborne
Sorakan the Mighty
Drops - Shard of Everliving Clay, Fearspine, Element of One
Teacher's Pet
Drops - Bloody Sepulcher Trinket, Darkfall, Talisman of Sycophance
Thisla, Twinskull Matron
Drops - Split-Alloy Signet, Twisted Double Band, Split-Ring of the Twins, Earring of Two Minds

Kaesora Hatchery

Blademaster Kraszen
Drops - Broad Band of of the Undaunted, Kraszen's Azure Eye, Broad Band of the Blademaster
Eazack the Cruel
Drops - Ring of the Savage Skull, Imperial Shell, Ring of Eazack the Cruel
Grandmaster Merxs
Drops - Burning Crescent, Soulscourge, Crescent of Flames
Imperial Enforcer
Drops - Sunforged Cape, Clayforger, Sunscale Cape
Lich Guardian Ssicroz
Drops - Gem of the Darkheart, Marrowscribe, Tear of the Darkheart
Numbing Construct
Drops - Golemstone Mask, Golemstone Ring, Numbing Golemstone Mask, Numbing Golemstone Ring
Toriss the Protector
Drops - Protector's Chain Ring, Protector's Spiked Charm, Toriss' Chain Ring, Toriss' Spiked Charm,

Kurn's Tower

Drops - Chokidai Collar, Chokidai Spinestrip Belt, Biting Collar, Biting Spinestrip Belt
Drops - Dread Knight's Choker, Consersa's Reaver, Consersa's Choker
Drops - Ironfist Master's Scavenged Bauble, Master Cosensal's Smasher, Master Cosensal's Scavenged Bauble
Drops - Hollow Knuckle Joint, Golemstone Shard, Estar's Knuckle Joint
Drops - Tower Guardian's Scavenged Bauble, Tower Guardian's Shield, Isinente's Scavenged Bauble, Isinente's Shield
Lieutenant Tenante
Drops - Dread Knight's Eyeguard, Dread Knight's Charm, Tenante's Eyeguard, Tenante's Comfort
Drops - Ornate Scrollwork Ring, Prophet's Runesteel Sash, Louko's Commitment Ring, Louko's Ceremonial Runesteel Sash
Drops - Chokidai Tail Wrap, Chokidai Back Plate, Mordid's Tail, Mordid's Back Plate
Drops - Warlock's Worn Cape, Cazic Consecrated Bow, Warlock's Tainted Cape
Protector Hilith
Drops - Protector's Scaled Earring, Protector's Scaled Mantle, Hilith's Scaled Earring, Hilith's Scaled Mantle
Researcher Neskuisa
Drops - Researched Protector's Stud, Neskuisa's Augmentation, Neskuisa's Protector's Stud