Theme: Oceangreen


The Oceangreen theme is Tier 1 of the expansion with 4 zones: Oceangreen Hills (where you enter from the Void), Oceangreen Village (south of Hills), Temple of Bertoxxulous (the spire in Village), and Blackburrow (you can't zone into Blackburrow without a task active). The major faction for the Oceangreen theme is "Cirtan, Bayle`s Herald". He can be found in the fort to the northeast of the Oceangreen Hills zone. Every quest in the theme will raise this faction. You can also get individual positive faction hits from killing inside Temple of Bertoxxulous, gnolls in Oceangreen Hills, and inside Blackburrow.


Warmly Ally


To fix the timeline in Oceangreen you need to defend the Oceangreen Village from the threat of the Bertoxxians. To do so you first need to gain noteriety in the Keep, start with Sergeant Bronal Cadran found out at the guard tower near the path leading to the Karanas:

Once you have aided the sergeant Captain Hiran Tillin will speak with you. You can find him in the Keep proper, up two ramps and to the left. He'll send you to get familliar with the village: You then need to gather a group and knock out two group missions: There is one final mission to complete: All you need is credit for the mission so you are set if someone requests it for you, but to request it yourself you'll need a few more steps: After defeating the mission Raxtor says he can attempt to reclaim Blackburrow which restores the timeline and completes the Oceangreen theme's progression.


Mercenary of Oceangreen Hills

Partisan of Oceangreen Hills

Hero of Oceangreen Hills

Partisan of Oceangreen Village

Hero of Blackburrow

Hero of Temple of Bertoxxulous

Oceangreen Hills Rares

Blackburrow Nightstalker
Drops - Archaic Plate Bracer, Glimmerlight Amice, Glimmerlight Drape
Blackburrow Outcast
Drops - Battered Militia Crest, Staff of the Long Walk, Bulwark of the Protectorate
Brown Bear Denmother
Drops - Archaic Chain Wristguard, Petrified Grizzly Eye, Mother's Watchful Eye
Gray Wolf Stalker
Drops - Archaic Chain Gauntlets, Hardened Wolfhide Epaulettes, Spaulders of Resolution
Guardian of the Glade
Drops - Archaic Leather Gloves, Shimmering Sunstone, Shimmerstar
Drops - Archaic Leather Wristguard, Fireborne Carapace, Shield of Dancing Flame
Putrescent Bonelord
Drops - Squalid Fetish, Marrowfall, Undeath Figurine
Drops - Archaic Cloth Gloves, Serpentine Spaulders, Slitherskin Shoulderguards
Drops - Archaic Plate Gauntlets, Band of Luminescence, Circlet of Living Light
Wandering Soul
Drops - Sliver of Life, Rendsoul, Seal of Life
Drops - Archaic Cloth Wristband, Wrathborn Spaulders, Pauldrons of Wrath

Oceangreen Village

a bentwing plaguefly
Spawns in the mission Stop the Contamination.
Drops - Fetid Sash, Tsetsian Leg, Foulblood Sash, Bentwing
a gravid fire beetle
Drops - Archaic Plate Boots, Redshell Mask, Mask of the Red Mother
a stenchflesh golem
Spawns in the mission A Dread Challenger.
Drops - Mottled Stenchcloak, Stenchcloak, Dried Stenchmoss, Stenchmoss
Drops - Choker of Fangs, Blightfang, Blightfang Choker
Jelvalak the Tomblord
Drops - Archaic Plate Helm, Living Bone Gorget, Jelvalak's Gorget
Drops - Archaic Leather Cowl, Mask of Dark Intent, Face of the Malign
Master Putremancer Fellid
Drops - Archaic Cloth Sandals, Guise of the Blighted, Masquerade
Megrima the Plaguecaller
Drops - Veil of Plagues, Pestilence, Veil of the Plaguecaller
The Blight Wisp
Drops - Archaic Chain Boots, Glint, Gleam
The Claybeast
Drops - Archaic Leather Boots, Lump of Resounding Clay, Resounding Heart
The Crimson Bat
Drops - Archaic Cloth Cap, Batfang Earring, Crimson Batfang
Twisted Limb
Drops - Twisted Leaf Earring, Bentback Bow, Living Leaf Earring
Drops - Archaic Chain Coif, Hardslime Bauble, Vileplume Bauble


Spawns in the mission Freedom!.
Drops - Gnoll's Honor Medal, Battered Gnoll Shield, Axeweaver's Medal of Distinction, Axeweaver's Large Shield
Blackburrow Nightstalker
Spawns in the mission Beat the Blackburrow Boss.
Drops - Gnollface Mask, Crudely Etched Ring, Nightstalker's Mask, Nightstalker's Clandestine Ring,
Bloodreaper Veschtar
Drops - Ring of the Reaper, Bloodreaper, Veschtar's Ring of Reaping,
Brewmaster Drachty
Drops - Archaic Cloth Robe, Barrelbreaker
Fleshsmith Raxtonar
Drops - Archaic Plate Greaves, Band of Binding, Band of Lo'Eszch
Garght the Angry
Drops - Archaic Cloth Pants, Deadclaw
High Commander Xantheos
Drops - Girdle of Command, Longfang, Xantheos' Girdle of Honor
High Shaman Lo`Eszch
Drops - Archaic Plate Breastplate, Snakefang Belt, Fangflesh Belt
Larq the Butcher
Drops - Archaic Leather Leggings, Warband, Butcher's Band
Mundunugu Rawl
Spawns in the mission Beat the Blackburrow Boss.
Drops - Earring of the Mundunugu, Shawl of Warwishes, Mundunugu Rawl's Earring, Shawl of Dreadwishes
Slavemaster Raouk
Drops - Archaic Leather Tunic, Thrallbond Belt, Thrallmaster Belt
Snake Handler Graxos
Drops - Archaic Chain Leggings, Snakehandler Signet, Signet of Snakemaster Graxos
Vileak the Fang
Drops - Archaic Chain Coat, Snakeskin Belt, Fangskin Belt

Temple of Bertoxxulous

High Priest of Bertoxxulous
Drops - Archaic Chain Sleeves, Shield of Malaise, Escutcheon of the Plague Lord
Inquisitor Dalin
Drops - Inquisitor's Cape, Bertoxxulous' Crook, Dalin's Cape
Malarian Mother
Drops - Archaic Plate Vambraces, Swarm Shield, Web of Flies
Putrid Assassin
Spawns in the mission Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die.
Drops - Tarnished Skullhead Ring, Tarnished Dagger, Card of Assassins, Putrid Bertoxxulous Etched Ring, Putrid Knight, Card of Death
Putrid Spirit
Spawns in the mission A Corrupted Arch Priest.
Drops - Tarnished Skullhead Earring, Tarnished Skullhead Box, Putrid Bertoxxulous Etched Earring, Putrid Bertoxxulous Etched Box
Steward of Bertoxxulous
Drops - Cloak of Rusted Iron, Arc of Pain, Cloak of the Steward
Swarm Mistress
Drops - Putrid Antenna, Putrid Chitin Shard, Swarm Mistress Antenna, Swarm Mistress Chitin Shard
The Doctor
Drops - Blessed Amice of Affliction, Healing Hammer, Vestment of Virility
Tsetsian Plaguelord
Drops - Archaic Leather Armwraps, Flyscale Cloak, Tsetsian Scalecloak
Zealot of Bertoxxulous
Drops - Archaic Cloth Sleeves, Zealot's Cleaver