Theme: Invasion of Rathe


The Rathe theme is Tier 4 of the expansion with three sequential zones: Toskirakk (where you zone in from the void), Koracian Warrens, and then Rathe Council Chambers.

The major faction for the Rathe theme is Mitius, Herald of Change, found in Toskirakk. Every quest in the theme will raise this faction, as well as most of the mobs.


Warmly Ally


The invasion of Rathe by the forces of Rallos was meant to fail, but the discordians have been trying to aid the war god's plans. After all, what is more chaotic than a war that encompasses everything? So it is up to us to level the playing field and halt the Rallosian's progress. To do this we start with aiding the prisoners. Talk with Sterik Gristmaker and complete his task Retinue of the Frog-God. Next chat with Nedsin Tabbels and do 3 tasks in his arc:

With these complete Ylatra the Vassal will speak with you and give two tasks that take you into the Rallosian force up near the Rathe Council Chamber: The entire arc ends with a group mission from Ylatra, Murdunk's Last Stand, where you set an ambush and kill off 35 reinforcements. With the reinforcements cut off, the balance swings back to the denizens of Rathe and the timeline is restored completing the theme.


Mercenary of Toskirakk

Partisan of Toskirakk Partisan of Korascian Warrens Partisan of Darkhammer Dwarves Hero of Toskirakk Hero of Korascian Warrens

Toskirakk Rares

Drops - Rallosian Mystic's Beads, Rallosian Mystic's Charm, Borskar's Beads, Borskar's Charm
Brusk of Oggok
Drops - Ring of Reconstitution, Spontoon of the Grey Watch, Brusk's Champion Ring
Captain Tregenek
Drops - Metallic Snake Device, Platinum Earcowl, Golden Snake Device, Quickened Platinum Earcowl
Drops - Jeweled Earguard, Planar Slaughterbow, Jeweled Rallosian Earguard
Graknar the Bull
Drops - Large War Boar Nose Ring, Small War Boar Nose Ring, Ring of the Bull, Graknar's Tiny Nose Ring
Drops - Andak's Staff, Camail of the Blackened Heart, Andak's Dire Staff, Camail of the Ebon Heart
Kuris the Garbage Eater
Drops - Nakk's Bauble, Dakkilon Faceplate, Nakk's Enduring Bauble, Bikk's Faceplate
Sturk the Insane Froglok Slave
Drops - Froglok Master Batterguards, Froglok Ventrifice of Healing, Sturk's Master Batterguards, Sturk's Ventrifice of Healing
Tonkk the Axestopper
Drops - Toskirakk Signet of the Guard, Shrunken Elf Head, Signet of Guard Tregenek, Doalith's Shrunken Head
Treblor the Slasher
Drops - Rallosian Warmask, Rallosian Warbelt, Mask of the Slasher, Girdle of the Slasher
Ulgren Vith
Drops - Band of Unity, Tardunk's Poniard, Band of Humility
Vessa the Oracle
Drops - Aethercast Shield of Redemption, Oracle's Barb, Aethercast Shield of Greater Redemption, Vessa's Dire Barb
Vruten the Intendant
Drops - Kite Shield of Arcane Spellshock, Highmaul of Anguish, Kite Shield of Arcane Spellthrust

Korascian Warrens Rares

Drops - Diaku Pinticle of Luck, Slaver's Falchion, Diaku Pinticle of Enchantment
Crystalline Auridont
Drops - Nethercape, Scimitar of the Earthmarch, Nethercape of the Planes
Crystalline Pyrodont
Drops - Pyroclast of the Crystal Core, Dakkilon Pridemantle, Zenium Pyroclast of the Crystal Core, Murdunk's Pridemantle
Crystalline Sorcidont
Drops - Earthen Chain, Marauder Bloodmantle, Chain of Earthen Flux, Diaku Marauder Bloodmantle
Crystalline Thaumadont
Drops - Everguard Spaulders, Kaigrun's Maul of Malice, Crimson Spaulders of Ortokk
Drops - Pendant of Chromatic Crystal, Tempered Crystal Knuckles, Pendant of Di-Chromatic Crystal
Felsa Kabbek
Drops - Ohlgate Ring of Mastery, Shadowpike of Toskirakk, Ohlgate Ring of Greater Mastery
Drops - Fractured Crystalcloth Amice, Crystalline Spiked Shield, Crystalcloth Amice, Spiked Shield of the Recormont
General Grusix
Drops - General's Cape, Rallosian Imperial Shield, Warborn Cloak, Warborn Shield
Gradd the Mutineer
Drops - Assassin's Earpiece, Orcish Gutcord, Butcher's Earpiece, Giantish Gutcord
Mauk Peskysnout
Drops - Dakkilon Endomoplates, Thane Ring, Murdunk's Endomoplates, Hagorn's Mithril Doomcaller
Perd Kraknakk
Drops - Dakkilon Middleguard, Rallosian Infantry Bauble, Murdunk's Middleguard, Diaku Infantry Bauble
Provost Vokk Raskk
Drops - Chromatic Sheet, Corrigible Chain of Dogmatic Embrace, Chromatic Visage, Chain of Dogmatic Embrace
Reuk the Portal Tender
Drops - Astral Potentium, Slaver's Lanyard, Charged Astral Potentium, Ganekk's Lanyard
Shem Saldon
Drops - Earthen Gird, Aversive Crystal Spaulders, Gird of Earthen Flux, Shem's Spaulders
Slaukk the Messcook
Drops - Slaukk's Mess Apron, Signet of the Vokk, Slaukk's Best Mess Apron, Signet Ring of Vokk Raskk
Drops - Glyphed Mask of Renewal, Shockpiercer, Glyphed Mask of Potent Renewal,

Rathe Council Chambers Rares

Drops - Spiral Earpin, Morbid Brainfruit, Earpin of Glith, Living Brainfruit
Glutch the Heap
Drops - Rathebark, Overmace of Righteous Rathe, Partlet of Rathebark
The Rathe Librarian
Drops - Diabolic Chime, Brass Pintleband, Sinister Diabolic Chime, Elegant Bronze Pintleband
Yoz`an the Ritualist
Drops - Korascian Nervegland, Punctual Earthsaber, Shimmering Korascian Nervegland